(at around 14 mins) When Varna approaches to the rope over the canyon, there are two meshes. She clutches one mesh and slides down the rope. When her pursuers get to the rope, there are three or four meshes.
(at around 36 mins) When Red Sonja and Falkon fight the bandits that captured Prince Tarn, Falkon hits a downed bandit with his bone club, and part of the club breaks off upon impact. When he appears on screen again a moment later, the club is undamaged.
(at around 41 mins) Red Sonja, Falkon, and Tarn ride towards the edge of a ravine with a river of lava at the bottom. The shot is along the length of the ravine, with the lava flowing towards the camera. After some dialogue, it cuts to a reverse shot of the ravine, which again has the lava flowing towards the camera. One of the two shots should have the lava flowing away from the camera.
When Varna runs from the temple and is chased by men of Queen Gedren, some of them have crossbows and use them to fire at her (others have swords) - but when Arnie quickly arrives to assist her (with a sword himself), the men then use only swords against him (none have crossbows anymore to just shoot him from distance).
(at around 4 mins) The credits say that the movie is based on characters created by Robert E. Howard (who died in 1936), who created the basic Hyborian setting, as well as the character Conan (who appears here under the name Kalidor), but omit mention of writer Roy Thomas and illustrator Barry Windsor-Smith who created the title character Red Sonja in 1973.
(at around 1h 21 mins) When Falkon is pulling Red Sonja under the gate from the room with the talisman, he loses balance and pushes down on the gate Kalidor is trying to hold up.
While this is true, the gate was pushed down only a small amount, and Red Sonja's torso was completely through at that point. When Falkon pushed the gate downward, it was only a few inches, and only Sonja's legs were being dragged from beneath the gate.
While this is true, the gate was pushed down only a small amount, and Red Sonja's torso was completely through at that point. When Falkon pushed the gate downward, it was only a few inches, and only Sonja's legs were being dragged from beneath the gate.
(at around 1h 6 mins) When Red Sonja and her companions are climbing a sheer wall to enter Queen Gedren's castle, her hair and clothing items are hanging "into" the wall, revealing that the actors are, in fact, crawling across the floor.
(at around 7 mins) A temple guard drags one of Gedren's soldiers off of his horse and makes him fall onto a stone plinth. The plinth gets squashed by the impact, revealing it to be made out of a soft material.
In several shots throughout the movie, there is a noticeable seam line on the head of Falkon's bone club.
(at around 15 mins) A shot of the Swordmaster reveals the great statue that sits astride the entrance to the arena to be a partial set. The shadow of the statue's legs, visible on the grassy slope, is cut off under the knee, with she shadow of what appears to be scaffolding visible as well.
When Sonja is practicing sword fighting with Prince Tarn, the arms seen holding her sword in close up are clearly not Brigitte Nielsen's, when holding the sword in a wide shot her actual arms are much slimmer.
Although set in primitive times some 5,000 years ago, the women have shaved legs and armpits.
(at around 1h) When Kalidor lifts Prince Tarn into the air with one arm, the wire attached to Tarn's back is visible.
When Sonja and Kalidor are fighting, the Prince comes and jumps on Kalidor's back. When Kalidor reaches back to lift him off his back, the wires holding the Prince are occasionally visible.
(at around 6 mins) As the High Priestess gets struck by Ikol's throwing star, the horizontal guiding wire for the projectile is visible.
Although both settings are many miles apart and should, therefore, look very different from one another, the landscape behind Kalidor on the plain of stone animals (at around 21 mins) is the same as the landscape behind Sonja, Falkon, and Tarn on the edge of Birkabeyn (at around 41 mins).
When the female prisoners are thrown down the dark narrow pit one by one, the way that their screams echo and last gradually into silence it is like they must fall about 9 or 10 storeys or more down - so no chance of surviving even if hitting water (and no splashing is heard anyway). Yet afterwards they are heard calling for help from bottom of the pit.
(at around 56 mins) When in the cavern with the killing machine, Kalidor calls Falkon by name even though he has not yet been told it.
(at around 6 mins) After the High Priestess is struck with the throwing star and begins to fall with a loud gasp, only Varna and the priestess directly behind her react in shock. All the other members of the congregation either look down or look on indifferently, seemingly unfazed.
When Varna runs from the temple and is then spotted when some distance away from by some men of Queen Gedren who run after her, none of them think to call to others very nearby who are on horseback (there are at least 2) for them to easier chase after her.