Charles Meshack credited as playing...
- Western Flight Attendant: [21:27] Any carry-on luggage?
- John Matrix: [pointing to Henriques] Just him.
- Henriques: [to Matrix] Open your mouth again and I'll nail it shut.
- Bennett: [19:29] Sully'll make sure you get on the plane, Henriques'll stay with you, make sure you get off. I don't hear from either one of 'em, she's dead.
- John Matrix: How much are they paying you, Bennett?
- Bennett: They offered me a hundred grand. You wanna know something? When I found out I could get my hands on you, I said I'd do it for nothing.
- Henriques: Hey, hold it!
- [Henriques and Sully grabs Matrix]
- John Matrix: I'll be back, Bennett!
- Bennett: John... I'll be ready, John.