It was coincidental at the time of filming, as there were no plans to make a sequel so that level of thinking ahead was not called for. However, it is possible that in the sequel, the look was employed as a way to reference back to the original scene.
Not necessarily. According to Wikipedia it dates backs to 1942. Doc may have thought it was rare but it wasn't impossible.
Calvin Klein. It was on the waistband of his underwear. Yet, back in 1955, Calvin Klein was not as famous abroad as it was in the USA, so the name changed in foreign language-dubbed versions (thus, in the French-dubbed version, Loraine thought Marty's name was "Pierre Cardin").
Back to the Future was filmed at various locations in and around Los Angeles. Where actual locations proved unsuitable, sets were constructed on the Universal Studios backlot in Universal City, California.
Though he served in the Senate at the time, it's unlikely that he was known much outside of Massachusetts or New England. Kennedy's national profile was raised a year later in 1956 when he endorsed Adlai Stevenson II for President at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and published the book which would win him a Pulitzer Prize, "Profiles In Courage". This may be part of the joke, as many of Kennedy's major accomplishments as Senator were just about to happen, unbeknownst to everyone at the time.
Remember that Marty is Lorraine's son. So, Lorraine's mom probably noticed a family resemblance (to a nephew, cousin, uncle, etc.) and commented on it.
Likely carrying a change of clothes or perhaps some school books to blend in as a student of the era. It's also possible it was George's bag and Marty was carrying it for him.
Biff is a classic bully. We don't see much of Biff's home life other than he lives with his Grandma, who in the one line of dialogue we hear from her, is crass and rude. While we can only speculate on his upbringing, it's clear that Biff has little-to-no consequences from his actions. His three friends, Match, 3D and Skinhead are simply enablers who encourage Biff's behaviour. Biff acts on impulse and likely doesn't consider the consequences of his actions. Biff has a crush on Lorraine, but is still a bully to her and tries to force her to go to prom with him. While at prom, a drunken Biff even tries to force himself on Lorraine. Because his mentality is "I don't care what she wants. I want her, so I'll have her.". Also, he points his rage towards Marty, because Marty isn't afraid of him and outwits him quite easily. Biff likely just wanted to inflict pain on Marty, but again, not thinking of consequences, does several things that would have in fact killed Marty if he succeeded. In the first alternate timeline, we see that after George stood up to Biff, he became a much more friendly and passive person. An old belief is that when a bully is finally stood up to and defeated in public, they learn that not everyone out there will cow themselves in their presence. George knocked him out with a single, well-placed punch. We can assume that after that incident that Biff probably began to fear George and also came to respect him more.
He plays 3 distinct guitars in the film:
In the giant amp scene, it's an Erlewine Chiquita, built by luthier Mark Erlewine, who lived in Austin, Texas. Interestingly, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top helped Erlewine design the mini-bodied instrument and appeared with ZZ Top in a cameo in BTTF3.
Marty later plays a black Ibanez Roadstar II at his band's audition.
At the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, he plays a Gibson ES-345TDC, which is an anachronism since the dance occurs about 3 years before the guitar was invented. The year of the guitar itself is often pitched at 1963 which makes it's anachronistic nature even more confusing.
In the giant amp scene, it's an Erlewine Chiquita, built by luthier Mark Erlewine, who lived in Austin, Texas. Interestingly, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top helped Erlewine design the mini-bodied instrument and appeared with ZZ Top in a cameo in BTTF3.
Marty later plays a black Ibanez Roadstar II at his band's audition.
At the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, he plays a Gibson ES-345TDC, which is an anachronism since the dance occurs about 3 years before the guitar was invented. The year of the guitar itself is often pitched at 1963 which makes it's anachronistic nature even more confusing.
Seventeen-year-old high school student Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is accidentally sent back 30 years to 1955 in a plutonium-powered DeLorean time machine made by his inventor friend Dr Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd). Before he can get back to the future, however, Marty must make sure that his teenage parents-to-be, George McFly (Crispin Glover) and Lorraine Baines (Lea Thompson), meet and fall in love or Marty's existence might be snuffed out. Unfortunately, Lorraine seems to have the hots for Marty and doesn't care a hoot about George.
Back to the Future is based on a screenplay written by American filmmakers Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale. It was followed by two sequels: Back to the Future Part II (1989) (1989) and Back to the Future Part III (1990) (1990).
However, a book did follow after the movie came out. "Back to the Future" by George Gipe. Then for Part II and Part III, there were also novels by Craig Shaw Gardner. But no, Back to the Future was not based on a book.
However, a book did follow after the movie came out. "Back to the Future" by George Gipe. Then for Part II and Part III, there were also novels by Craig Shaw Gardner. But no, Back to the Future was not based on a book.
We never find out. In an early draft of the screenplay, Marty got to know Doc when he was 15; he would do odd jobs for him as an assistant, initially as an after-school job, but after some time they became friends: MARTY: Doc Brown's all right - he's just a little hung up on time. A couple of years ago he showed up at my house and hired me to sweep out this garage of his. He pays me 50 bucks a week, gives me free beer...and gives me total access to his record collection - he's got this great old record collection. As per a Mental Floss post by Back to the Future's co-creater Bob Gale: Okay, from the horses mouth (yes, Im the horse er, co-writer, co-creator): We never explained it in the movie. But the history of the characters that Bob Zemeckis and I created is this For years, Marty was told that Doc Brown was dangerous, a crackpot, a lunatic. So, being a red-blooded American teenage boy, age 13 or 14, he decided to find out just why this guy was so dangerous. Marty snuck into Docs lab, and was fascinated by all the cool stuff that was there. when Doc found him there, he was delighted to find that Marty thought he was cool and accepted him for what he was. Both of them were the black sheep in their respective environments. Doc gave Marty a part-time job to help with experiments, tend to the lab, tend to the dog, etc. And thats the origin of their relationship.
No. Einstein doesn't live out that minute: he exits the space-time continuum at 1:20, and re-enters it at 1:21, completely skipping over that minute in time, just like Doc Brown explains. One minute passes for Marty and Doc before they meet Einstein. But for Einstein, the trip is instantaneous. Therefore Einstein is a minute younger than he would have been had he not entered the time machine.
"Out The Window" by Eddie Van Halen. It was featured in the 1984 film The Wild Life (a teen comedy) but did not appear on the official soundtrack. It is available on bootleg editions of the soundtrack and can be heard on Youtube. The song is only about a minute long.
It's one of the few Eddie Van Halen songs that was never released on a Van Halen album.
It's one of the few Eddie Van Halen songs that was never released on a Van Halen album.
The hair dryer was in a suitcase that the 1985 Doc put into the DeLorean trunk at Twin Pines Mall. There was a scene in which the 1955 Doc looks through the contents of that suitcase, picks up the hair dryer and asks "What's this?" "A hair dryer," Marty replies. Doc shakes his head and says, "A hair dryer? Don't they have towels in the future?" The scene was cut from the final film for time.
This is a nod to the late Stanley Kubrick. In 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) (1968), the license plate number of the ship, the Discovery, is CRM-114. In A Clockwork Orange (1971) (1971), the serum to make Alex sick is Serum (pronounced similar to C-R-M) 114. And in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) (1964), there is a decoder device called the CRM-114. All three of these movies were directed by Kubrick.
To recap: When Marty first goes back to 1955 and meets Doc, Doc doesn't believe Marty is from the future. When Marty tells Doc that Ronald Reagan is the president, Doc is astonished. A couple of lines later, he yells, "I suppose Jane Wyman is the first lady!" Jane Wyman was Reagan's wife from 1940-1948, but Reagan had already divorced Wyman and married Nancy Davis in 1952. Some viewers think that the writers may have slipped up (or just did not keep up with news); others think that Doc was being sarcastic, especially since he also asks if comedians Jerry Lewis and Jack Benny are Reagan's Vice President and Treasury Secretary.
By the end of the movie, Marty is just one week older. He left 1985 on October 26th at 0135, and entered 1955 on November 5th at 0600, and then left November 12th at 2204, which totals one week, 16 hours and four minutes. Marty re-enters the timeline 11 minutes earlier at 0124, thus making him one week, 16 hours and 15 minutes older than he was on October 26th, 1985, at 0135 when he left.
Marty's presence in the past affected his mother's, father's, Biff's and Doc's only (also other people's lives but that isn't relevant). When he arrives back to 1985 he discovers that Doc is still alive and was wearing a bullet proof vest. This is because as we find out, Doc read the letter, but the Doc we saw before Marty went back to 1955 really did die.
A similar thing is how Marty's family from the first 1985 seemed almost poor and just another local family and how Marty in 1955 made his father stand up for himself, if this never happened then George most likely would never have become rich and famous. So even though there was no "butterfly effect", there still is a mild one, but it was mild enough not to change the future drastically.
Doc wouldn't "already" know Marty in 1955. In the original history, Doc and Marty met by some unknown series of events, purely by happenstance (Doc perhaps taking an ad out in the paper for a lab assistant/grunt, for example; and Marty happened to answer it). Ultimately, as a result of this incidental meeting and friendship, Marty goes back in time, where he meets Doc ahead of the original sequence of events (ahead of time for Doc at least). Now as time moves forward in the new timeline, Doc knows of Marty and that they'll eventually meet; but he may still not know how. Because Doc's aware of possible repercussions of knowing about your own future, he probably wouldn't have asked Marty how they met, not would he have sought out Marty prematurely; instead patiently waited for events to occur naturally, being pleasantly surprised when it finally did happens (such as Doc taking out an ad, only to find and recognize Marty answering the ad).
Doc wouldn't "already" know Marty in 1955. In the original history, Doc and Marty met by some unknown series of events, purely by happenstance (Doc perhaps taking an ad out in the paper for a lab assistant/grunt, for example; and Marty happened to answer it). Ultimately, as a result of this incidental meeting and friendship, Marty goes back in time, where he meets Doc ahead of the original sequence of events (ahead of time for Doc at least). Now as time moves forward in the new timeline, Doc knows of Marty and that they'll eventually meet; but he may still not know how. Because Doc's aware of possible repercussions of knowing about your own future, he probably wouldn't have asked Marty how they met, not would he have sought out Marty prematurely; instead patiently waited for events to occur naturally, being pleasantly surprised when it finally did happens (such as Doc taking out an ad, only to find and recognize Marty answering the ad).
No. They used peat moss as a substitute in the scene where manure gets dumped on Biff's (Tom Wilson) car.
Hoping to keep the Libyans from shooting Doc Brown, Marty, after seeing that the DeLorean won't turn over, races on foot back to the Mall just in time to see Doc get shot and himself driving off in the DeLorean. In tears, Marty rushes over to help Doc and is surprised when he suddenly sits up unharmed, revealing a bulletproof vest under his clothes. Turns out that Doc taped back together Marty's letter of warning and was prepared for the Libyan attack. After dropping Marty off at home, Doc announces that he's going to take a trip into the future, maybe to about 30 years hence. Marty awakens the next morning thinking that it was all a nightmare and is shocked to see that his family has changed. His house is tastefully decorated, his parents are "cool", his father is a successful published author, and Biff, cowed into a different attitude because George punched him in 1955, is outside waxing the family cars. As Marty opens the garage to see his own Toyota 4x4, his girlfriend Jennifer Parker (Claudia Wells) drops by, and they share a kiss. Suddenly, an explosion is heard, and the DeLeoan comes to a screeching halt in the driveway. Doc gets out and tells Marty to get in the car. While he rummages through a garbage can to fill up the car's Mr Fusion Home Energy Reactor with "fuel", he explains that something has to be done about their kids, requiring they go back to the future. All three pile back into the DeLorean, and Doc backs it out on the street. When Marty warns Doc to back up a bit further so that they can get enough road to reach the speed they need, Doc replies, "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!" The DeLorean begins to hover and flies away with it's signature flux burst.
Doc explains, although the time machine runs on electricity, it needs a nuclear explosion to produce the 1.21 gigawatts needed to generate the electricity, so Doc designed his time machine to include a small nuclear reactor. However, plutonium, being a high radioactive substance, is strictly controlled by government regulations and not available to a regular citizen like Doc. (The 1955 Doc later tells Marty "I'm sure in 1985 plutonium is available at every corner drugstore but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by!", a joke that assumes that 30 years in the future, methods for containing the reactivity of a substance like plutonium had become safer, which certainly wasn't true in 1985 and to the present day!)
Consequently, the Doc made a deal with some Libyan nationalists, who provided him with stolen plutonium to make a bomb, but kept the plutonium and gave them a "shoddy bomb casing filled with used pinball machine parts". Having been cheated (or even sabotaged at inconvenient timing, possibly suffering losses as a result), naturally these Libyans wanted revenge.
In 1985, diplomatic relations between the United States and Libya were highly strained, with Libya's then-president Muammar Gaddafi expressing anti-American sentiment to the world and the U.S.'s then-president Ronald Reagan countering that he wouldn't tolerate threats. Having Doc make an illegal deal with Libyan "nationalists" for the stolen plutonium reflects the time period. In the years after the film, U.S.-Libyan relations would turn violent, with Libya sponsoring a bombing of a West German club which American soldiers frequented. In retaliation, the U.S. bombed the cities of Benghazi and Tripoli in Libya, killing Gaddafi's adopted daughter, among others. The escalating violence climaxed in 1988 when Libyan saboteurs placed a bomb on Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing over 200 people.
Consequently, the Doc made a deal with some Libyan nationalists, who provided him with stolen plutonium to make a bomb, but kept the plutonium and gave them a "shoddy bomb casing filled with used pinball machine parts". Having been cheated (or even sabotaged at inconvenient timing, possibly suffering losses as a result), naturally these Libyans wanted revenge.
In 1985, diplomatic relations between the United States and Libya were highly strained, with Libya's then-president Muammar Gaddafi expressing anti-American sentiment to the world and the U.S.'s then-president Ronald Reagan countering that he wouldn't tolerate threats. Having Doc make an illegal deal with Libyan "nationalists" for the stolen plutonium reflects the time period. In the years after the film, U.S.-Libyan relations would turn violent, with Libya sponsoring a bombing of a West German club which American soldiers frequented. In retaliation, the U.S. bombed the cities of Benghazi and Tripoli in Libya, killing Gaddafi's adopted daughter, among others. The escalating violence climaxed in 1988 when Libyan saboteurs placed a bomb on Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing over 200 people.
Most people agree that the Marty we see going back in time at the end of Part 1 grew up in the new timeline with a wealthy family, and would have had a different personality. As for his memories, there are two schools of thought. One school believes that, due to the ripple effect, time needs to catch up, so Marty's personality would get rewritten and he would get his new memories as well. Eventually he would remember not having been surprised to see the truck, and the timeline might change slightly to reflect his resulting actions. The other school believes that Marty's memories would not change, the reason being that, while time traveling, Marty was outside his timeline and thus not affected by any changes he made, other than physical ones. There's an extension of the self-preservation theory that says the space-time continuum would naturally try to prevent paradoxes like these. It should be noted that Marty in the beginning of the film has a problem with sending the demo to a record company because of low self-confidence, as opposed to the ending of the film where a short scene shows him preparing the letter-just before he meets his siblings Dave and Linda at the breakfast table.
This is expanded on in the second and third movies, where Doc Brown notes that repairing the timeline in the past will morph around Jennifer and Einstein who were left back in the altered 1985. Presumably, something about being inside the time machine will "lock" the passengers to the baseline 1985 version.
A similar theory was shown in Star Trek: First Contact where the Enterprise crew witnessed the earth become all Borg and Dr. Crusher even asked, "why weren't we effected?" and Data explained that they were in a different timeline.
This is expanded on in the second and third movies, where Doc Brown notes that repairing the timeline in the past will morph around Jennifer and Einstein who were left back in the altered 1985. Presumably, something about being inside the time machine will "lock" the passengers to the baseline 1985 version.
A similar theory was shown in Star Trek: First Contact where the Enterprise crew witnessed the earth become all Borg and Dr. Crusher even asked, "why weren't we effected?" and Data explained that they were in a different timeline.
BTTF2 suggests the answer is: No. At the end of BTTF1, when Marty re-enters in 1985, we can see his "younger" self departing: the so-called "Lone Pine Marty", raised by the new versions of his parents. Thus, his memories and experiences are very different from the Twin Pines Marty's. We must assume, in 1955 Lone Pine Marty "replaced" Twin Pines Marty and did much as his former self did in that year; thus, the "Marty operating in 1955" in BTTF2 is indeed Lone Pine Marty. Finally, we must assume, maybe moments before the very end of BTTF1, Twin Pines Marty was replaced by Lone Pine Marty. Because Twin Pines Marty is the protagonist of all three films, we never see any ramifications of the change; but they are presumably few.
There is absolutely no reason why they would. George and Lorraine knew Marty for 1 week, 30 years ago, it's perfectly logical that they wouldn't connect the dots. Not to mention that they didn't have any photographs of him. It's not like they are going to wake up one day and go "honey, you know our son who we have watched grow up ever since he was born, looks a lot like that guy we knew 30 years ago, do you think our son may be a time traveler?" People have moaned and complained for years that this is some kind of "plot hole" when it isn't at all. George and Lorraine didn't know Marty was Calvin and there's no reason why they would have.
Lorraine said that she liked the name Marty, but that doesn't automatically mean that she intended to name any of her children that. Dave McFly could have been named after someone else, like George's dad (who we never see or hear the name of) or some other relative not mentioned in the films, which is typical of Irish families. Maybe they just liked the name David more. It's also possible that they completely forgot about considering the name Marty until Marty was born. Similarly, it appears they never considered the name "Calvin" for either of their sons.
ACCURATE ANSWER: Because she met "Marty McFly" in 1955 and liked him and named her son after... her time-traveling son (him) whom she doesn't know was her son! That's it.
YES! Source: I watched it back then in the theaters.
No. Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale initially did not intend to do a sequel, and the ending where Doc whisks Marty and Jennifer off to the future was meant as a joke. They have stated in interviews that if they'd really had plans for a sequel, they would have left Jennifer out of the final scene, since the character would only slow things down (which is why Jennifer is so quickly "discarded" in the beginning of Part II). However, when the original proved very successful and the studio announced that they were going to make a sequel anyway, Zemeckis and Gale preferred to be involved on their own terms. "To Be Continued" was added to the video version before Part II came out. That was the first inkling most people had that there would be a sequel. This unexpected addition resulted in a great deal of speculation which, of course, turned out to be true. It appears in the DVD (reportedly in the collection pack from Region 2 only), complementing the ending title card "To Be Concluded" on Back To The Future Part II.
This is called the grandfather paradox, and there are several literary solutions to it.
(1) The Echo Theory (official solution from the Back to the Future writers): When Marty erases himself from existence, he creates a world where he was never born. His entire existence comes into being on the 5th of November 1955, when he arrived in the past. When the erasure is complete, this is not really Marty, but just an echo of him, whose sole function is to erase him from existence. So the timelines go: Timeline A: Marty is born, 1985; Marty goes back in time, 1985. Timeline B (final timeline): Marty arrives out of nowhere in 1955 and erases himself from existence. He vanishes.
(2) Alternate Universes: (Note: The Back to the Future writers say that there are no alternate universes involved in the trilogy, but this is just to show a slightly different solution to the paradox, "slight" in the sense that the lack of erasure is the primary distinction.) Marty goes back in time. He makes it such that he was never born. But this does not cause him to fade from existence. The photograph will not show his siblings disappearing. He spends his time in 1955 oblivious of what he has done, but when he goes back to the future, he discovers a world in which he never existed. Marty spends the rest of his life wandering the planet as a stranger whom no one knows, except maybe as an old schoolmate from long ago in 1955.
(3) The Self-Preservation Effect (SPE): Marty goes back in time and erases himself from existence. 1985 comes along, and he is never born. There is no Marty to go back in time and ensure that he is never born. To prevent a paradox and prevent itself from blowing up, the space-time continuum makes sure that Marty is never born through other ways. Maybe George is instantly killed when Sam's car hits him. Maybe Lorraine spontaneously bursts into flames. Maybe a fire starts out at the school dance before they get a chance to fall in love. And so on, at the end of which Marty is never born.
(4) The Universe Blows Up: It's the most convenient of the lot. Happily, the damage would probably be limited to just the nearby galaxies.
(1) The Echo Theory (official solution from the Back to the Future writers): When Marty erases himself from existence, he creates a world where he was never born. His entire existence comes into being on the 5th of November 1955, when he arrived in the past. When the erasure is complete, this is not really Marty, but just an echo of him, whose sole function is to erase him from existence. So the timelines go: Timeline A: Marty is born, 1985; Marty goes back in time, 1985. Timeline B (final timeline): Marty arrives out of nowhere in 1955 and erases himself from existence. He vanishes.
(2) Alternate Universes: (Note: The Back to the Future writers say that there are no alternate universes involved in the trilogy, but this is just to show a slightly different solution to the paradox, "slight" in the sense that the lack of erasure is the primary distinction.) Marty goes back in time. He makes it such that he was never born. But this does not cause him to fade from existence. The photograph will not show his siblings disappearing. He spends his time in 1955 oblivious of what he has done, but when he goes back to the future, he discovers a world in which he never existed. Marty spends the rest of his life wandering the planet as a stranger whom no one knows, except maybe as an old schoolmate from long ago in 1955.
(3) The Self-Preservation Effect (SPE): Marty goes back in time and erases himself from existence. 1985 comes along, and he is never born. There is no Marty to go back in time and ensure that he is never born. To prevent a paradox and prevent itself from blowing up, the space-time continuum makes sure that Marty is never born through other ways. Maybe George is instantly killed when Sam's car hits him. Maybe Lorraine spontaneously bursts into flames. Maybe a fire starts out at the school dance before they get a chance to fall in love. And so on, at the end of which Marty is never born.
(4) The Universe Blows Up: It's the most convenient of the lot. Happily, the damage would probably be limited to just the nearby galaxies.
The itv-Version is missing 60.92 seconds due to 14 cuts. There is additional time difference due to a longer black screen at the beginning of the DVD and marginal cuts before each commercial break in the itv-Version (mostly under 1 second).
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