Lane Smith credited as playing...
Mayor Bates
- Mayor Bates: [in Mayor Bates' office, where he is being questioned by Colonel Bella] Daryl, he wouldn't hurt a fly. I know my son, Colonel. He's not the guerrilla type.
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: According to records, Mayor... your son is a prominent student leader.
- Mayor Bates: Yes, well... he's a leader, but not in a violent or physical way. You see, Daryl... he's more of a politician, like his father.
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: A member of an elite paramilitary organization: "Eagle Scouts."
- Mayor Bates: Yes, but that's not military. If he's alive, he's scared, he's hungry... and he's just as anxious to avoid conflicts as you and me. He's not a troublemaker.
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: Then who is?
- Mayor Bates: It runs in some of the families.
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: [to an aide-de-camp; in Spanish] This community is indeed fortunate to have a shepherd like him.
- Mayor Bates: Well, I just want to see this thing through, Colonel.