Vladek Sheybal credited as playing...
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: [in the now-occupied Calumet, Colorado]
- [in Russian; subtitled]
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: Look, I was always on the side of the insurgents. I have no experience in these matters, but it would seem necessary to win the support of the people. As our opponents used to say in Vietnam: "Win their hearts and minds."
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian] And they lost, Ernesto... Morale is crucial right now. Keep the men in the secured areas. You'll see how they forget about these "Wolverines."
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: [Toni blows up a nearby "Soviet-American Friendship Center."]
- [in Russian]
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: You were saying, Comrade?
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian] Oh, shut up!
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian; subtitled] What I despise most about warfare is the hypocrisy it often breeds. I've heard euphemisms that we are containing the enemy, that our sector of pacification is growing. These are the tactics of the lie. Lies have the stench of death and defeat. You can only win a war by exterminating the enemy.
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian; subtitled] What is a "Wolverine"?
- Colonel Ernesto Bella: [in Russian] A small animal, like a badger, but terribly ferocious. It is also the name of the local sports collective.
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian] They're beasts, Ernesto. You must kill every one of them eventually. It's the same as Afghanistan. They'll never stop.
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian; subtitled] Do you know who we are fighting? We are fighting "Wolverines," small ferocious animals. For them you need a hunter, and you know, I am a hunter.
- General Bratchenko: [in Russian; subtitled] From this moment on there will be no further reprisals against civilians. This was stupid. Impotence. Comrades, if a fox stole your chickens, would you slaughter your pig because he saw the fox? No, you would hunt the fox, find where it lives and destroy it! And how do we do this? Become a fox.