Frank McRae credited as playing...
Mr. Teasdale
- Mr. Teasdale: The Great Huns would always begin with the army spread out in a semi-circle, I would say, about the size of Rhode Island. Then they would ride forward, driving everything before them, beasts, men, even bugs. Now, the ends would kinda close in to form a shrinkin' circle. And everything within that circle panicked to get out. When the Mongols could see each other, they had worked themselves up into a purty good frenzy. Now, when this killing started, it last for days, weeks, even months. And it went on until the young son of the Khan asked his father that the last creature alive - be allowed to go free -
- [sees parachutes landing outside his classroom window]
- Mr. Teasdale: - oh, now, my friend, oh, now,
- History Student #1: Wow, check it out.
- History Student #2: All right.
- History Student #3: Looks pretty cool, though, man.
- Mr. Teasdale: I would say they were *way* off course. This is very unusual.