- Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
- Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, $3.98. You like?
- Daniel: [laughs] No, I meant...
- Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.
- [laughs; then, seriously]
- Miyagi: Daniel-san...
- [taps his head]
- Miyagi: Karate here.
- [taps his heart]
- Miyagi: Karate here.
- [points to his belt]
- Miyagi: Karate never here. Understand?
- Daniel: Hey - you ever get into fights when you were a kid?
- Miyagi: Huh - plenty.
- Daniel: Yeah, but it wasn't like the problem I have, right?
- Miyagi: Why? Fighting fighting. Same same.
- Daniel: Yeah, but you knew karate.
- Miyagi: Someone always know more.
- Daniel: You mean there were times when you were scared to fight?
- Miyagi: Always scare. Miyagi hate fighting.
- Daniel: Yeah, but you like karate.
- Miyagi: So?
- Daniel: So, karate's fighting. You train to fight.
- Miyagi: That what you think?
- Daniel: [pondering] No.
- Miyagi: Then why train?
- Daniel: [thinks] So I won't have to fight.
- Miyagi: [laughs] Miyagi have hope for you.
- [Daniel, Miyagi and Ali are trying to get onto the tournament floor together]
- Official: Hold it!
- Official: [to Ali] Sorry, teachers and students only.
- Daniel: Oh, well, uh... he doesn't speak English and, uh, I can't understand his instructions without her. She's his, uh, translator.
- Miyagi: [says something in Japanese]
- Official: What did he say?
- Ali: He says that, uh, you remind him of an uncle he has back in Tokyo.
- Official: [smiles] I guess it's okay.
- Miyagi: [says something in Japanese]
- Official: What?
- Ali: He says you're very kind.
- Official: Thank you.
- Miyagi: Welcome.
- Miyagi: Now, ready?
- Daniel: Yeah, I guess so.
- Miyagi: [sighs] Daniel-san, must talk.
- [they both kneel]
- Miyagi: Walk on road, hm? Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
- [makes squish gesture]
- Miyagi: get the squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so,"
- [makes squish gesture]
- Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?
- Daniel: Yeah, I understand.
- Miyagi: Now, ready?
- Daniel: Yeah, I'm ready.
- Miyagi: First, wash all car. Then wax. Wax on...
- Daniel: Hey, why do I have to...?
- Miyagi: Ah ah! Remember deal! No questions!
- Daniel: Yeah, but...
- Miyagi: Hai!
- [makes circular gestures with each hand]
- Miyagi: Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important.
- [walks away, still making circular motions with hands]
- Miyagi: Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off.
- Miyagi: [Daniel is practicing karate moves while balancing on a fishing boat as Miyagi fishes] Make block. Left, right. Up, down. Side, side. Breathe in, breathe out. And no scare fish.
- [just before Johnny fights Daniel in the tournament]
- Kreese: Sweep the leg.
- [Johnny stares at him in shock]
- Kreese: Do you have a problem with that?
- Johnny Lawrence: No, Sensei.
- Kreese: No mercy.
- Miyagi: Your friend, all karate student, eh?
- Daniel: Friend? Oh, yeah, those guys.
- Miyagi: Problem: attitude.
- Daniel: No the problem is, I'm getting my ass kicked every other day, that's the problem.
- Miyagi: Hai, because boys have bad attitude. Karate for defense only.
- Daniel: That's not what these guys are taught.
- Miyagi: Hai - can see. No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.
- Daniel: Oh, great, that solves everything for me. I'll just go down to the school and straighten it out with the teacher, no problem.
- Miyagi: Now use head for something other than target.
- Daniel: I can't believe this. I cannot believe this.
- Miyagi: What?
- Daniel: What you just got me into in there.
- Miyagi: Huh?
- Daniel: You said you were going to make things better for me.
- Miyagi: But I did.
- Daniel: How?
- Miyagi: How? Just saved you two months beating.
- Daniel: Oh great now I really have something to look forward to.
- [Daniel is about to have his first match in the tournament]
- Daniel: All right, so what are the rules here?
- Miyagi: Don't know. First time you, first time me.
- Daniel: Well, I figured you knew about this stuff. I figured you went to these before. Oh great, I'm dead. I am dead. You told me you fought a lot.
- Miyagi: For life, not for points.
- Kreese: [at the Cobra Kai dojo] Class, we have visitors. Fall in behind me. Hai!
- [approaches Daniel and Miyagi, then speaks to Miyagi]
- Kreese: I hear you jumped some of my students last night.
- Miyagi: Afraid facts mixed up.
- Kreese: You calling Mr. Lawrence a liar?
- Miyagi: No call no one nothing.
- Kreese: What are you here for, old man?
- Miyagi: Come ask leave boy alone.
- Kreese: What's the matter, the boy can't take care of his own problems?
- Miyagi: One to one problem, yes. FIVE to one problem, too much ask anyone.
- Kreese: Is that what's bothering you? The odds? Well, we can fix that. Feel like matching, Mr. Lawrence?
- Johnny Lawrence: Yes, sensei!
- Miyagi: No more fighting.
- Kreese: This is a karate dojo, not a knitting class. You don't come into my dojo, drop a challenge and leave, old man. Now you get your boy on the mat, or you and I will have a major problem.
- Miyagi: Too much advantage. Your dojo.
- Kreese: Name a place.
- Miyagi: Tournament.
- Kreese: [laughs] You've got real nerve, old man. Real nerve. But I think we can accomodate you. Can't we, Mr. Lawrence?
- Johnny Lawrence: Yes, sensei.
- Kreese: Fall in.
- [Johnny turns and leaves]
- Miyagi: Ask one more small request.
- Kreese: Make it fast.
- Miyagi: Ask leave boy alone to train.
- Kreese: You're a pushy little bastard, ain't ya? But I like that. I like that! All right. No one touches the prima donna until the tournament. Is that understood?
- [class responds with "YES SENSEI!"]
- Kreese: But if you don't show, it's open season on him... and you.
- [they nod at each other]
- Miyagi: [Miyagi returns from fishing as Daniel is painting the house] Oh, miss spot.
- Daniel: What spot? Hey, how come you didn't tell me you were goin' fishing?
- Miyagi: You not here when I go.
- Daniel: Well, maybe I wanted to go, you ever think of that?
- Miyagi: You karate training.
- Daniel: I'm *what*? I'm bein' your goddamn *slave* is what I'm bein' here man, now c'mon we made a deal here!
- Miyagi: So?
- Daniel: So? So, you're supposed to teach and I'm supposed to learn! For 4 days I've been bustin' my ass, and haven't learned a goddamn thing!
- Miyagi: You learn plenty.
- Daniel: I learn plenty, yeah, I learned how to sand your decks maybe. I washed your car, paint your house, paint your fence. I learn plenty!
- Miyagi: Ah, not everything is as seems...
- Daniel: Oh, bullshit! I'm goin' home, man!
- [Daniel turns to walk away]
- Miyagi: Daniel-san! Daniel-san!
- Daniel: What?
- Miyagi: Come here.
- Daniel: What's the matter? The truth hurt?
- Ali Mills: So you really think that's it?
- Daniel: I know it is.
- Ali Mills: Yeah well, you're wrong.
- Daniel: Oh, you bet I'm wrong.
- Ali Mills: You know Daniel, I didn't go out with you because of a car or where you live.
- Daniel: Okay, since we're on the subject, why did you?
- [silence]
- Daniel: Huh? Why did you?
- Ali Mills: I thought maybe you and me we're different.
- Daniel: Oh yeah, I'm from Reseda, you're from the hills, that's how we're different.
- Ali Mills: Oh, shut up.
- Daniel: Admit that you just can't handle the situation the way it is.
- Ali Mills: You know I can handle it fine. But you can't.
- [exits]
- Susan: What makes you so sensitive? She's never been anything but nice to you.
- Daniel: Yeah she even used to me to make what's-his-name jealous.
- Susan: She doesn't even like what's-his-name!
- Daniel: Yeah I couldn't really tell, by the way their faces we're stuck together at that country club.
- Susan: Oh, that's right. You didn't stick around for the um... exciting conclusion.
- Daniel: Oh what was that? His hand on her ass?
- Susan: Her right hook, you think she sprained her wrists doing her nails?
- Daniel: She hit him?
- Susan: An understatement.
- Daniel: I don't get it, why didn't she say something?
- Susan: She shouldn't have to? Should she?
- [walks away]
- Daniel: [throwing his bicycle into a dumpster after being beaten up] This damn bike! I hate this bike. I hate this frickin' bike! Stupid bike.
- Lucille Larusso: Daniel! What's the matter? Why did you throw your bike away?
- Daniel: Because I felt like it.
- Lucille Larusso: Please look at me when I'm talking to you.
- [sees Daniel's bruised face]
- Lucille Larusso: Oh my god!
- Daniel: Mom.
- Lucille Larusso: Can you tell me what's going on and don't tell me about another bike accident?
- Daniel: What do you want to hear mom?
- Lucille Larusso: I want to hear the truth!
- Daniel: No you don't want to hear the truth. All you want to hear about is how great it is. Well it may be great for you but it SUCKS for me! I hate this place! I HATE IT! I just want to go home. Why can't we just go home?
- Lucille Larusso: Listen to me. I cannot help you unless you talk to me
- Daniel: I gotta take karate. That's it.
- Lucille Larusso: You took karate!
- Daniel: No, not at the Y. At a good school.
- Lucille Larusso: But fighting doesn't solve anything Daniel.
- Daniel: Yeah well neither does palm trees mom.
- Lucille Larusso: That's not fair!
- Daniel: Like it was fair coming over here without asking me how I felt about it. Right, that was real fair.
- Lucille Larusso: You're right. I should've asked.
- Daniel: Well I just want to go home. That's it. I don't understand the rules here and I just want to go home.
- Lucille Larusso: Let's clean you up and maybe we can figure the rules out together. What about your bike?
- Daniel: It's safer taking a bus.
- Ring Announcer: [Daniel has just scored the winning point with a kick to Johnny's chin, thus winning the championship... ring announcer prepares to present trophy] THE NEW CHAMPION...
- Johnny Lawrence: [in tears and with a bloodied face taking trophy from ring announcer and presenting it himself to Daniel] You're all right, LaRusso!
- Ring Announcer: ...DANIEL LARUSSO!
- Johnny Lawrence: Good match!
- Daniel: [to Johnny, as Daniel's being carried off the ring by the enthusiastic crowd] Thanks a lot!
- Miyagi: [teaching Daniel to punch, wearing a catcher's mask and pads] Daniel-san. Secret to punch, make the power of whole body fit inside one inch, here.
- [points to Daniel's closed fist]
- Miyagi: Power, whole body, one inch, here. Now, punch. Hard.
- [Daniel punches Miyagi in the chest, weakly]
- Miyagi: What'sa matter, you some kind of girl or something?
- [makes punching gesture]
- Miyagi: Punch! Drive a punch! Not just arm, whole body! Hip, leg, drive a punch! Make "kiai." Kiai! Kiai! Give you power. Now, try punch.
- [Miyagi prompts, Daniel punches Miyagi harder]
- Miyagi, Daniel: Kiai!
- Miyagi: Once more.
- Miyagi, Daniel: [Miyagi prompts again, Daniel punches again, even harder] Kiai!
- Miyagi: Once more.
- Miyagi, Daniel: [prompt, punches again, harder] Kiai!
- Miyagi, Daniel: [prompt, punch again] Kiai!
- Miyagi: Very good, Daniel-san!
- Miyagi, Daniel: [repeated action] Kiai! Kiai!
- Daniel: [starts hopping] Hey, pretty good, huh? Kiai!
- Daniel: [spinning arm, fancy footwork] Hey, look at this, Miyagi. Kiai!
- Miyagi: Matte- mat-matte.
- Daniel: [punching becoming less effective] Kiai! Kiai!
- Miyagi: Wait-wait, Daniel-san.
- Daniel: [mockingly punches Miyagi while continuing to bunny-hop] Kiai! Kiai!
- Miyagi: [trying to get him to stop] Ch-ch-ch-chotto
- Daniel: [dancing around very quickly and still playfully punching Miyagi] Hey, what do you think, Mr. Miyagi, huh?
- Miyagi: [takes Daniel down by hooking his legs with his, then giving him a chop] I tell you what Miyagi think! I think you *dance around* too much! I think you *talk* too much! I think you not concentrate enough! Lots of work to be done! Tournament just around the corner! Come. Stand up! Now, ready. Concentrate. Focus power.
- Miyagi: We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions.
- Lucille Larusso: Look at those palm trees. Damn! You know what that means?
- Daniel: Yeah. Watch out for falling coconuts.
- Miyagi: [Daniel has just gotten his driver's license and Miyagi has given him a car for his birthday] Just remember, license never replace eye, ear, and brain.
- [notices Daniel has suddenly gotten quiet]
- Miyagi: What matter?
- Daniel: I'm just scared. The tournament and everything.
- Miyagi: You remember lesson about balance?
- Daniel: Yeah.
- Miyagi: Lesson not just karate only. Lesson for whole life. Whole life have a balance. Everything be better. Understand?
- Lucille Larusso: [singing] California, here we come. California... oh, what's the matter, Daniel? Don't you like my singing?
- Daniel: I don't like the song, Ma.
- Dutch: [Daniel is dressing into his gi when the Cobra gang walks into the locker room] Well, well, well, if it isn't our little friend Danielle. What's the matter? Your mommy isn't here to dress you?
- [Daniel ignores him]
- Dutch: Hey, I'm talking to you punk!
- [Dutch shoves Daniel and Daniel puts his guard up]
- Dutch: Come on, make a move! Come on! Right now!
- Referee: [coming in] Hey! Save it for the fight! Now get out!
- Dutch: [to Daniel] Points or no points, you're dead meat.
- Referee: I said out!
- Johnny Lawrence: [to Daniel as he's getting beaten by the Cobra Kai's after the Halloween Dance] You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp? No, you had to push it. Well, now you're gonna pay!
- Dutch: [as Daniel tries to flee] Where you going, sweetheart?
- Jimmy: [Dutch props Daniel up in front of Johnny] Give him a front kick, Johnny!
- Johnny Lawrence: [Johnny does so twice,knocking Daniel against the fence and to the ground] Get him up!
- Bobby: Leave him alone, man... he's had enough.
- Dutch: Shut up, Bobby!
- Bobby: Look at him, Dutch! He can't even stand up!
- Tommy: So what?
- Dutch: That don't mean squat!
- Bobby: Johnny... leave him alone, man! He's had enough!
- Johnny Lawrence: [screaming with rage] I'll decide when he's had enough, man!
- Bobby: What is wrong with you, Johnny?
- Johnny Lawrence: An enemy deserves no mercy!
- Dutch: Right!
- Johnny Lawrence: Right?
- Dutch: Right!
- Bobby: You're crazy, man!
- Johnny Lawrence: [Miyagi intervenes and pushes Daniel out of the way right before Johnny strikes] Tommy, Bobby... get him!
- [Miyagi knocks all five Cobra Kais out]
- Johnny Lawrence: [DELETED SCENE: Johnny accosts Daniel at school, gives him a piece of paper] Wanted to make sure you got it.
- Daniel: What's this for?
- Daniel: You got to get your mommy to sign that, so you can be in the tournament with the big boys. They gotta know where to send your body after I get finished with it.
- Daniel: Wait, I thought this was supposed to be No Contact.
- Johnny Lawrence: [leaning in his face] Accidents happen.
- [starts to walk away]
- Daniel: Hey, let me ask you a question.
- [Johhny turns around]
- Daniel: What pleasure do you get from all this?
- Johnny Lawrence: All what?
- Daniel: Your big shot attitude. I mean, we both know you can kick my face in, so why do you still bother?
- Johnny Lawrence: [getting right in his face] Maybe 'cuz I like to! Did you ever think of that?
- Daniel: Don't you ever think that he
- [obviously referring to Kreese]
- Daniel: might be wrong - at least, about some things?
- [Johnny backs off while doing a slow burn]
- [they arrive at their new home]
- Lucille Larusso: This is it. This is the end of the line.
- Daniel: You're telling me.
- Daniel: Oh, great, that solves everything for me. I'll just go down to the school and straighten it out with the teacher, no problem.
- Miyagi: Now use head for something other than target.
- Daniel: Hey, I was just kidding about that.
- Miyagi: Why kidding?
- Daniel: Because I'd get killed if I go down there.
- Miyagi: Get killed anyway.
- Miyagi: [on Daniel's birthday, after having already given him a present] Go outside. Something show you.
- Daniel: What?
- Miyagi: Number two present.
- [leads Daniel outside]
- Daniel: [walking and talking] Number two present? You don't have to give me anything. You've given me enough already.
- [Miyagi keeps walking, silently]
- Daniel: No really, I'm serious.
- Miyagi: [stops and points to his fleet of antique cars] Choose.
- Daniel: [surprised and hesitant] Oh, no...
- Miyagi: Hai! Hurt old man feeling.
- [points again]
- Miyagi: Choose.