During the last fight scene with Johnny and Daniel, Johnny's black headband falls off in one shot, and the referee picks it up and throws it off the mat. Subsequent shots show Johnny still wearing the headband, and some shots have him without it on. Also during the final fight, Johnny's hair alternates between being dry and soaked with sweat.
Possible out of order scene. At about 28 minutes in, Daniel jokingly tells Ali and her friends that he rides a "Miyagi Turbo" bike. However, the scene where Daniel fins out that Miyagi fixed his bike follows this one. Also, Miyagi has not introduced himself by name in the movie as of yet. When Daniel first goes to the workshop to thank Miyagi for fixing the bike, it appears that he is not yet sure of Miyagi's name.
In the scene where Daniel catches the fly in the chopsticks, for the first few cuts, the fly is somewhere in the middle of the chopsticks and the chopsticks cross each other past the point where the fly is being held. In a later angle, the fly is held between the very tips of the chopsticks and the sticks do not cross each other over their entire length. He never drops or releases the fly and re-catches or picks it up, so the fly was clearly moved between takes.
When Johnny first fights Daniel at the beach, Johnny pushes the radio against Daniel's chest with the speakers facing Daniel, but as Daniel falls, the speakers are facing Johnny.
After the fight with the kids (as skeletons) Miyagi lifts Daniel over his left shoulder, in the next shot Daniel is over his right shoulder.
In Kreese's army photo on the Cobra Kai wall, he is depicted as holding the rank of captain. However, his green beret bears the Special Forces distinctive unit insignia badge. This is only worn on the berets of enlisted men. Officers' berets bear their rank insignia so Kreese's should have captain's bars.
When Daniel picks up Ali for their first date and his mother's station wagon won't start, they try to push start it asking Ali to "pop the clutch", however the car has an automatic transmission which means there is no clutch. You can't push start a car with an automatic transmission. The starter can be heard starting the engine.
When Mr. Miyagi is wearing his Army uniform, the award ribbons are incorrect, as the ribbon signifying the Medal of Honor is always worn at the top and on a row by itself. It appears to the left on the first row. (The Infantry/U.S. brass is also incorrectly placed on the uniform as "The U.S. is always Right".)
Contrary to previously published reports, Daniel using the Crane Kick to kick Johnny to win the tournament is NOT illegal contact. The tournament prohibits punches to the face (Johnny was warned for using one in the finals), but kicks to the face are legal. Earlier in the tournament, Dutch kicked Daniel in the face and received no penalty, proving that kicks to the face are in fact legal in this tournament.
Daniel's mom says she is going to pop the clutch on her station wagon. Station wagons didn't have clutches; they were all automatic transmissions, not manual.
The vehicle is a 1969 Chevrolet (USA) Chevelle Concours Wagon, which was made with 3 and 4 speed manual and automatic transmissions.
However it is revealed that his mom puts the column shifter into park. Chevelle's of this era did not have manual transmissions with column shift revealing his mom's car to not have a clutch to pop making this actually a goof and not one incorrectly regarded as a goof.
At the end of the movie, as Daniel is advancing through the tournament, the logo on the back of his robe appears on the card his name is on, even though they had no advance knowledge of the logo. However, Mr. Miyagi (or even possibly Ali) could have brought a copy of it for the tournament staff to use.
After the costume party fight with Miyagi, Johnny is shown to have a black eye, even thought he appeared to have been karate chopped by Miyagi in the chest only, if you watch the scene in slow motion you will see that Johnny was in fact hit in the face causing his black eye.
According to the poster, the tournament at the end of the film takes place in December. A Christmas tree is in the arena lobby, by the registration table. The night before, Daniel and Allie were at Golf N' Stuff, with people in bathing suits going down a water slide. The pool could have been heated.
During the scene where Johnny elbows Daniel's knee during the championship match, you can clearly see Daniel point to which knee is supposed to be hurt.
When Daniel and his mom first arrive at their apartment, as his mom is walking to the gate, you can see a dark haired person walking behind the gate. A few moments later, Daniel kicks open the gate and knocks down Freddy.
When Miyagi breaks the bottles left on the truck by the two men on the beach, a few of them wiggle instead of falling over, indicating the bottles have somehow been attached to the fender.
When Mr. Miyagi and Daniel are attempting to catch a fly in their chopsticks, you can see that the fly is attached to a thin wire when it "flies" in between their two heads.
The station wagon that Daniel and his Mom are driving is actually an Automatic and not a "stick". You can see the car being put into park once they arrive at Ali's house and then you see Daniel driving the car without shifting after leaving the arcade with Ali.
When Daniel is looking at the newspapers from WW2 they are brand new and crisp and white even though they are not protected in plastic. Newspapers turn yellow and become fragile in only a few years. These have been in a drawer for 40 years and are brand new.
On the first day of school after Daniel arrives, he sees Johnny and the other Cobra Kai students in the parking lot, and takes steps to avoid them. Later it shows Daniel next encounters them at the soccer tryouts. It seems odd that Daniel and Johnny wouldn't have encountered each other before the tryouts. Since Daniel's last name is Larusso, and Johnny's last name is Lawrence, chances were pretty strong that they could have been assigned to the same homeroom, especially since their last names are alphabetically in close proximity.
It makes no sense for Daniel to be initially angry at Miyagi for getting him involved in the tournament with one-on-one combat when, by doing so, Miyagi had just gotten Daniel out of being regularly beaten up by five guys.
At the end when Johnny handing Daniel the trophy their is a photographer behind Johnny taking pics like crazy but he has no lens on his camera.
In Kreese's military portrait from the early 1970s, he is wearing a woodland camouflage pattern that didn't enter service until the early 1980s.
When Daniel and his mother are eating together across from the karate school, you can hear her talking to him, but her lips aren't moving.
As Daniel is finished sanding the floors, Miyagi comes out of his house and Daniel stops sanding. However, the sanding audio continues even when Daniel is not moving his arms.
When Miyagi and Daniel are sitting in Miyagi's house and talking about his wife Miyagi gets up and pours himself another drink, the bottle he picks up still has the seal on it and it remains unopened as you hear the distinct sound of the liquor being poured into the glass.
After Bobby puts Daniel out of commission and Daniel is being carried out of the ring, the announcer is telling the audience that Daniel has "fifteen minutes to return to the ring". However, in a wide shot of the ring, as Daniel is being carried out, you can clearly see the announcer is not speaking, even though his voice can still be heard over the PA system.
At the Country Club Dinner Dance, the band is playing the "Fascination Waltz", but the conductor's baton is clearly at a faster tempo.
At the Halloween dance, after Daniel hoses Johnny and they're chasing him across the misty field, to the right, you can see the fog machine pumping out the mist.
In the beginning scene, when Daniel and his mother are driving away down the street, they are said to be leaving Newark, NJ. However, that street is actually in Harrison, NJ, and is also a one-way street going the opposite way. Harrison is a neighboring town.
The scene when Miyagi and Daniel leave to go to the Cobra Kai dojo, Miyagi walks out of his house towards the truck. As the camera follows him, the boom mic is visible just behind the truck.
After Miyagi rescues Daniel on Halloween, he serves him a cup of tea. When Daniel grasps his cup by its sides, Miyagi insists that he instead support the cup from the bottom. However, the next time Miyagi drinks, he grasps his own cup by its sides.
Daniel quickly leaves his birthday celebration with Mr. Miagi because he needs to go see his mom for her 'surprise' cake. But after receiving the car, he heads (seemingly) immediately to see Ali. It is possible that he went to Golf N Stuff after having the surprise cake.
When Daniel turns the hose on johnny and runs out of the school and jumps over a car he seems to have an Afro hair cut which is the stunt man.