Basket Case (1982)
Diana Browne: Dr. Judith Kutter
Dr. Julius Lifflander : No, no, I think we're making a big mistake. We're rushing things. We shouldn't even be here.
Dr. Harold Needleman : Where's the boy now?
Duane's Father : He's upstairs in bed asleep, he can't hear us.
Dr. Julius Lifflander : We need to think this over. Talk it over.
Duane's Father : We don't have time, it must be done now, while my sister in law's away.
Dr. Julius Lifflander : I'm not sure, I've got second thoughts.
Duane's Father : Bullshit, second thoughts! I've had twelve years of doctor's second thoughts!
Dr. Julius Lifflander : I don't know, I just don't know!
Duane's Father : Well you'd sure as hell know if it were your own son we were talking about.
Dr. Harold Needleman : Okay, do you understand that if we seperate the deformity from Duane it will probably die?
Duane's Father : It's better off dead. What kind of life would it have the way it is?
Dr. Julius Lifflander : We're talking about your child!
Duane's Father : Child? Duane is my child, not that other thing. All I want is Duane to be normal, it's too late to change the other one, just cut Duane from it.
Dr. Julius Lifflander : I don't know, I don't know!
Duane's Father : The hospital says no, every doctor I've asked says no, you two may be my last hope. I don't know who you are, or where Lifflander found you, and I don't care. No questions asked, just separate them.
Dr. Judith Kutter : He's right of course, the boy should have a chance at a normal life. They don't share organs or bone, just tissue and flesh. If the operation is successful the most we will have is a nasty scar.
Dr. Julius Lifflander : And the other one?
Dr. Judith Kutter : Doctor, I'm not even sure it's human...