Frank Doubleday credited as playing...
- Romero: You touch me... he dies. If you're not in the air in thirty seconds... he dies. You come back in... he dies.
- Romero: [Romero takes a package out of his shirt and unwraps it to reveal the President's middle finger, complete with ring] Twenty seconds.
- Bob Hauk: I'm ready to talk.
- Romero: Nineteen. Eighteen.
- Bob Hauk: What do you want?
- Romero: Seventeen. Sixteen.
- Bob Hauk: [to his soldiers] Let's go. Let's go!
- [Brain and Maggie knock on a door which is answered by Romero, the Duke of New York's right-hand man. Romero is now wearing Cabbie's cap on his head]
- Brain: Hey, Romero. Where'd you get that cap?
- Romero: I got it from Cabbie.
- Brain: How?
- Romero: I traded it.
- Brain: Traded it? For what?
- Romero: A cassette. Something I found in the President's briefcase. Cabbie saw it and wanted it for his collection. So, I told him he had to give me something to get it.
- Brain: Oh... a cassette?
- Romero: Why are you so nervous?
- Brain: Me and Maggie, we've come to see the President.
- Romero: Who says?
- Brain: The Duke.
- Romero: No, he doesn't.
- Brain: All right. I'll go tell him you said that.
- Romero: Wait a minute. Why?
- Brain: The President has something hidden in his clothes and the Duke wants it.
- Romero: What is it?
- Brain: Let me in and I'll show you.
- Romero: You'll tell me!
- Brain: Cyanide capsules. The Duke don't want a dead President.