Jamie Donnelly credited as playing...
- Rizzo: [breaks out a bottle of wine] How about a little Sneaky Pete to get the party going?
- [the girls, except Sandy, cheer; Frenchie shushes them]
- Jan: Italian Swiss Colony? Wow, it's imported! Hey, I brought some Twinkies! Anybody want one?
- Marty: Twinkies and wine? Oh, that's real class, Jan.
- Jan: [grabbing the wine bottle from Marty] It says right here it is a dessert wine.
- Rizzo: Hey!
- [Rizzo smacks Jan in the back of the head with a magazine]
- Rizzo: Sandy didn't get any wine!
- Sandy: Oh, that's okay.
- Rizzo: I'll bet you never had a drink before either.
- Sandy: Oh, yes, I did. I had some champagne at my cousin's wedding once.
- Rizzo: Ooooh. Ringa ding-ding.
- [Jan offers the bottle of wine to Sandy; Sandy is hesitant]
- Jan: What's wrong? We don't got cooties!