The Cat from Outer Space (1978)
Harry Morgan: General Stilton
General Stilton : To find the rat, tail the cat.
[Dr. Frank Wilson has been brought in to view the artifact removed from the flying saucer]
Frank : It's beautiful.
General Stilton : Don't you have any other observations?
Frank : Only that it looks like an artichoke, sir.
General Stilton : We know it looks like an artichoke, Wilson. What makes it tick?
Frank : Mayonnaise?
General Stilton : Negative.
Frank : No, no, I was only joking, sir. I do have a theory, sir. Actually in line with the work I've been doing. I have a hunch it's tapping the primal mainstream, General.
General Stilton : The "primal mainstream"?
Frank : The primal mainstream, yes. It's everywhere, General. Only on different frequencies. The whole electromagnetic spectrum. Cosmic, gamma, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, radio waves... and do you know how much we finite human beings can possibly tune into? With our senses? Less than five percent. The universe makes it own energy, General. We even make it ourselves. Yes, take biofeedback, for instance. Why, if I taped terminals to your head, General, your brain could run an electric train.
General Stilton : [incredulous] Electric train?
Frank : [realizing he's messed up] I'm sorry, General, I thought... Perhaps electric train wasn't the most apt...
Dr. Heffel : [wheeling him out of the room] That'll be all, Wilson. Thank you very much.
Frank : You let me have that for a couple of months, General. And I promise you...
Dr. Heffel : [throwing him out of the room] Thank you.
General Stilton : A couple of months? Dr. Heffel?
Dr. Heffel : Yes, General?
General Stilton : I WANT ACTION!
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : Do you think it might be fruitful to bring Dr. Wilson into this discussion, Dr. Heffel?
Dr. Heffel : Wilson?
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : Yes. He might very well come up with an applicable theory.
Dr. Heffel : Don't be ridiculous.
General Stilton : Who's Dr. Wilson?
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : He's in my carpool. That is, we live in the same building.
General Stilton : That certainly qualifies him.
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : No, what I'm trying to say is he's a very bright, young physicist who's come here on loan from Caltech.
Dr. Heffel : A loan, I might add, that is bearing absolutely no interest.
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : He's a little unorthodox, but a brilliant theorist.
Dr. Heffel : Dr. Bartlett, General Stilton isn't interested in...
General Stilton : Get him.
Dr. Heffel : What?
General Stilton : Get him. His output couldn't be any less than we've gotten so far.
Dr. Heffel : Yes, General.
Dr. Elizabeth 'Liz' Bartlett : He really has an unusual mind.