Ike Eisenmann credited as playing...
- Jason O'Day: I wonder... I wonder how I'd handle you kids if you were mine. Well, maybe that's why I never married, eh?
- Tia Malone: But Mr. O'Day. You were married.
- Jason O'Day: What?
- Tia Malone: Long, long time ago. And she was so pretty. And you had a little house.
- Tony Malone: Yeah, I can see it. It was white, with yellow shutters. And there was a big elm branch over the whole roof.
- Tia Malone: Tony knows about people. He can see places they've been.
- Jason O'Day: [Angry] What else?
- Tia Malone: Well, your wife died only a few months after you were married. And you were so sad. You took an oath that you'd never give your love to another woman, or to anyone. And you never have... I'm sorry, Mr. O'Day.
- Jason O'Day: The name's Jason! If you know so dang much about me you might as well use it. Jason, you understand?
- Tia Malone: Please, Mr. Bolt, you're too excited. You're going to make yourself sick.
- Tony Malone: You should go right to bed, sir.
- Jason O'Day: I've got no patience for kids, especially runaways!
- Tony Malone: It's just the opposite, sir, we're trying to find out where home is!
- Tia Malone: He just likes to yell a lot, he's not really that mean.
- Tony Malone: You've got to be kidding me.
- Tia Malone: Mr. O'Day, I think you bought too much.
- Tony Malone: Yeah, Winky can't drink four quarts of milk.
- Jason O'Day: If you two weren't joshing me about Aristotle Bolt, we might be together for longer than I thought. He's a very powerful man, too pow...
- [hears a siren, looks in the rear view mirror]
- Jason O'Day: Motorcycle cop.
- Tia Malone: Will you get in trouble, Mr. O'Day?
- Jason O'Day: It's not ME he's after.
- Tony Malone: Please, Mister. You mustn't get in that car. My sister, Tia, you see, sometimes she has these feelings.
- Tia Malone: Hey Tony, why don't you try it without your harmonica?
- Tony Malone: I forget how. Well, come to think of it, you can do a lot of things I can't. Like working locks, and the way you can talk to me without moving your mouth. Maybe it's because you're a girl.