Kathryn Loder credited as playing...
Katherine Wall
- Katherine Wall: [after Foxy presents Steve's penis in a pickle jar, kills 2 of her men, and shoots her in the arm] Why didn't you kill me too? Well go on and shoot! I don't want to live anymore!
- Foxy Brown: I know. That's the idea. The rest of your man is still around, and I hope you two live a long time, then maybe you can feel some of what I feel. Death is too easy for you, bitch. I want you to SUFFER.
- Katherine Wall: You all have the best hairdressers in the city. You have everything you need to look your absolute best. There's no excuse for slumminess.
- Katherine Wall: Give her a shot of heroin and send her out to the ranch.
- Steve Elias: The ranch? Now, you know what the boys at the ranch will do with her?
- Katherine Wall: She'll probably love it. And then when she's got a good habit, we'll send her down to the islands. She should bring a good price. Maybe she'll pay us back for some of the trouble she's caused us.
- Steve Elias: Oh, if there's enough of her left when the boys get through with her.
- Katherine Wall: Arabella, I want that fat toad drooling in his pants. Whenever he looks at you, think sex. If you find him repulsive, think of someone else who turns you on.
- Katherine Wall: Why is that dress so tight on you? I thought I told you to lose five pounds!
- Arabella: You did?
- Katherine Wall: Yes. Five pounds! Now, I'll give you three days to get rid of it. Do you understand?
- Katherine Wall: You, Jennifer, you look like you just woke up from a three day drunk! Your face is puffy and your makeup is too thick trying to cover it up.
- Foxy Brown: [pretending to be call girl, Misty Cotton] I'm ready Miss Katherine. How do you like it?
- Katherine Wall: Very impressive. It's rather late. You better get going. Toni will tell you what to do. The gentlemen you'll be meeting this evening have a preference - for your type.
- Foxy Brown: Oh, I understand, Miss Katherine.
- Katherine Wall: What did you find out?
- Steve Elias: Well, I had our boys at the station run a fingerprint check on her. They made it through her driver's license. Her name is Foxy Brown.
- Steve Elias: Sometimes, baby, when you want somethin' done, you just gotta do it yourself.
- Katherine Wall: I love it when you're like that, Steve. So, powerful!