Jack Kehoe credited as playing...
Erie Kid
- Joe Erie: Hello Snyder. Whattya doin' up here?
- Lieutenant William Snyder: I'm on vacation. You see that friend of yours lately?
- Joe Erie: No, no. He packed it in. Enrolled in detective school.
- Johnny Hooker: Guy turned out to be an oil well. Which way did he go?
- Joe Erie: Due north. He was gonna take it all.
- Johnny Hooker: Aw, the bastard. He can blow his nose all the way.
- Johnny Hooker: Oh, hi there, Snyder. What's the matter? Things a little slow down at the bunco department tonight, huh? Somebody lose the dominoes?
- Lieutenant William Snyder: You scored blood money today, Hooker, and you need a friend.
- Johnny Hooker: Go find yourself a shoplifter to roll.
- [Snyder sucker-punches him in the mouth]
- Johnny Hooker: You got the wrong guy, pal. I've been home with the flu all day. You can stake out my toilet if you want.
- Lieutenant William Snyder: [throwing him up against a wall] Keep talking! I'll tell you what you did, smart boy. You tied into a loaded mark on 47th across from Maxie's. And you and Coleman played the switch for him and blew him off to a cab on 49th. If he hadn't been a numbers runner for Doyle Lonnegan, it would've been perfect.
- Johnny Hooker: You're crazy. I ain't stupid enough to play for no rackets money.
- Lieutenant William Snyder: Not intentionally, maybe. That don't cut no ice with Lonnegan. He'll swat you like a fly.
- Johnny Hooker: Yeah, well... well, I'll square it with the fixer.
- Lieutenant William Snyder: Nobody can buy you a prayer if I put the finger on you. Now, I figure your end of the score was at least 3 G's. I want 2, no matter what it was.
- Johnny Hooker: My take was only 1.
- Lieutenant William Snyder: Then you're gonna have to come up with another grand somewhere.
- Johnny Hooker: All right.
- [he takes out a wad of money, but before he can count it out, Snyder takes all of it]
- Lieutenant William Snyder: You're a smart egg, Hooker. No sense getting dead over two grand.
- [leaving]
- Lieutenant William Snyder: Relax, Erie. I'll bill you.
- Joe Erie: I thought you blew all your money.
- Johnny Hooker: I did. The stuff I gave him is counterfeit. They'll spot it the first place he tries to spend it.