The Forgotten (1973)
Betty Chandler: Allyson King
[Ray is fixing the asylum's telephone]
Allyson King : You know, I used to live in this place where the phone man was always coming around.
Ray Daniels : That bad, huh?
Allyson King : Uh uh... that good.
Ray Daniels : Oh, I thought that you meant that you'd had a lot of phone trouble.
Allyson King : Hell, I didn't even have a phone!
Allyson King : You're all alike. Danny... Jaffee... ALL of you! HYPOCRITES! And you, trying to be so damn pure. Get out! GET OUT!
Dr. Geraldine S. Masters : You're upset, Allyson. I, I think you'd better go to your room. I'll, I'll get you something to help you sleep.
Allyson King : No. I'm not going anywhere. You're not going to touch me. We know all about that sleep. Your little doctor bit's over. Yeah, that's right. I told Miss Beale. She knows.
Dr. Geraldine S. Masters : What does she know? Does she know how I worked? How I trained? To be the best? And I could have been. Except for one, insignificant life. One mistake. I could have saved thousands. And I will. I'll help everyone. I'll help you, Allyson.