7 of 9 found this mild
It is implied that a man and a woman had sex.
(only in the longer French release Danza Macabra) - there is a brief scene of a woman's breasts after she lowers her top in her bedroom. Was not in the US release "Castle Of Blood" or the original Italian release.
2 of 3 found this moderate
A zombie kills a woman (off screen), but we later see her dead with blood on her chest.
A man chokes another man to death, and then attempts to choke a woman, but is killed when a woman bashes his head with a lamp, we see a bloody gash in his head.
A woman is stabbed in the chest.
A man is stabbed in the back and is bitten on the neck.
A zombie kills a man (shown with hands around man's neck.) His body is then briefly shown with a knife in his stomach.
Dead people are shown hanging from trees in nooses.
A pole goes through a man's neck.
An actual snake is killed in one scene.
3 of 3 found this to have none
2 of 3 found this mild
Adults drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes throughout the film.
2 of 3 found this mild
Many of the scenes in "Castle of Blood" are very frightening.