[de Sadesky enters the War Room in a great coat, finishes the contents of a drinking glass, and places the glass on a banquet table covered with an ornate array of meats, breads, and pies]
Ambassador de Sadesky : You don't have any fresh fish?
Waiter : I'm afraid not, sir.
Ambassador de Sadesky : Your eggs, then, they are fresh?
Waiter : Oh, yes, sir.
Ambassador de Sadesky : I will have poached eggs. And bring me some cigars, please. Havana cigars.
Waiter : That will be all for you sir?
Ambassador de Sadesky : Yes.
Waiter : Then I'll see to it right away.
Gen. Faceman : Try one of these Jamaican cigars, ambassador, they're pretty good.
Ambassador de Sadesky : Thank you, no. I do not support the work of imperialist stooges.
[de Sadesky walks away]
Gen. Faceman : Oh, only commie stooges, huh?