Margaret Wycherly credited as playing...
Ma Jarrett
- Ma Jarrett: I told you, Cody hasn't been in California for months.
- Philip Evans: I suppose he shot me all the way from another state.
- Ma Jarrett: What makes you think *he* shot you? Lots of people have guns.
- Philip Evans: I was as close to him as I am to you.
- Ma Jarrett: Anybody else see him?
- Philip Evans: Just you. And his wife.
- Ma Jarrett: Of course, being an old woman, I wouldn't know much about the law, but I hear you got to have *witnesses* to make anything stand up in court.
- Ma Jarrett: No. No, not yet, son. Don't let 'em see you like that. Might give some of them ideas.
- Cody Jarrett: Always thinkin' about your Cody, aren't you?
- Ma Jarrett: That's right.
- [Pours and hands Cody a drink]
- Ma Jarrett: Top of the world, son.
- Cody Jarrett: I don't know what I'd do without you, Ma.
- Verna Jarrett: What about me? What do I do for the next two years?
- Ma Jarrett: Same as you did before he married you.
- Cody Jarrett: You better not, baby. I'll be back.
- Verna Jarrett: I'll be waitin' for you honey. You can trust me.
- Cody Jarrett: I'll take care of that when I get out.
- Ma Jarrett: That's what I told myself. And I'll help you Cody, like always. You'll be out soon! Back on top of the world.
- Cody Jarrett: With your arm, Ma, nothing can stop me.
- Ma Jarrett: That's right, son.
- Ma Jarrett: When you get out of here, he knows his life isn't worth a plug nickel. When a tin horn like that thinks he's big enough to take your place, he's got to feel pretty safe. And now all of the sudden he makes his move, like he was sure you'd never get out of here, except in a box.
- Ma Jarrett: Well, if it ain't the Sleeping Beauty.
- Verna Jarrett: What does a girl do around this bear trap?
- Ma Jarrett: There's plenty you can do without wearing out the mattress.
- Verna Jarrett: It's the only place that I don't freeze. I've been cold for a week, Cody. Not even a fire. Who's gonna see a little bit of smoke a hundred miles from nowhere.
- Cody Jarrett: Help Ma with the grub.