Edmond O'Brien credited as playing...
Hank Fallon aka Vic Pardo
- [last lines]
- Philip Evans: Cody Jarrett...
- Hank Fallon: He finally got to the top of the world... and it blew right up in his face.
- [Pardo has just saved Cody's life]
- Vic Pardo: I saw that just in time.
- Cody Jarrett: Whaddya want - a medal?
- Hank Fallon: You put it on a pole, wind a spool of silk thread around it, and you hold the pole over the water. Then you sit under a nice shady tree and relax. After a while, a hungry fish comes along, takes a nip at your hook, and you've got dinner. For the next two weeks, I'm not gonna think about anything except the eternal struggle between man and the fish...
- Hank Fallon: I've been promised a vacation. You remember?
- Philip Evans: Sorry, Hank, that's out.
- Hank Fallon: Phil, look at me. College degree, lovable personality, and I spend most of my time in prison. An undercover specialist. Eight sentences in five years. Dannemora, Sing Sing, Leavenworth. I joined the department to put criminals behind bars, and here I am stir crazy.
- Philip Evans: This time we'll get you a girl in the Bureau who's a memory expert.
- Hank Fallon: I'm partial to blondes.
- Philip Evans: Well, who isn't?
- Philip Evans: Cody's not an easy guy to get close to in a hurry. The only person he's ever cared about or trusted is his mother. No one else has ever made a dent - not even his wife. His mother's been the prop that's held him up. He's got a fierce, psychopathic devotion for her. All his life, whenever he got into a spot he just put out his hand and - there was Ma Jarrett. Without her, maybe Cody'd - just like his old man.
- Hank Fallon: You mean I'm supposed to take mama's place?
- Philip Evans: You never can tell. He might need someone.
- Hank Fallon: I'll practice up on my lullabies.
- Cody Jarrett: You're just lonesome. Lonesome, like me.
- Hank Fallon alias Vic Pardo: You? What about...
- Cody Jarrett: You mean Verna?
- [shakes his head no]
- Cody Jarrett: All I ever had was Ma.
- Cody Jarrett: [Fallon is hiding the tracking device under the phony fuel truck] What are you doin'? We're on our way.
- Hank Fallon: You gotta have a chain bouncin' the ground - get rid of electricity.
- Cody Jarrett: That's only when you got gasoline or chemicals sloppin' around inside.
- Hank Fallon: You wanna have some traffic cop think you got a load of somethin' else?
- Cody Jarrett: That's usin' your head, kid. All right, snap it up.
- [Jarrett walks off]
- Cody Jarrett: Maybe a kick in the skull would do him some good.
- Hank Fallon alias Vic Pardo: They got rules in this chicken coop, Cody. You start anything, you wind up in a hole.
- Cody Jarrett: Did I ask you for any advise? Look Pardo, I've been watchin' you. And up to now you haven't done anything I can put my finger on. And maybe that's what bothers me. But, I don't know you. What I don't know, I don't trust. To me you're just a face and a number and let's keep it that way for now. When I want you're help, I'll ask for it.