The Big Sleep (1946)
Lauren Bacall: Vivian Rutledge
Vivian : I don't like your manners!
Marlowe : I'm not crazy about yours. I didn't ask to see you. I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like 'em myself. They are pretty bad. I grieve over them long winter evenings, and I don't mind your ritzing me, or drinking your lunch out of a bottle. But don't waste your time trying to cross-examine me.
Vivian : Speaking of horses, I like to play them myself. But I like to see them workout a little first, see if they're front runners or come from behind, find out what their hole card is, what makes them run.
Marlowe : Find out mine?
Vivian : I think so.
Marlowe : Go ahead.
Vivian : I'd say you don't like to be rated. You like to get out in front, open up a little lead, take a little breather in the backstretch, and then come home free.
Marlowe : You don't like to be rated yourself.
Vivian : I haven't met anyone yet that can do it. Any suggestions?
Marlowe : Well, I can't tell till I've seen you over a distance of ground. You've got a touch of class, but I don't know how, how far you can go.
Vivian : A lot depends on who's in the saddle.
[after a kiss]
Vivian : I liked that. I'd like more.
[last lines]
Vivian : You've forgotten one thing: me.
Philip Marlowe : What's wrong with you?
Vivian : Nothing you can't fix.
Vivian : So you're a private detective? I didn't know they existed, except in books, or else they were greasy little men snooping around hotel corridors. My, you're a mess, aren't you?
Philip Marlowe : I'm not very tall either. Next time I'll come on stilts, wear a white tie and carry a tennis racket.
Vivian : I doubt if even that would help.
Vivian : What will your first step be?
Philip Marlowe : The usual one.
Vivian : I didn't know there was a usual one.
Philip Marlowe : Well, sure there is. It comes complete with diagrams, on page 47 of 'How to be a Detective in 10 Easy Lessons,' correspondence school text-book and, uh, your father offered me a drink.
Vivian : You must've read another one on how to be a comedian.
Vivian : [Vivian is leaving Mr. Marlowe's office] Goodbye, Mr. Marlowe.
Philip Marlowe : [When Vivian tries to open the door the deadbolt is locked] Well, it wasn't intentional.
Vivian : [Vivian unlocks the deadbolt, turns and smiles] Try it sometime.
[Vivian leaves and closes the door behind her]
Philip Marlowe : You wanna tell me now?
Vivian : Tell you what?
Philip Marlowe : What it is you're trying to find out. You know, it's a funny thing. You're trying to find out what your father hired me to find out, and I'm trying to find out why you want to find out.
Vivian : You could go on forever, couldn't you? Anyway it'll give us something to talk about next time we meet.
Philip Marlowe : Among other things.
Vivian : Do you always think you can handle people like, uh, trained seals?
Philip Marlowe : Uh-huh. I usually get away with it too.
Vivian : How nice for you.
Philip Marlowe : How'd you happen to pick out this place?
Vivian : Maybe I wanted to hold your hand.
Philip Marlowe : Oh, that can be arranged.
Vivian : I'll have a scotch, messy, please.
Max - Head Waiter : Yes, ma'am.
Philip Marlowe : Scotch and plain water.
Max - Head Waiter : Yes, sir.