Steve Cochran credited as playing...
- Cliff: [Fred enters the room and sees Cliff] How do you Do?
- Fred Derry: [Sternly] Fine thanks, who are you?
- Marie Derry: Oh Fred, I want you to meet Cliff Scully he's an old friend of mine
- Cliff: [He puts his hand out to shake Fred's] How are you Freddy?
- Fred Derry: [Fred refuses to shake Cliff's hand] Glad to know you Scully, get out
- Cliff: A tough guy huh
- Marie Derry: Now listen Fred, you're not going to get anywhere with that attitude. I told you Cliff Scully is an old friend of mine, he's asked me out and I'm going out and if you don't like it you know what you can do.
- Fred Derry: [Sternly] You heard me chum, get out
- Cliff: What do I do next, smack him?
- Fred Derry: Why ask her, can't you think for yourself?
- Fred Derry: [Fred sees Cliff's medal from the war on his jacket] Another ex serviceman huh. Greetings brother. Have you had any trouble getting re-adjusted?
- Cliff: None in particular. It's easy if you just take everything in your stride
- Fred Derry: [Bitterly] That's what I've heard
- [Cliff then heads towards the door]
- Cliff: [Nonchalantly] Be seeing you
- Fred Derry: I doubt it.
- [Cliff leaves]