the fair beginning
30 December 2022
I feel it as more than first part of inspired adaptation but as a precise map across memories about one of novels who I admire. The scene from cemetery is just impressive in each detail. Jean Simmons seems be the closest by expectations interpreter of Miss Havisham. And Pip... . Indeed, the young Martin Harvey has all virtues to be the desired one.

But, maybe, the good point is the beautiful portrait of Joe Galgery offered by John Rhys Davies. Like the dinner scenes.

The only problem, for me, I admitt, remains kim Thompson as Estella. She is too old for role but, sure, I am too subjective for a fair verdict, reminding the beautiful role offered by Jean Simmons , not ignoring the virtues of attitude , comparing with other estellas.

So, a promissing, fair beginning.
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