Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008 Video)
You really won't believe how bad it actually is...
13 August 2011
To even use the name "Lost Boys" in title of this movie is an absolute abomination in itself. For fans of the original cult classic, I would strongly urge you not to even bother wasting a second on this...yes, I too was excited when I heard that there was a sequel but I regret it now.

Gratuitous violence for violence sake, completely lacking any of the humour or wit of the original, devoid of any semblance of an imaginative or even remotely interesting plot and punctuated with spurts of mindless action. For those who have not yet watched the original but have instead had the misfortune of watching The Tribe, don't let this put you off - there's no comparison, the two movies are light years apart.
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