Review of Altitude

Altitude (2010)
WTF Did I Just Watch???
19 October 2010
I've seen this movie...and yet I haven't. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone, so no worries there, as I didn't fully grasp what this movie was trying to be.

Little teen/college age horror movie.

Little bit of John Carpenters "The Thing" (the tension in a small confined space) A lot of Twilight Zone and Outer Limits.

Half a cup of H.P. Lovecraft thrown in for good measure.

Then a sprinkle of every over used cliché character in an teen/college age horror movie.

Bake at 375 for and hour and a half.

Results may vary.

Cinematic quality is excellent. Acting is above par (we aren't talking an Asylum or Uwe Boll movie here) but no ones getting an Oscar. Special effects are Meh...seen better and a hell of a lot worse out there. Dialogue was unforgivable at times, more so than not. Ending was really not as big of a shocker as others might have you think.

All in all, it's a fun way to kill an hour and a half if you don't know anything about this reviews, don't watch the trailer...etc. In other words, even in being as obtuse as I have been here, I still just ruined the movie for you.

Have a good day!
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