Ricky Gervais writes, directs and stars in this high concept romantic comedy about a schlub living a sad life in a universe where no person can tell a lie. He becomes the first man to say something that isn't true, and thus is able to become rich and powerful. He can even finally come close to attracting Jennifer Garner, a woman he's had a crush on for a long time. Things go awry, though, when he makes up a story about an omnipotent man in the sky and a happy afterlife to comfort his dying mother. The premise is interesting, but pretty thin. The world created is so unbelievable and the characters so far away from what we know as human that, especially in its final act when it tries to get dramatic, you can't come close to investing in it emotionally. However, the gags are often hilarious, and the cast is quite good (besides its stars, it also has Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Louis CK, Jonah Hill and Jeffrey Tambor, with some really fun cameos by Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jason Bateman and Edward Norton). This isn't anywhere close to the previous year's Gervais vehicle, Ghost Town, which I think deserves to be something of a minor classic in the romantic comedy genre, but it's well worth a rental.