... in many parts a beautiful and original piece of cinema.
4 February 2008
I read the book and loved it. Now, I had the chance to see the movie version at the Gothenburg International Filmfestival 2008, as the movie won the "Nordiska filmpriset". I saw it at a really big screen (700 seats), happy that it delivered fine acting and quality cinema.

Having said that, I'd also agree with what's been said (e.g. above) that the music is a bit over the top. The movie itself is a study in the small: tiny nuances in the classroom and schoolyard, the almost forgotten suburb, the hiding qualities of snow, ice and winter (not to mention the, at least partly, neglected kids). To score such small details with grand strings makes for a bit of a mismatch. Enough on that, some parts have only piano and those work perfectly.

Witout spoiling anything it's safe to say that this first and foremost is a story of friendship. Second, it's a story of revenge. Either way, this is a truly original tale and in many parts a beautiful piece of cinema. Original (and sometimes quite gory) still even the violence seems subdued (at least in comparison to the vampire genre as it has evolved from subtle romance flick to full blown war movie). This movie, however, is about loneliness, friendship and loyalty --- and it's really worth watching. Recommended.
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