Review of Entourage

Entourage (2004–2011)
The best show on TV, cable anyway.
7 July 2005
This show is absolutely hilarious. The thing that makes the dialogue so great is that it is what a lot of people in the early 20's use. Whomever writes the screenplay for this show ought to win an award. So many movies and TV shows lack what I call "everyday people language". Too many TV shows and Movies have stupid one liners and overall dialogue that just isn't what "real" people say. Its refreshing to watch a show that nails it perfectly. I would pay to see an "Entourage" movie easily. Jermey Piven as "Ari" is incredible. He is exactly what I picture a Hollywood agent to be. He deserves some sort of award for his role. The only thing I hate about the whole show is that it is only a half an hour long and only on once a week. I hope this show goes on for years. The Billy Walsh character is interesting with all of his quirks and superstitions.
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