
63 Reviews
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Brassic (2019– )
It's like guy Ritchie cloned himself in the best way possible
25 August 2022
This under the radar show in the US is just brilliant so far a few episodes In. It reminded me of the gentleman, lock stock..., and snatch rolled into one great show. I love the acting, the characters, the stories. It's been a wonderful ride so far. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you!
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This wraps up a season, of too much, after a brilliant season 1
23 August 2022
Omitb, has is a brilliant name, I love the style, the acting, I love Steve Martin, love Martin short. I loved the first season. However, the second season was done too fast, and is too ludicrous, something they make fun of in the show itself. So I went along for the ride again, for this season. And will not return for a third. There was too many created connections involving ancillary characters from last season. There was too many weird gimmicks. There was too much of alternative lifestyles, some is fine but there is just a bit too much this season it starts too feel tacked on at a point. It was still watchable but didn't have the fresh well thought out story of the first season. So the season was enough to carry me through, but I know I won't return for a third as I'm afraid it will just continue to be too much. And keep in mind the things I hated this season, the show breaks the third wall, and jokes about so...
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Where is the 7+ score coming from every review says it sucks
5 August 2022
Anderson is one of my favorite writer/directors. His last 2 films have left me scratching my head being much more art than story. I want to like self indulgent art flicks but the lack of coherent story often doesn't work for me. Punch drunk love was artistic but had a linear story that worked. In my opinion this film just doesn't work.
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What We Do in the Shadows: Reunited (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
Season 4 the show is starting to decline its almost manic
27 July 2022
Wwdits season 1 started off strong. Great stories combined with great characters and great writing. We are now in season 4 and 4 episodes in it feel like a show about ideas and comedy concepts with no story or flow. One week everyone is going their own way and a character is dying for no reason. The next he's a kid, it's time to build a vampire night club, there is a wife that's never involved, there is no continuity it feels manic changing from week to week making not a lick of sense and hoping the characters can drive the comedy. Just like most shows as you pump out shows to stay on a money making schedule you loose what you started off with. Sadly this show is one of the worst examples of what happens when things get spread to thin.
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The Rehearsal (2022– )
Not funny and was way too long
19 July 2022
Nathan fielder had a relatively mediocre show a few years back where he tried to make real businesses over in stupid ways and see the owners reactions. It was a setup but in reality, sort like candid camera for businesses. It was flat and was clever in concept but not really funny or effective. Flash forward now he has a show where he takes a person's problems and gets them to deal with them by rehearsing over and over again going to great lengths to simulate the real situation and surroundings. . It's flat, clever in concept, and really not funny or effective oh and way too long. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you!
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Well done for fans and newcomers alike
13 July 2022
Was a fan of the from the beginning but have mostly ceased watching, as the characters have gotten old, mostly weak stories, and a very watered down edge especially Louise, as I assume fox and creators try to maximize the audience. But the movie was fresh, well done, had Easter eggs for fans, and a lengthy plot that worked and does not require any prior knowledge. Good not great but good for adult and young alike. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Jeff bridges in the killing of gromek
18 June 2022
This review is based on only the first episode. I will preface this with I am not a huge fan of these endless new TV shows that are stretched out movies. And like most of these bloated efforts this show could suck long run..I am basing this on the first episode only. Next I will refer back to my title the killing of gromek the only thing truly worth while in alfred hitchcocks torn curtain. It is a study in how difficult killing someone is in real life (sans gun). This episode had one of those moments and though I kept thinking "where are the dogs" I guess they were taking a dump but it ended up paying off. So let's really go back and discuss the premise of the show spy in hiding for doing something, old enemy out of nowhere wants him, and the chase pursues. He is haunted by dead wife it seems, and has two awesome dogs. Think Jason Bourne in his 70s after 30 years of quiet. Don't give out 9s and realistically show itself probably a television 8, but if they can keep up the style, substance, acting, action, etc could be a classic in the making. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.

P.s since this episode I have watched through episode 5, the pace is very very slow which tv show fans may love, I find myself asking repeatedly please get to the point, and why not make this a movie instead of a very stretched out movie.
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The Offer (2022)
Enjoyable I love the robert Evans spot on
14 June 2022
Robert Evans was spot on, award worthy. Otherwise suprisingly a lot was true to real life. Seen better 11 hour movies but watched all the way through, so just dont make it a trilogy and i wont have to find and kill the people behind that. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Billy Madison (1995)
Possibly the greatest movie of all time Oscar and cannes snubbed
8 June 2022
1. Fellini, the guy who directed Solaris, allen, Scorsese, and tamra Davis.

2. Nicholson, say-lewis, streep, sandler

3. Shakespeare, mamet, sandler True Oscar snub not one nomination for this modern tale of love and redemption and invisible penguins. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Where's cabbage head and the chicken lady
22 May 2022
This new version is mixed as is most sketch comedy. Some old favorites have been back, but not all (I've watched 8 episodes). Worth watching if a fan of sketch, they are still funny. But just like all sketch for every one that makes someone spit milk out their nose someone else is scratching their head in confusion. Hope to see some chicken lady before it's over. Glad there was a crushing your head though.
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Made not a lick of sense
26 April 2022
I loved the first sicario. It was a straight ahead roller coaster ride. This one left me scratching my head from start to finish. Just garbage. Not going to go into because it would all be spoilers. Just God awful. Would have loved origin story vut got thus crap instead. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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The Batman (2022)
Good movie if it wasn't a ripoff of seven
20 April 2022
Not a huge fan of superhero flicks that are constantly being made. I indulge batman flicks over the years because of the dark less campy feel. But this movie was start to finish clearly was a little more than inspired by the classic movie seven.
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Watching in light of ukraine
6 April 2022
So this is excellent in terms of understanding putin. But what it also reveals is what a pathetic kiss ass oliver stone is and how blind he was to putins true nature. I'm curious in light of what ukraine has shown the world about putin, if stone realizes his folly.
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Great start but second episode suggests another stretched out movie
14 March 2022
I don't follow basketball but do know magic Johnson and the Lakers etc. I watched this mostly because John c Reilly is almost always a delight. Adam McCay is also a talented writer director and is behind this. In the first episode we meet the primary characters and Reilly acquires the Lakers. We slso meet Jerry west in additionto magic and dr. J (no sight in second episode).. And there is comedy, breaking the third wall, the changing role of women in the workplace, and being black in America, as well as sex drugs and LA. It moved along engrossed me, and had me looking forward to the next episode. The second episode not a dam thing happened of any consequence. Not a dam thing happened, no players other than magic and he is still home in detroit, we get a taste of his relationship with his current wife cookie. But the whe thing could have been done in a way that took minutes not an hour. And that is now my fear,that instead of having an epic story that was too big for 2 hours, they have 2.5 hour movie that they are going to stretch and stretch until I lose interest. And guess what I did from excited to blah in two episodes. May check out third but no longer excited. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.

P.s I did watch to the end, though there were other stretched out moments overall this was delightful to watch but am wary of the momentum of other seasons.
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A little too manufactured and schmaltzy
25 January 2022
OK for the middle of the pack crowd but if you like your films a little more challenging and less placed puns and things done for manufactured laughs at specific moments well than thus movie ain't fit you. Good for families and kids. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you to.
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Best movie about Craigslist trade, a truck for gas and crazy post apocalypse muscle car, ever
9 January 2022
A true Masterpiece of senseless violence, from the cars to s+m hockey mask warlord, only fury road another in this series is its equal in this genre. Say manny freak as the French say.

Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Frayed (2019–2021)
Good little bit of Ausie dramedy
7 November 2021
The story we've seen before rich person looses all their money and goes back home. So it becomes about characters and writing. I found the characters real and complex. Their are genuine funny moments. I have enjoyed, the 3pisodes thus far and look forward to seeing more. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Parents (1989)
This is not a comedy, I think that's part of the problem
1 November 2021
This movie has mixed reviews. I think some people think it wants to be satire or comedy, because of the very very 50s look, and this is where the bad reviews come in. This is a disturbing tale that is a slow but relatively short burn at an hour and 20 minutes. If you are in the dark about the grizzly truth behind this family I won't spoil it but as the film progresses we get an increasingly unsettling feeling that comes to a final crescendo. Ithink if it is viewed through the lens of a horror flick and nothing else it is very dark, satisfying, and highly unique and original.
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I think this movie is a solid 7. Celebrated director all star cast hot sexy magic come on!
28 October 2021
This movie is from the 80s it was directed the man who gave us mad max fury road. It stars 3 gorgeous talented women, Susan Sarandon at her hottest. Cher just before she went plastic, and Pfeifer when she still had a career. It is sexy and charming and magical with a hints of evil. I think it's a winner and holdup almost 35 years later.
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Not your typical Columbian drug saga.
16 October 2021
I don't really do in depth reviews so don't expect one here. This movie is different than say scarface. It's intellectual it's visual to start. When we think Columbian drug saga we think cocaine medilian etc. Lavish sets lots of violence sex etc. This movie mostly takes place in a dessert where people live in huts and is about the drug trade of 2 indigenous clans. As they seek money and transition from the hut life to more lavish circumstances. Well sort of one family did build a beautiful house smack dab in said dessert (where did the power come from). Thus movie is about old ways versus new ways and how dogmatic sacred traditions can ultimately destroy a family. It is full of symbolism and used a mostly indigenous cast. It is very different, if you have a scarface poster on your wall (great movie by the way) you may not enjoy this film, if you enjoy intellectual challenging cinema this is a winner.. thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Boy oh boy stop at season 4 geesh hope 6 gets better
7 October 2021
Geesh did season 5 suck. Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Ideal (2005–2011)
Very accurate on the basics of the life of a weed dealer
8 September 2021
The show truly reflects the life of a weed dealer. People who won't leave, people who shut up, people who never have any money. No cash no hash! Not to mention he never leaves his apartment for the most part. There is hyperbole and drama to the extreme, but the world and characters graham duff created are original and hilarious. And clearly the premise is grounded in personal experiences.
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These multi genre eps are hit or miss this one miss
23 August 2021
Read the title, thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Rick and Morty: Amortycan Grickfitti (2021)
Season 5, Episode 5
First good episode of this mediocre season
9 August 2021
Movie and tv references galore transformers, hellraisers, Jurassic parks, funny as all hell (pun intended). Thumbs down me you dick I dare you.
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Definition of a hidden gem.
29 July 2021
What a truly wonderful movie from beginning to end. Want details read someone else's review. Don't forget to say this wasn't useful.
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