
22 Reviews
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Fresh and fun
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How this show is rated overall below a 7, but every episode is rated above 7 shows how misunderstood this show is. Rotten tomato currently has this at an 88% fresh rating which is probably more accurate.

Glover and Erskine share great chemistry in this update and re-imagining of the film.

The awkward interactions of two strangers navigating being suddenly 'married' and learning about one another is what makes this show great. It's the silences where they are measuring each other up, trying to figure out if whats happening between them is real or just spy shenanigans.

The missions around their married existence vary from simple to outright dangerous and the show manages to balance the character nicely within the action so that their development never slows.

The vibe is very Glover who has his hands all over the project. The scripts are lean, the missions fun and the overall vibe of the show is pretty slick. Erskine totally holds her own and for anyone who has seen 'plus one' with her and Jack Quaid, you'll know she can just hold the screen or steal the scene with little effort.

Do yourself a favor and watch the show.
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Fast X (2023)
It is what it is at this point
27 May 2023
The fast franchise jumped the shark well before this entry. But it won't stop people from coming out to see what Dom and his crew are up to.

The biggest problem with this film (and there are many) is that everyone seems to be in a different movie. Even sets seem to be composed into the background from time to time. It wouldn't surprise if there were three different locations filming at the same time in all of the tax havens for films.

The car stunts which are a big draw even are obscured by filming them tighter which almost leaves you feeling what is the point. Also, I feel there were more CG cars than normal for a fast film which was a little disheartening.

BBBUUUUUUUTTTTTT, Jason Mamoa saves the film single handedly. You haven't seen a villain quite like this before. Everything about his character Dante is cranked up to 11. He is the drawcard of this film and his backstory is woven clunking into the fabric of Fast 5 but at least drives the story forward consistently.

Louis Leterrier is a fine directer given the right material and tone. Unfortunately Fast X isn't one of them. It would have been a very different film with Justin Lim at the helm considering his visual action chops.

If you like the fast films it's at least better than number 9.
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Gunn shoots and hits the bullseye
10 May 2023
What a way to finish up James Gunn's run at the helm of the Guardians franchise. He has crafted a fitting finale for his iteration of guardians with the usual bickering, action and laughs while weaving in a moving backstory of Rocket's origins which hit home in a very real-world way.

By now the main cast have gotten all the kinks worked and and their easy chemistry keeps even the quieter moments humming along. Even at 2 and a half hours, this cracks along where Vol. 2 got bogged down.

This for me also has the best soundtrack of the three and really tops and tails the film with two absolute bangers for what it's worth.

This was always going to be a better iteration of the marvel machine over some of the latest entry's as it was always a home run with this cast and crew.

It's sad that Gunn is moving on to overseeing the DC universe but hopefully he will be able to meld his darker tones and humour into the more serious material that DC have to offer.
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Scream VI (2023)
Ghostface means business
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Scream IV takes place after to events of the previous film yada yada yada. If you've been watching scream over the last 26 years you know the basic drill by now. But this ain't no basic sequel.

What radio silence have managed to do is create something that feels very familiar but stands out on its own from under the Sydney Prescott umbrella. Sure she gets a mention, but there is no Neve Campbell coming to save the day so our new heroines Sam and Tera and their crew are on their own in the big apple facing down an unrelenting force closing in on them and making them feel more and more trapped within one of the biggest cities in the world, which is a real credit to the screenwriters.

Gone is the goofy bumbling, falling over chairs Ghostface from previous films. This iteration makes the killer character really mean and really brutal. The killings have this aggression behind them which really does feed into the characters and motivation unmasked in the grand reveal during the third act.

There is a genuine mixed and violent bag of ways people meet their demise and while there has been online backlash for Ghostface using a shotgun while masked (as the killer has never used a firearm until being unmasked) the tension of the cat and mousery this film exudes throughout is what will have you hanging until the final frame. The chases are back baby!

Also, it's worth noting that this film is definitely the most violent and bloody, but it all fits while never moving away from the brand of self-knowing, slasher that scream has perfected over the two plus decades.

It's not a film, that requires a cinema session to appreciate it, though I recommend you get together with your core friend group and make a night of it. You'll appreciate it even more.

My two negatives are fairly minor. My first point I want to lay out is that this film would have benefitted from anamorphic lenses. The scope would have really been brought out of the locations and some of the nail biting chase sequences. Just sometimes the framing left you wanting you see more of the environment in scenes.

My other negative is that sometimes there's a victim who somehow survives their seeming significant injuries and while minor in the grand scheme of a slasher horror movie, just sat funny with me. I think they could have worked a little harder to set up their survival.

But please, don't be worried that scream is running out of steam. This new installment opens up a whole new world of possibilities to keep the story going and hopefully the studio and producers will re-engage with Neve and negotiate a fair deal for her to return.
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The Gray Man (2022)
30 July 2022
Let's just be honest about Netflix here peeps. They have a much higher batting average when it comes to their TV show production than their films. For every Irishman there are 20 Ridiculous 6's (I chose that example for the pandering fact that our lead characters name is Sierra 6, I couldn't pass it up. Sorry.)

The Grey Man sits somewhere between those two examples. Is it high cinema? No. Is it terrible? Absolutely not. Is it missing that something that most Netflix films do? Without a doubt, which is a shame cause there is so much to like about this film from the quilt dialogue that everyone is having fun with to the effortless Gosling charm or the absolute ball that Chris Evans is clearly having getting to play a million miles away from Captain America. Side note, I was totally unsure and not sure about his choice of haircut for the film, but I have to admit it totally fits the character.

Plot is Gosling must survive his own agency trying to wipe him out after getting his hands on some info that could bring down a corrupt government official. Cue said government official using his crazy 'will do anything' asset Played by Evans to retrieve said info and take out Gosling. Pretty straight forward.

The supporting cast are all solid and it was great to see Billy Bob again as he really doesn't do enough for how good he is.

I will say I love that they didn't do any damsel/love interest in distress and respected the female characters as much as the male ones. They don't get much character development, but no one really does, so it's an even playing ground in my opinion.

The score is great. It's shot fairly well, but there are a couple times in action sequences where action isn't as clear or geographically cohesive as they should have been.

Please don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this flick and will watch it again but if you're after insane 'what is going on' action then 6 Underground is for you.

My main gripe with The Grey Man is that it should have had a couple of moments to stop and give us a little character depth. It would have gone a long way. Also, thing I love the most about Goslings performance is when ever he gets hurt he just grunts like he is frustrated that it happened. It's really charming.

I recommend turning the lights off, popping some corn, cracking a coupla brews and having a fun Friday night. This is a check your brain at the door and collect it on the way out situation. The film kinda falls apart if you think about it too much afterwards so don't. Be in the moment.
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Shoulda been a 10/10
14 July 2022
This is such a wonderful film... what made it to the screen that is. It is disjointed and leaves you unsatisfied. It feels like important character development was discarded for a tight running time. Kinda like this review.

Affleck is golden. Little JR holds his own. Grown JR never gets fleshed out clearly in a fulfilling way as we skip through his life. He is surrounded by interesting characters that pop up but never get more than a few choice lines before they are gone again.

Clooney gets good performances from all involved.

Do watch it, but maybe the book is needed as a companion to fill in the blanks.

And it has a great soundtrack.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Compact and lean
13 September 2021
I was hooked from the trailer. What really stood out to me was Winstead's physicality in her fight scenes. She really brought it with great energy. She's a good choice for an against type action heroine in the vein, but a ways back, from the OG Sigourney Weaver.

Unfortunately for Winstead, the character beats that she is given are quite hollow with more depth actually afforded to her scene stealing sidekick Miku Martineau who gets to have a lot of fun with her character and in one moment, relive a trauma from earlier in the film succinctly showing the ptsd she carries and suddenly grounds her character.

But what we want to watch Kate for is the action and action it delivers. Some of the camera work is a little too fast in what it's trying to achieve, but hats off to the stunt peeps for making sure they had a very different feel to each sequence, keeping it fresh and exciting which surely is a challenge. The middle two sequences are the standouts, where Kate meets up with a group of goons at the markets and after, a one on one in a yakuza's apartment.

Do yourself a favour and just get yourself a big ol bowl of popcorn and enjoy the next 90-odd minutes. It does exactly what it promises.
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Boss Level (2020)
Fun and fresh
30 March 2021
Joey C (as I from now on will call him) has delivered a great flick for your Saturday night... Well also is good for nights Sunday through Friday too.

Frank Grillo stars as a former soldier named Roy who is reliving the same day over and over while he is assassinated in all manner of different ways not knowing why. To tell you more would be to say too much as it is a straightforward, easy going flick, story wise. Also Grillo has carved a great little corner for himself in Tinseltown which has been fun to watch in wheelman, a few Purge films and point blank.

The film moves briskly only slowing when we actually are in need of developing our characters. While this is when the film suffers, it is needed to help propel Roy into the third act.

Joey C is one of those directors that should be doing more in Hollywood and this film reminded me, in ways, of a previous little gem he directed called 'Stretch' from 2014 starring Patrick Wilson. I do recommend that film too and would be a fine aperitif to this flick.
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The Perfect Guy (I) (2015)
Just a brief thought on this thriller.
7 March 2021
The perfect guy is the kind of flick your girlfriend is half way through watching when you get home and even though you know exactly what will happen scenes before they do, you sit down and watch the rest with your partner as it chugs along.

This was a flick I always said to watch when I wasn't there and I found myself enjoying it.

It's well paced, some solid supporting cast and the escalation of the antagonist doesn't feel forced.

Give it a shot.... When there's nothing else.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
So much hate.
5 March 2021
I don't understand the level of hate being thrown at this flick in the reviews on here.

The film is great!

They have truly crafted an awful character who you just hate and then admire in a weird way while still hating her to your core!

The cast is fantastic and it is an out of this world story AND that is what sells this story. Not the fact that there is no way this would happen ever in reality.

I wouldn't have thought elderly abuse in nursing homes would be a thing, but here we are in 2021... Sorry to get real for a moment.

If you want a really well written, acted and directed pitch black comedy, look no further than I Care A Lot. On a side note it has a pretty decent soundtrack with DJ Shadows "murder on the expressway" playing over the final credits the standout.

P.s I Care Enough... to write this review after seeing all of the neggy opinions on here.
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The Lovebirds (2020)
A good flick.
22 May 2020
This is a fun Friday night at home with your loved one and a bowl of popcorn.

This is pretty by the numbers, but everyone involved is clearly having a great time so just hop on and join the ride.

Some of it is even relatable. Issa and Kumail at first seem like an awkward pairing, but once the story skips 4 years they just have a great chemistry that keeps you hooked for the fun but brief 86 minutes.
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The biggest fault of this film is that it wasn't directed by james cameron
21 January 2020
This is not a bad film. Great action, solid acting and direction. But it's just missing that special something. It suffers the same dark fate (see what I did there!) as the rest of the sequels after T2. Without JC at the helm, it was never going to live up to expectations.

The other main issue is that the weight of saving humanity doesn't seem to weigh as heavily on our new protagonist as it ever did on Sarah Connor. This unfortunately keeps her arc from truly hitting the bullseye by the end.

I do recommend this film and there are much worse things to go watch.
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6 Underground (2019)
Put your brain in a box for 2 hours
13 December 2019
It is exactly everything you think it is and it is the complete opposite to the Irishman, so kudos to Netflix.

It's big, loud, makes little sense and doesn't care as it's too busy moving at the speed of sound for you to even notice. You will, but when you take your brain out of the box.

It is unapologetically fun and also probably Bay's most violent film in which he is clearly having a lot of fun showing the many ways one can die.

Reynolds and cast all work very well together and the script is purely there to get everyone from point A to point B.

But if you're into this kinda thing, you're gonna dig it and if you're not, the Irishman is right there for you.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Alarmingly mixed reviews
5 December 2019
It's clear this is a love or hate film.

It is not an action film, though there are some great sequences. It's not a thriller, though it is a race against time conspiracy flick. It is simply a story of a son wanting to connect with his father and have the closure he needs to move on.

Two hours flew by, the visuals are stunning, the soundtrack is one of the best of the year and it is a simple story told very well. I highly recommend this film.
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It's okay...
7 June 2019
Loved what they tried. But it got too samesy as the film went on and some of the scares didn't exactly make sense. But I've seen so much worse. But anything with Raymond Cruz is fine by me. If you don't know what I mean, check out his filmography. He is in films you loved growing up. Training day, the rock, under siege etc
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Don't get Pokémon, LOVED this movie
7 June 2019
Honestly worth a watch. Reynolds is golden in this with jokes for all ages. Great animation and from my very limited knowledge seemed fairly true to Pokémon designs.

Great simple story with solid themes just load up on popcorn and have a good time.
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18 September 2018
This is one of those little indie gems that just sneaks up on you and smacks you right in between the eyes. You must do yourself a favour and check it out. Kiersey Clemons is a Star. And Nick Offerman is just... real, for lack of a better word.
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The Meg (2018)
Not jaws... not bad.
18 September 2018
This is just good dumb fun. This film knows exactly what it is and where it stands with the audience. Statham is clearly having a great time with him and the cast just enjoying getting to do their 'version' of jaws. This is a great switch the brain off kinda flick. One that you would put on in the background at home while you're doing other things only to find yourself sitting on the couch no longer doing the chores.
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The Predator (2018)
8 is generous but....
18 September 2018
Look, Shane Black delivers everything he promised. A well paced action film with laughs, gore and expanding of predator lore. The third act is a little ho-hum and the tone is off because of this, especially in the last 20 minutes where character deaths hold no weight when all the film's likeability built over the previous 80 minutes should have created a greater emotional impact.

Positives +Humor +Soundtrack +Sterling K Brown

Negatives -Third act -Uneven tone

Just check your brain at the door and enjoy the flick. There are some genuinely great moments in the film from the human and alien characters and you could do a lot worse.
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Cruise control
27 August 2018
Woah! This is the greatest MI flick yet. Everything is perfectly orchestrated in front and behind the camera. This is what an action film done right looks like. Something that hasn't really gotten much love and deserves a mention is the score by Lorne Balfe. His score keeps the undercurrent so close to the surface throughout the film and is half the reason you'll be pulling at your hair while Ethan and his team chase down the plutonium spheres.
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Expectations seem too high
29 August 2012
I have never written a review here, but I felt compelled to actually step up and defend this movie.

The Bourne Legacy was everything I expected it to be. It couldn't be too close to the previous Bourne films, but had to be close enough to let us know a storm is coming.

Bourne's presence throughout the film is what spins this story into action and I felt it was balanced perfectly. We all want Bourne, but this is Aaron Cross's story. Renner and Weisz were great, but I think the scripting has been derided by many as terrible. I had no issues with anything and even felt compelled by Renner's character motivation. This was someone yearning to be more, not someone who was already better than everyone else, but just couldn't remember.

Let's cross our fingers and hope we all get what we want and pair Bourne and Cross in the next film.

There is so much more going on than just Jason Bourne and if we don't get to explore that then the franchise will be poorer for it!
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Avatar (2009)
"... I see you."
29 December 2009
This is a turning point for cinema.

James Cameron has foregone the hokey throwing the Axe at the screen 3-D to forge a subtle, immersing, action adventure.

It is the work of someone who is truly in control of his vision and is capable of bringing it to the screen.

Put simply, amazing film, with s powerful performance at its center(hello Zoe Saldana)!

Not since The Matrix has there been a film that had to be seen at the Cinema.

Do yourself the favour. 10/10
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