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16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the first 45 minutes of this movie, I was a bit annoyed and planning on giving it a poor rating. But after it ended, I have changed my mind and now recognize that it's revolutionary and the fact that they were able to successfully lead me along the messy journey and still somehow portray it in a way that injected the beautiful message into my soul, so clearly, is nothing short of miraculous. I've never experienced a better portrayal of the concept of "getting out of your own head" and how to appreciate meaning in your life, in such a successful fashion in any format, ever. Here I leave you with some of the quotes I enjoyed from the movie:

"Every new discovery is just a reminder...we're all small and stupid"

"When I choose to see the good side of things, I'm not being naive. It's strategic and necessary. It's how I've learned to survive through everything...I know you see yourself as a fighter. Well I see myself as a fighter too. This is how I fight"

"Even though you have broken my heart, yet again, in another life, I would've enjoyed just doing laundry and taxes with you"

"we only get a few specs of time where anything makes any sense."..."then I will cherish these specs of time"

"You still want to do your party?...." " we can do whatever we want. Nothing matters."
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Call of Duty: Vanguard (2021 Video Game)
28 November 2022
This game was so bad, I have trouble even knowing where to begin. The game mechanics were low-effort trash. The dog fight sequences felt like one of those cheap plane battle PC games from 25 years ago where they give you limited movement and it all just comes down to luck because there is no skill involved. The story was boring and forced. The action sequences were predictable. The gun fighting mechanics was embarrassing. The amount of wasted time just walking around or talking to so and so as part of a mission. There was more cut-scene time than actual gameplay. The graphics on the cut scenes were good, it was just a bad story and bad writing. The game should have been halted in production because if COD allows trash like this to go out it has officially jumped the shark and will have trouble getting people to trust them with what product they expect to get in the future.
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The BEST of all 4 Matrix Movies
6 January 2022
I'm shocked at the negative reviews of the movie. This movie was everything and beyond I could have hoped for in a Matrix 4. The plot was laser focused, the graphics were phenomenal. The acting was outstanding. The action sequences were the best in all 4 movies. Why this isn't scoring an avg of 9/10 on IMDB is puzzling to me. I loved it!!!
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The Lodge (2019)
Almost a great movie
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to give this a high rating until the twist and the way it was sold. Just pure laziness. They needed to SELL ME on something that big. You can't just have the kid say "I was pretending" and call it good. Also I couldn't stand the ridiculous gun scene at the end. All he had to do was knock the gun sideways but instead he keeps the gun pointed right at his head for 5 seconds until she pulls the trigger!????? Why???? How did that make it in the movie!?
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The Script was Perfection
17 January 2021
The back and forth between Malcom and Sam really teased out that razors edge that these guys had to walk between progress vs anger. It's never been captured like it was in the film. Sam singing at the end with the passion behind his message gave me chills. Very well acted by all 4 as well! Bravo!!
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Tenet (2020)
Mr. Nolan. I love your work but....
20 December 2020
There are two types of people in this world. The people who admitted they didn't understand this movie's plot and the people pretending they did after researching it on the internet after watching it then telling everyone they did in order to show how smart they are. A complex plot is one thing, but this is just an atrocity. It was just silly and illogical. I'm ok suspending belief but it has to at least make logical sense. There were so many holes silly assumptions and conclusions that the whole thing just became laughable and I just completely hated the movie by the end. Nolan, you are still brilliant, everyone deserves a miss from time to time.
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The Lie (2018)
Great plot. Horrible execution
24 October 2020
I liked the plot but it was sub-par directing and acting. There were so many implausible things added to the movie that should have been easily caught by the director. The overacting by the mom was unbearable too.
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Leonardo DiCaprio in the Trailer After he forgot his lines!
7 September 2020
The scene with Leonardo in the trailer cursing himself after he forgot his lines was pure gold. One of the best 3 minutes of acting in Cinema history.
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Wakefield (2016)
The ending happened with 28 minutes left in the movie
7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
All of you griping about being cheated out of an ending are missing the entire point of the movie. This movie was meant to make you think and evaluate your own life. The true ending of the movie came with 28 minutes left to go in the film, where Howard has the following epiphany:

"If anything, I've come into my senses fully. My god, I can see it so clearly. I've constructed the whole thing. The jealousy ... ... the resentment ... ...the selfish urgency. Howard is victim. Howard is persecutor. Howard has mastered the world. That was my prison. That's what I've escaped. Leaving me where now? An outcast of cosmos. I'll tell you this. You can think whatever you like. I love my wife now as I've never loved her before..."

To me THIS was the ending and the meaning of this movie. What happens after this awakening is irrelevant-the purpose of the film fulfilled. I for one was touched deeply by the message that can only be internalized by investing 2 hours of your time and experiencing it together with Howard Wakefield, watching him realize the shallowness of his approach to life up to that point. That was the moment it all became clear...what he threw away one day because of his own selfish ego...we too can escape our own prison of self-ego-mania by letting go of what Howard did the hard way, look at our life under a new tint, and embrace what's good right now.

An amazing performance by Cranston.
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6 Underground (2019)
One of the best action movies I've seen in a long time
18 December 2019
This movie alone was worth my monthly subscription to Netflix. I absolutely LOVE this movie. It reminds me of a mix between Mission Impossible and Italian Job. The action and dialogue work perfectly for a FUN movie. You gotta go into the movie with the mindset of suspending belief and just having fun. Those people who don't like Fast & Furious type of action will NOT like this. The production quality and editing was 10/10. I've NEVER seen action scenes so explicit and detailed as are shown in this movie at a mind-bogglingly high quantity. I just kept thinking how much money did they spend on this movie!!? I was constantly rewinding scenes to observe and appreciate the intricate detail and special effect that was poured into it. The first 15 minute car chase scene alone had more detail and special effects than most great action movies do for the entire film. This movie was a fun experience!!
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Important story, horribly executed
26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, potential spoilers. The story hyper-focused on obvious facts and story telling / dramatization, and completely ignored asking victims questions and/or answering so many important questions and details that a viewer naturally has as they watch this documentary. The elephant in the room for me this entire series (that I patiently waited and waited and waited to be addressed, because I thought it was so obvious) is how in the world did they get the individuals in prison to CONFESS in the manner that they did!? It is so astounding to me that they simply washed over this and talked about the fact that "it is so unfortunate that the justice system manipulated these poor souls into these false confessions", but there is never a question asked or an attempt to answer HOW THE HECK DID THE FALSE CONFESSIONS HAPPEN? It's so frustrating to sit there and watch this entire series and that didn't even get addressed?! At least 3 of the episodes should have been dedicated to exploring that topic. They didn't even ask the victim who's been in prison for 34 years about his recollection of how they coerced him into the false confession. Not one question. How can you possibly let that happen and not address this? That is what is INTERESTING about this story. Instead, they just continued to re-hash the same known facts over and over and over, spliced in between horrible dramatization that revealed no new truth. When they told the story about Brenden Dassey on Making a Murderer they dedicated large chunks of time to discussing the interrogation, having experts discuss how they manipulated him, etc. etc. In other words, they actually addressed the main topic that made that story interesting! Duh! That did not happen in this documentary so it was disappointing. I want to believe that the guy who was convicted is innocent, but after hearing his confessions and them giving no evidence to the contrary on HOW that happened and WHY it was wrong, I can't really come to any conclusions.

This is a very important story. Perhaps I'll read the book and I'm hoping it goes into details about the confessions. We'll see.
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This is the best movie I have ever seen or ever will see for the remainder of my life
27 August 2018
This is the best movie I have ever seen or ever will see for the remainder of my life. This was not a movie. This was an experience. I've never been so enveloped in a plot and my toes were literally curling in my shoes for the last 30 minutes! When the credits rolled in the theater I came out of the vacuum I was in and just said "what just happened?" Go See this!!
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Blatantly Inconsistent
19 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given this movie 7 or maybe even 8 stars if not for one HUGE inconsistency in the movie: The characters who end up being the killers are completely inconsistent between the 1st and 2nd halves of the movie. For example, they have multiple "secret" conversations with just the two of them trying to "figure out" if one of the other couples could possibly be the murderers. They make comments such as "It really could be them", and imply that they really think a specific couple is the murderers. This is completely inconsistent because if they were alone (and they were the murderers all along) then why would they feel the need to speak like this to each other all by themselves???? It does not reconcile. The only reason was to "trick" (or basically, lie) to the audience by making them completely different characters half-way through the movie, and ignoring everything they might have lead us to believe about them up to that point, whether it makes sense or not. I love a good plot twist, but when the writer/director has to lie and make the characters inconsistent like this in order to do so, it really turns me off of the movie.

Other than the above, the scenery was unbelievable and makes me want to go to Hawaii very badly, and I thought the acting was terrific.
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The best movie EVER made
1 September 2008
Mission Impossible III is without question the most amazing movie ever made in the history of film. The plot has the perfect amount of twists, the special effects are off the hook, and situations played out in general are just spectacular.

Mission impossible II was also very good and so was the first, but in my opinion the 3rd one is just so heads and tails above the other two that there is just no comparing them. There is some pretty tripped-out special effects and technology in this film that really get you thinking. It is great. The entire cast is outstanding as well.

This is one of those movies that I could watch every night for a month and not get tired of it. I don't really care if Tom Cruise is "crazy". He was absolutely at his best in this movie and did a great job. If you have not watched this yet, do yourself a favor and go rent it tonight. You will not regret it.
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Hostel (2005)
I walked out after 15 minutes
13 January 2006
It said on the rating that their was "sexual content". Well, after 15 minutes and seeing 15 different naked bodies, including pictures of 5-8 people piled performing an orgy, I walked out. What a waste of money. Whoever gave the MPAA rating description screwed up bad on this one, how about a little warning of "nudity"? How am I supposed to know that "sexual content" means full out naked orgies? Other movies have this same description have no nudity and but implied sexual themes. Who knows if the rest of this movie was good, I just couldn't get past the first 15 minutes of filth. Save yourself sometime and just go rent a porno or surf the web for a snuff film or something.
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