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Poignant Message, Wrong Platform
20 November 2022
AHS has never shied away from featuring real world issues/plights along with the otherworldly. These two ideas can coexist as long as the story is strong enough. Telling the story of the AIDS crisis and the community that was left to deal with the horror on its own, is absolutely one worth telling. Even mixing in fantastically elements can't damper this. Angels in America is a great example.

Unfortunately, AHS/Murphy & co. Are not the ones to tell that story. This season falls flat quickly and the big reveal that AIDS was the true horror the entire time was so predictable. I called from the second episode that the leather man was AIDS personified.

At the end of the day, AHS NYC reminds me of Roland Emmerich's 'Stonewall.' We're told the story of the gay rights movement from the eyes of a cis, white gay man from the Midwest. And just like that movie, we're told the story of the AIDS crisis through the eyes of cis, mostly white gay men. This wouldn't be too big of an issue, if Murphy didn't use every other season to tell the story from a cis gay man's perspective.

While not only telling a story of the epidemic in a morally questionable way, my biggest complaint is that the season never gains momentum. Stories and conversations that are important to hear, are delivered and showcased with next to no emotion. Even with so little happening on the screen, the story never focuses.

I could go on and on about how this season is a failure on more than one level. I'm not sure where AHS is going in the future and I truly don't believe I'll be along for the ride.

For a modern retelling of the AIDS epidemic that gives the story the gravitas required, It's A Sin is a must watch.
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Lohan Literally Created Christmas
19 November 2022
Surprised by all of the harsher reviews. It's a Netflix Christmas movie, you have to know what you're getting into. Is it 100% predictable? Absolutely, but that doesn't take away from the cheesy, warm vibes the move provides.

I wasn't expecting the reinvention of the wheel and the movie delivers on its premise. Logan's fashion is its own character and there isn't a single shot where she doesn't look stunning.

The call back to Mean Girls with Jingle Bell Rock playing on the radio was so cute. Also, Lindsey looks so good and healthy. I hope this is a promising restart to her career!

This is such an easy recommendation for those that love Hallmark Christmas movies. If you're in the mood for a cute start to the holiday, you could do much worse!
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And I Thought Drag Race Down Under was Bad
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This season is the exact opposite of what I wanted an international all stars season to be.

This season should have featured the judges from each spinoff represented (instead of a judge participating as a contestant because Ru can be the ONLY queen on the panel). There SHOULD be a cash prize. The queens should NOT be sending each other home. Did we not learn that mistake from all stars 2-4?

Mediocrity wins when production lets certain queens know they'll make it to the end.

Also, for those that actually read the reviews instead of downvoting based on the score; I'm not mad at Pangina and Blu for playing the game as it is designed. I would absolutely eliminate my strongest competitor for a chance to win and I applaud them both for having the gumption to do it.

All of this conflama for a duet with Ru. Not worth it.
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Peaks and Valleys
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the trailer premiered, I set my expectations very low for this new installment in the TCM franchise. While I'm a fan of the original and can enjoy elements of the remake, the TCM franchise has a rough history when it comes to sequels. Beginning with TCM 2, the sequels have never been able to recreate the lightning in a bottle feeling of the original.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) continues that trend with a direct sequel to the '74 classic. While the film features great gore and kills, the storyline leaves a lot to be desired. The cannibalistic nature of the original family seems to have been dropped entirely to pursue something more akin to Norman Bates in Psycho (1960).

Even with a short run time, the middle seemed to drag and there was a lot of downtime in between acts of violence. Watching a character hide under a bed for 10 minutes doesn't make for a stimulating viewing experience.

As far as characters go, Elsie Fisher as Lila felt miscast. I adored Fisher in Eighth Grade (2018), but her character lacked agency. Lila survived a school shooting and while the film hints at how this could affect the story, it ultimately goes nowhere. I felt that Melody (Sarah Yarkin) was the more obvious choice as the final girl. She fought back and seized opportunities while her sister, Lila, just stood there.

Speaking of going nowhere, the inclusion of Sally Hardesty (Olwen Fouere) felt shoehorned in and unnecessary. My least favorite trope in horror films is when a character has the upper hand on the killer and instead of taking the shot, allows them to get away. I don't understand how a character that has been hunting for this man for 50 years decides to monologue instead of shooting him while she had the chance. Killing Sally off felt more like shock value than the natural conclusion for her character.

It's a fun popcorn flick and if you can get past some terrible dialogue, "Do anything and you're cancelled bro," and some shots that induce laughter, Leatherface popping his head out of the dead sunflower field, you may be pleasantly surprised. A Texas Chainsaw movie in name alone, you can find worse ways to spend an hour and a half.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Big Opening No. 2 (2022)
Season 14, Episode 2
Not As Strong As Episode 1
15 January 2022
With the last couple of seasons having a split premiere, I've noticed that the second episode is never as strong as the first. Maybe it was due to the talents being so one note or the lack of shining personalities.

I hope that this episode was the mail in the coffin for using lip sync as a talent when it's not your own original song. Three in a row just highlighted how it's an aspect of drag all queens entering Drag Race should have.

It's a strong cast regardless, but I definitely believe our top 4 were in the first premiere.

Also, I'm already over the straight talk. Like we get that Maddy is straight, it's literally whatever, but I don't want every episode to have a spotlight on his straight struggles in a queer environment.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Big Opening No. 1 (2022)
Season 14, Episode 1
Refreshing After Season 13
8 January 2022
What a great start to the season! This is how a double opening should be. The cast gets a better chance to shine and a contestant is ELIMINATED! The premieres of the last two seasons have lost their bite once it became apparent no one was at risk to go home.

While the talent show was slightly above average, the personalities and queens showcased really made this episode standout.

I can't wait to meet the remaining contestants next week and I'm choosing to be optimistic for this season.

And one final note: #KornbreadSupremacy.
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American Horror Story: Take Me to Your Leader (2021)
Season 10, Episode 7
Why Did I Get My Hopes Up
2 October 2021
At this point, American Horror Story has had more misses than hits. While most seasons start strong, they always falter in the middle and just completely fall apart by the end. The past few seasons have been mediocre at best but I find myself getting excited whenever a new season is announced. Maybe I'm hopeful that Murphy and co. Can capture the lightening in a bottle feeling of the first few seasons.

I found the premise of the Double Feature season to be enticing but this episode was the nail in the coffin for me on this season. I have no interest in continuing with the season or any seasons here on out. It's been a fun ride, but if this is the future of the show, I'll see myself out.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
29 September 2021
I'm a huge fan of the books and was so excited when they announced this series. I was concerned once the writer said in an interview that the characters from Six of Crows would also be in this series. They have no interaction within the book series so it didn't make sense to me why they were included. I put that aside and focused on the excitement that one of my favorite book series was coming to life.

Unfortunately, the end result was underwhelming and I was left disappointed. As I suspected, the Crows were not needed for the story and added nothing. Especially when it would cut to Nina and Mathias who were so far removed from the central plot that I skipped through all of their scenes.

Without the prior knowledge from the books, I would feel totally left in the dark. Next to no world building and what was vivid and rich in detail was void of life in the show. I'm not interested in a second season because, in my eyes, they've already shot themselves in the foot.

I wish the show was almost like an anthology series under the Grishaverse label. The first few seasons or parts could focus on Alina's story then move on to the Crows and wrapping it up with the King of Scars duology. Bardugo continues to expand on this universe that she's created and I would love to see those stories played out on their own.
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American Crime Story: Exiles (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
Phenomenal Start
19 September 2021
I don't want to repeat what's already been stated, but this season has absolutely grabbed my attention with only the first episode. I'm absolutely excited to see the rest of the season.

Annaleigh Ashford as Paula Jones is an absolute standout. She plays Jones as a sympathetic participant in this storm.
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A Vast Improvement
6 August 2021
Despite my issues with the pacing and dialogue in certain scenes, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!

James Gunn has proven once again that he has a key understanding of what audiences want out of a superhero film. Also, huge props to DC and WB for letting this movie be made the way Gunn wanted to. I just hope going forward they allow other, lesser known directors to flex their creative muscles.

The hyper violence didn't affect my opinion of the movie and feels in tune with the world the characters inhabit.

Overall, this is what I, and I'm assuming other audience members, wanted from the 2016 film.
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Interesting, but Flawed
26 July 2021
Even though I was only 6 years old at the time of Woodstock '99, I've always been interested in learning why exactly the festival failed so spectacularly.

Color me shocked that the root of all evil was aggressive white men and not the total failure of the event promoters to provide an adequate venue and supplies for attendees.

Going to a rock concert is a great place to let out your aggressions but when you're greeted with 100+ degree heat, no easy access to water or shade, and limited staff over a three day period, is a recipe for disaster.

This documentary felt like it was paid for by the Woodstock promoters to point the blame everywhere else but at themselves.

Side note, Moby is the second most pretentious interviewee in this doc right after New York Times journalist Wesley Morris.
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Making the Cut (2020– )
Give it a Chance
24 July 2021
While I was ultimately disappointed in the first season, the second season is a VAST improvement.

The cast is such an interesting mix and the looks have honestly been amazing. Excited to see where the season goes and I strongly urge everyone turned off from the series due to season 1 to give season 2 an honest chance.
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Gossip Girl: She's Having a Maybe (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Still Lacking
15 July 2021
As a fan of the original series, I was honestly excited for the reboot and to see a new generation be terrorized by the omnipotent Gossip Girl.

Unfortunately, I find this new series lacking in most aspects. The acting, characters, scenes, and even Gossip Girl themself are so lifeless and have none of the zest of the OG.

There's no mystery or thrill to anything that happens on the screen and knowing the identity of GG from the get is disappointing. The creators have said that this series is less concerned with the identity of Gossip Girl and more on the consequences with social media. *cue eye roll* I'm tired of series involving students getting on their soapbox to say that "social media = bad."

I don't buy Julien as the "It" girl of the school. She is literally a puppet and acts on what everyone else around her says/does. I also had no idea that Julien and Audrey are (allegedly) best friends after these first two episodes. They have no chemistry and the entire friend group have no cohesion. Max Wolfe, played by Thomas Doherty, is just Chuck Bass but without the charisma.

I'll continue with the series to see where the story goes and the phenomenal fashion.

On a side note, PLEASE give Monet and Luna their own spin-off or at least ONE episode that focuses on them. They are the only two characters I NEED to see more of and learn more about.
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An Improvement
10 July 2021
I agree with other reviewers that state this film is an improvement over part one. I hold a special place in my heart for horror films that take place at a summer camp, but this movie doesn't really stray from the formula besides the inclusion of the witch.

My biggest complaint is how dark the film is. As soon as the teens went traipsing through the woods to find the witches house, the film went almost completely dark. At times, it's difficult to see what's going on. If I were watching this in a theatre for the first time, I don't think I'd be complaining as much, but watching this at home, even at night with no other light on, was a poor viewing experience.

From the trailers, I assumed this series would be movies to just throw on and enjoy, and that's exactly what we are getting. Excited for part three!
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Grand Finale (2021)
Season 13, Episode 17
That Was... Something
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Congrats to Symone on winning RuPaul's Rigged Race! I agree with other reviewers that this was the most lackluster finale of the show so far. No one truly served a great lip sync and I couldn't wait for it be over.

I do take issue with people being mad that Kandy made it to the final two lip sync. During their lip sync, Rosé acted like she wanted to be literally anywhere else and Kandy was at least moving around the stage doing something. And we ALL know that Mik is not a lip syncer. She was saved from the bottom twice and production can only carry a queen so far. She flopped in the lip sync and that's that on that.

Can we also be rid of the lip sync for the crown??? It's a dead and tired format and this season was truly the nail in the coffin.

Production really shot themselves in the foot this season with zero story arcs and zero stories period. The editing highly favored a select few queens so when it was time to announce Miss Congeniality, I honestly had no idea who would win. And I really didn't care.

I will always cherish seeing queer artistry being celebrated on a large platform, but without some serious reworking, the show doesn't have much more to offer.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: RPDR Reunited (2021)
Season 13, Episode 16
Not a Reunion
17 April 2021
This was more of a recap than anything. Everything was glossed over so nicely and nothing interesting happened.

I (and I can't stress this enough) absolutely can't wait to have this season fade into a bad memory. They have been dragging this season out from the first episode that aired JANUARY 1. This wouldn't be an issue of the cast were at least interesting.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Gettin' Lucky (2021)
Season 13, Episode 15
Fun Performances, Skippable Episode
10 April 2021
Personally, the final episode before the reunion and finale is usually my least favorite. While there is usually a fun performance, there are no stakes anymore with the final four pretty much being a guarantee at this point.

I also don't like that 70% of the runtime is dedicated to the queens repeating over and over again why THEY deserve to win over their competitors. I've been watching the season and have already made my own conclusions on who I'd like to see win so these moments just drag the episode down.
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Overlong, but Enjoyable!
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In typical Drag Race fashion, the writing for the acting challenges can make or break the overall product. Thankfully, this week was a success even if the final product was too long. I understand each queen needs their time to shine in the challenge, but some tighter editing could have made this amazing.

I agree with Kandy and Olivia being in the bottom, but also think Mik could have been an alternate. She was fine, but she's played this character before and, personally, it's starting to become one note.

Olivia has been on a real downward spiral this second half of the season and she may have overstayed her welcome by a few weeks. Kandy bodied her in the lip sync. She'll never be my favorite, but people complaining that Kandy is staying for another week is ridiculous. Take your personal feelings out of the equation and Kandy ultimately did better and deserved to stay this week.

I was hoping next week would be the finale, but it appears the queens will be performing for Ru's new music video. This is a welcome return to a fun challenge that the final queens would participate in on earlier seasons, but I hope they don't try and pull a stunt on us.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Nice Girls Roast (2021)
Season 13, Episode 13
Predictably Bland
27 March 2021
Color me shocked that the contestants this season put on a truly forgettable roast. This isn't a group that I would line up to see at a comedy club. Maybe production should have had a backup challenge in the wings after they realized this seasons queens can't perform a comedy set.

The devil works hard, but Drag Race producers with their preselected top 4 work harder.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Freaky Friday Queens (2021)
Season 13, Episode 11
Love the Game, Hate the Player
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another strong week for Drag Race! It's a fun take on the makeover challenge with the queens being paired off and tasked to put their partner in their own signature drag.

I totally agree with the winning team, but felt that some of the judging was off. Based on the presented looks and judging by teams, Rosé and Tina should have been the bottom team. Neither look was good and the makeup on both was NOT it.

Either way, I'm saddened with the loss of a contestant that I thought could have gone all the way. The season is FINALLY getting to a point where every elimination will see a strong competitor go home. Except for Tina.

Final note, I think that Mik should have been read for Kandy's look. The makeup and outfit, while quintessential mik, is the worst Kandy has looked so far. "That's just my opinion."
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You Can Skip It
6 March 2021
Ru: "You know what this season needs more of?" Production: "Filler."

I assume the reason they aired this "special" is to stretch out the airing so they can have a live finale, but I don't think that will be happening.

I would also like to clarify; I've been a harsh critic of this season, not because I don't think the queens are talented, but because I'm tired of production treating seasoned entertainers like novices. Instead of allowing the queens to showcase their talent/style in an authentic way, Ru and the judges expect all of them to conform to a singular view of drag.

I apologize for the rambling and not even touching on this episode, but I wanted to say my peace. I'll always be happy and grateful to see queer artists being celebrated on national television, but my frustrations with this show has grown in recent years.

Without the judges broadening their scope of what "drag" is, the show will only be an example of what Ru deems as acceptable. Currently, this show has an expiration date and without a serious refresh, it will always be a shell of what it once was.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Snatch Game (2021)
Season 13, Episode 10
6 March 2021
I have been waiting for another episode this season that I enjoyed as much as Episode 3 Phenomenon and it's finally happened!

Overall, I was happy with this snatch game. After the lack luster reading challenge in an earlier episode, I was worried these queens would flounder under the pressure. Obviously there were a few duds (Olivia, Utica, and Elliott), and a few queens received the 'safe' edit (Tina and Kandy), but I found myself laughing more than cringing.

I still think 9 queens on the panel was too much. I wished they would have waited for a couple more queens to go home before snatch game because a shorter roster means more screen time for all of the queens.

Also, the winner was totally deserved! The look and characterization during snatch game were amazing and that runway??? GAGGED. I hope the remaining episodes this season stay on this trajectory!
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I'm Over It
20 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard for a Rusical to compete with season 12's Madonna Rusical, but this was Kardashian Rusical levels of bad.

A double save this early in the competition? When contestants didn't start going home 'till episode 4?

The favoritism is honestly too much. Wish production/Ru would step back and let the talent these queens have actually shine.

This season just continues to underwhelm.
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RuPaul's Drag Race: The Pork Chop (2021)
Season 13, Episode 1
What Was the Point???
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of drag race know that the first episode is the first chance we get to see all of the casted queens walk-in to the werkroom and interact with their fellow contestants. The first challenge of the season is usually a design challenge that showcases the queens talents and helps us get to know them better.

That was completely missing from this episode.

I'm all for changing things up, and drag race is no stranger to a format change, but things got old real quick. After two queens enter the werkroom, they receive a video message from Ru asking them to report to the main stage where the judges ask them a couple of questions and they must lipsync for their lives. One will stay and the other will get the Pork Chop.

I actually like the idea of the judges getting to interview the queens and learn a little about them before the competition begins, but by the time the second two queens were asked to report to the main stage, the novelty had worn off. It's a rinse and repeat cycle that's ultimately too predictable.

You would have had to be a fool to think that the queens who didn't win the lipsync were actually going home. The episode would cutback to them and it was the same thing every time. "What's going on?" "I have no idea what's happening." "Are we actually going home?!"

The end of the episode saw Ru announcing that the queens that got "the chop" must vote one of themselves off so the others can return. I don't know why Ru would put the fate of a queen in the hands of other queens that don't know them. As an audience member, I really don't care who stays or who goes because I don't know them either. It's an unnecessary stunt.

I will say that it's very on brand for Ru to emotionally abuse half of the cast to ring in the new year.

Overall, this has been one of the weakest openings in drag race herstory. Let's hope the cast can pull this season out of the weeds.
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The Prom (2020)
Pls Stop
12 December 2020
Ryan Murphy must be stopped. His continued attack on the American people should be considered a hate crime. Pose is still really good tho.

Also stop casting James Corden. The fact that he continues to get work amazes me. Nathan Lane would have been the perfect fit for Corden's role and has a much better singing voice. He's also easier to like.
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