
9 Reviews
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Like getting a small taste of water after walking through a desert.
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ahsoka (the show) is good by Disney Star Wars standards. However, getting a small taste of water after walking through a desert will always taste good.


Ahsoka the character herself was very uninteresting and over all had a fake feeling of unearned mystique around her. The audience is supposed to see her as "wise" well-experienced but struggling with the conflict of training under Anakin. However, her acting range was very small this really showed when trying to portray her emotional struggle with trusting Sabine and overcoming her history with Anakin.

Sabine was the character the show was really focusing on. While she had good progression and an ok story arc she really fell flat and I couldn't find anything I personally liked about her character. I will say that the progression of her trying to learn the force was much better handled than almost any other star wars live action show. However, it would have been nice if the show showed Ahsoka actually trying to train her in it for at least a scene or two and not just a small conversation over a table. It would have made the payoff at the end much more impactful with the two overcoming their struggles together and coming to trust each other.

Side note: Personally I think she looked better with longer hair. While I understand what the writers were trying to signify with her cutting it off I think it artistically would have looked better if they kept it a little longer like the animated show (but this is a nitpick).

The villains were pretty one dimensional as well with the exception of Baylin which was by far the most interesting character of the show. It's truly a shame that the actor died and can not finish his role in future seasons. Baylin, while he didn't have good screen time, he did properly weave a mystique around his character and set aside his own motives from the rest of the antagonists. From his knights of the round table like honor to his unique emotional reading and manipulation of other characters he was well rounded and had the potential depth to keep the audience interested in his story. However, his separation from his apprentice later in the show had no real buildup to it was and felt very sudden and oddly timed. It would have been better if the audience could have seen his struggle between training his apprentice and his own goals conflicting with hers.

Baylin's Padawan/apprentice sadly was so one dimensional it was hard to watch. Shin Hati had no background, no character traits other than a general lust for power, and hardly any emotional range to her that she might as well of been just another storm trooper. Not only that, she lacked general common sense. She didn't kill Sabine when she had numerous opportunities and motives to, she made many bad choices that anyone in her position would have seen as illogical and had no emotional connection to Baylin as someone that trained under him should have. It's like the writers wrote her as an afterthought. I will say that her artistic design is good however.

Grand Admiral Thrawn. While his acting was very on point and well done his writing was pretty bad. Many of his strategic decisions in the season finale were just illogical. Why keep the ship in atmosphere after loading? Why not destroy the tower earlier? Why can't your ship aim? Why not set traps? What happened to misdirection? Etc, etc. The actor is doing his best to play the character but the lack of logical thinking by the writers really shows.


Another thing that really made this show a miss for me was the unbelievable nature of most of the battles.

  • No matter how many times the ship gets hit it only ever sustains minor damage.

  • The Star destroyer may as well be a joke if it cannot aim a few feet below it. How would it ever aim in space where distances are vast?

  • Turbo lasers on the ring? Turns out they do no damage and cannot even threaten a tiny ship.

  • Crash the ship into the ground at high speeds? Don't worry all you have to do is fiddle with a few wires. It'll be fine.

  • Outnumbered by troopers? Don't worry even though their commander is supposed to be the best they still can't aim or use strategy.

  • Droids after you and you don't have a weapon? Don't worry, just punch them, your hands will be fine!

Those are only a few examples of illogical scenes in the show. To be immersed in a story, the story has to be believable to some degree.

Worse this removes a lot of risk for the protagonist. Making the tension nonexistent.

To make your antagonists threatening they have to actually be shown to be a threat to your protagonist. Some things the show could have done to do this are:

  • Have them destroy the ship

  • Easily kill off a side character that the audience and main characters have come to love for a few episodes.

  • Take advantage of a protagonists mistakes to a devastating degree

  • Severely wound a main character for an episode or two and have the protagonists bond over surviving it in harsh conditions.

(The show tried to do this with Sabine at the start but 1 it downplayed lightsabers and 2 it was a small trip to the hospital and it was over and the villain was chased away so the impact was greatly reduced. This especially was the case when Shin was shown to be pretty inept later in the show.)

These are just a few examples of how to make the antagonist more believable and threatening.

Overall I give this show 4/10. The general story arc is a good one, but the acting and writing in between needs to be good as well for a show to work and this show doesn't have that.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Lots of bad science in this episode. There's no science in this fiction.
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, any space fairing species would be tracking all debris paths for general awareness, navigation, and safety so the main method of avoiding the gorn and destroying the jammer would not work. If we can do this now, they should be able to do this in the far future.

Second, when in orbit slowly moving away from something falling into atmosphere will not save you from falling into atmosphere. Spock and Chapel would be dead. Gravity doesn't just turn off the higher you get.

Third, that saucer section crashing at that speed into the planet would have killed them being that close and at that angle. Not to mention all the other people probably alive in there and on the ground.

Fourth, you can look at a spectrum and see if a "channel/frequency is open" almost instantly. It's not a long task to do. And any half decent jamming system will be blocking all of it. Please come up with more intelligent technical jargon / scenarios.

Fifth, a captain that cannot make a quick informed decision when under attack is a bad captain. When the ship is basically falling apart around him he can't even give the order to move. It makes him look very incompetent.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Delete the first two seasons and you have a good show
10 April 2023
If you plan to watch this show I'd advise you to watch the first episode of the first season then watch recaps of seasons 1 and 2 on YouTube and continue onto the third season.

You can even skip the recap of season 2 as season 2 has almost no effect on the show and was so poorly executed that even the recap is pretty unwatchable.

Season three is fairly well done but suffers from being non-episodic like the rest of the show. So if you don't like long drawn out plots over many episodes then this is not the show for you.

One of the best parts of star trek was the fact that each and every episode was a self-contained story. This show loses that in favor of bing essentially a very long movie. While this can be welcome I think it does not fit the genre well.
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Halo (2022– )
Ignore the lore thumpers
9 April 2023
While typically staying true to the lore or other pre-written material is absolutely mandatory, in this case the writers ended up making something exceptional.

Interweaving interesting back stories, good side characters, world development, exceptional graphics (excluding some parts of the last episode), and most importantly what looks to be a premeditated plot, the writers delivered on an enjoyable sci-fi show which is very refreshing to have in the desert of bad, poorly thought out sci-fi we have today.

While not The Expance level I can see this show continuing on and building upon what it has established in the first season assuming the writes have well established plan. Let's hope they do.
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See (2019–2022)
Promising start followed by poor plot development
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The shows premise seemed limited but I decided to give it a shot because of other reviews.

The start was very well done by establishing characters, world building, a goal, and a good mystery.

Sadly as the show went on the intrigue faded rapidly and most characters ended up not being likable and making illogical decisions not to mention all the side drama that is largely unneeded.

This came to a point in episode 8 after witch I stopped watching the show. Episode 8 felt like it should have been the start of the next epic of the show with the characters finding out who their true father was and continuing the story with him for a few at least episodes. (After all we spent a large amount of time building the character up)

Instead the story goes the wrong way entirely with all characters involved making massive irrational decisions and Jerlamarel being handled very poorly by the story writers.

1. Jerlamarel being made to be a villain doesn't really play well for the rest of the possible story. There's so many better ways to go with the character but instead the writers squander the opportunity (probably because it's easier)

2. By the actions of the episode if Jerlmarel is a villain It did not make sense for him not to kill Kofun in the cell. Kofun has thus far done absolutely nothing for the story other than playing the part of emotional drama.

3. Queen Kane should have obviously died as well by the hands of her sister or by Tamacti Jun and Boots did not really have a reason to turn as he would have the same outcome either way and it is easier to do no action than take an action.

Killing off Kofun, having Jeralmarel play the part of an enigmatic man, and killing off Queen Kane and forcing her sister into the role would have setup season 2 to take the show a step further into bigger issues and mysteries. But instead the writers essentially reset the story back to the start with no character making much progress.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
A show that had potential, but lost it with poor story design.
7 January 2022
Season 1 and 2 are ok with a rocky start in season one. I almost ended the show on episode one because of the child drawings and explanation and the low imagination of the alien's design, but I am glad I stuck around, well at least to the end of season 3.

After season 2 there is a sharp drop in story quality starting in season 3 with it being quite obvious that the authors didn't really know where they wanted the show to go and they didn't think that far ahead about motives of various races and characters. The time jump at the start of season 3 was really poorly executed and tossed the whole story into an awkward state. It would have been much better to pick up where they left off. It even made me question if I was watching the right season.

The jump into season 4 was even worse. It was obvious that the authors were grasping at straws trying to make some sort of interesting conflict to introduce drama but it really fell flat and made me lose any interest I had left in the show because it stopped the plot moving forward all together, destroyed the progress made in the previous seasons, made the enemies look very stupid, and made the main storyline rather laughable in the worst way. Why do these types of shows never have the guts to move forward with the main storyline?

I found myself increasingly skipping through parts of the story to get to the stories I actually found interesting until I was skipping episodes and just stopped watching the show all together in season 4.

While this show is better than most shows now-a-days it still leaves a lot to be desired in story design. The world building is ok but the motives and overarching plot is a mess that becomes worse and worse as the story progresses. The characters, while mostly well designed and acted, become dumber than they should be letting emotions take advantage of them. Then at the end of it all the writing quality becomes just bad.

It really is too bad because the show had potential and they almost saved it in season 2 then the subsequent seasons destroyed it. 5/10.
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The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Removed the best character for the worst
6 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They removed the best character for the worst. The rest of the episode was good though.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Waited for the episode to start and it never did
1 February 2019
This episode could have been a background plot, or even better, scrapped. Nothing regarding the story was accomplished, there was no new discovery, the characters did not develop in any interesting way that was worth the time the episode took away from real plot, and all the ship did was travel in a straight line. And this following closely behind primal urges (the worst episode of a show I have ever seen). Another one of these and I am done with this show for good.
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Could be a lot better if they would focus on the game and not the back story
15 February 2018
I think Netflix's Ultimate Beastmaster shows what this should could have been if it was actually executed correctly. They endlessly rehash events and skip the actually interesting runs in favor of showing "sob stories" that no body cares about. I am sorry but if you can't complete the course then I do not care at all about your back story. And even if you can complete the course I still don't care enough about your back story to watch it for 5 minuets instead of watching other competitors compete. Just simply say "this guy makes pizza" or "this person is dealing with autism and there is his mom supporting him" and show a few shots of them doing something cool-- not their home life or them in the hospital, that is not why people watch this show-- know your audience! Also, the obstacles are way too focused on upper body strength. Make it more diverse like Beastmaster, but don't lower the bar for the woman like you are doing. If you want to give more screen time to woman, make a woman's set and a men's set like the Olympics.
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