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Touched by an Angel: Hearts (1999)
Episode 25, Season 5
Obscured by a talentless M. Conchata Alonso
30 October 2018 - 3 out of 8 users found this review helpful.
The girl with the bad heart played by Christina Vidal stole the show, stole the acting and stole the angel part, that girl saved the show. A few years back she was in a movie with Michael J. Fox, and who knew she could turn out to be this talented and pretty girl who could steal the show...sadly the low key point of this episode was Maria Conchata Alonso and her poor acting abilities; I cringed everytime she was's better she sticks to singing because she really can't handle her own in acting; she could take a lesson or two from Christina Vidal or even Jena Malone who I care very little in terms of wanting to watch something she is on, but Conchata really damaged what could have been a great episode!
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