
39 Reviews
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2 May 2024
I watched this by myself and I was saying out loud "WOW", "I don't believe this", and many expletives.

It's a crazy ride. I'm not really an outwardly emotion person, but at certain points, I teared up - out of happiness, out of shock, out of just wrapping my head around.

It is much more than a voyeuristic experience of him endure, it really is a reflection of humanity; on one hand the cruelty that humans can afflict on another, and then it also showcases the compassion of humanity.

After watching, I am so surprised that here in the US I had never heard about this. It's really unbelievable.

I am typing this right after watching and my head is still wrapping my head around what I just saw.
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Don't trust the high ratings
4 April 2024
These high ratings have to be hyped reviews. Whenever someone sees something at a film festival or a pre screening people feel like what they are watching is special.

This is an okay movie. As someone who actually grew up in the 70s they did a great job with the 70s feel without being too campy.

I watch A LOT of movies, so it all was so predictable, but not completely disappointing. No one in the theater looked surprised when the "twist" was revealed. It's not even a twist.

The actor who played Lilly - wow. At first I thought she was a bit old to play 13, but as I watched her acting she drew me right in. Her intense looks really gave the movie an agitated feeling.

It moves slow as a horror movie, but it is an entertaining 70s throwback until the "horror" unfolds.
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Obituary (2023– )
Finally something good!
18 February 2024
Every now and then I get surprised when I stumble upon something that's very good.

I am not sure how I even came across this, maybe it was one of those suggestions of" you may like".

It's not a light show. You have to pay attention and it's The Great with twist and turns. So many shows spoon you the viewer and this doesn't yet not too complicated. Is not a comedy at all. I would consider it a quirky dark who done it.

Similar to Dexter but, in my mind with more of a twisted plot.

There better be a season two. I am enough to even contact Hulu and asked for one. Definitely give it a chance he won't be disappointed.
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My New Super Silly Movie !! Try it!
2 February 2024
This is crazy stupid corny and pushes the line of inappropriate. I LOVED IT!

If you like John Waters, Kids In The Hall, National Lapoon, Amy Sedaris' Strangers With Candy type irrelevant raunchy comedy, you'll love it.

The musical numbers can get a bit long, but if you listen to the words they are pretty funny.

I was shocked by one scene (no spoiler) and even I thought it was a bit much, but they stuck with it, and I ended up finding it very funny.

Give it chance, no expect ANYTHING. I didn't know anything about it, it just happened to come up on the "you may like" list. That is what made it fun to watch.

I saw the low IMDB rating, and almost didn't watch it. I am so glad I did.
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Ted (2024)
You''ll probably like it, but....
13 January 2024
The positive -It's not all crude jokes, there are actual stories. It had the feel of older sitcoms.

I absolutly fell in love with the mother. The character's sweetness balances out other characters.

The negative - the cursing. Maybe I am too old to relate, but hearing the f-word in every third sentence just seems gratuitously raunchy.

AND, I understand kids cursing among themselves, but I honestly can't imagine kids cursing in front of adults, especially THEIR PARENTS! Is that really happening?

Is it because it's a Bostom family? If so, I be terribly offended if I was from Boston (not to mentioned the forced accents.

Anyway, it's worth giving it a try.
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Stunning visuals - not a movie
12 November 2023
Unbelievable images as if you are flying the earth This could only work at the sphere. It is an EXPERIENCE.

If you go in expecting a "movie" you be slightly disappointed. Although it kinda has a story, it is more conceptual sci-if fantasy that's really pulled together by the absolutely amazing images, the sound system, the seating, and the fullness of the "screen".

You will look in all directions and be amazed. This isn't a spoiler review because I am not giving away the "plot".

Sit back and enjoy the ride. Just being at the sphere outside is amazing. If you add that end it's definitely a must-do.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Finished all episodes - EXCELLENT
10 April 2023
This is easily one of THE best limited series I have seen.

I wrote the below after 1st episode:

Something different - finally.

I think I am a reliable source when it comes to talking about movies and television shows because I watch and binge a lot.

After watching the first episode, I already knew I would be binging this.

Feels like it's like The Office as if there was one person who was there that didn't know it was actually a sitcom around them. The premise may sound cheesy, but because Ronald is not in every scene it feels more like a real sitcom and that's just an added twist.

It's going to be good. I am writing this after the first episode and if it's doesn't continue to be good, I will adjust my rating.

I wrote this after I finished:


ABSOLUTELY GREAT. Please treat.yourself!
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Very Enjoyable. I don't understand the low ratings
30 March 2023
I really don't know what people were expecting that made the give low reviews. I think some people just like to have the power to be extremely judgmental. It was a light comedy and it was an interesting story and fun mystery. If anyone is saying that they guess who did it, from the beginning, is simply lying.

I watch a lot of comedies, and I watch a lot of movies. It was enjoyable it was worth watching.

.I don't expect every movie to be an Oscar winner.

I am not going to break down a movie when I am sitting on my butt simply watching it give people a break or really are taking the time to make some and Just be nicer.

It's easy to sit back and watch this and I recommend it .

I look forward to the sequel coming on Netflix.
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Rick and Morty: Rick: A Mort Well Lived (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
I'll say it - Too Much Summer
13 September 2022
It started last season. I get that women and girls should be represented in strong roles. The latest episodes have just too much Summer being the super brave savior.

It seems that the writers are scared to portray her any other way for fear of backlash.

Where's is my quick witted sitting on the couch bored with the world teenager Summer. She had zingers when she was left of out of the adventures.

Also, as the show tries to be soooooo smart and takes itself sooooo seriously (as it tries to also convey it doesn't) it moves away from the crazy actually funny Rick & Morty that was the draw in the beginning.
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Absolutely love this
26 June 2022
Jennifer Lewis!! What?!?? She is so so good and was an unexpected (I didn't read anything about it, and only knew Vanessa Bayer was in it she's a favorite of mind.

And then Molly Shannon?!? It's all a win win win.

And it really hit home for me because of some personal issues. Made me laugh and gave me some very positive messages.
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Emergency (2022)
U really wanted to like this BUT...
9 June 2022
I just couldn't get pass the premise. It just doesn't make ANY sense. I actually stopped watching, so I don't know anything more than maybe the first 39 minutes.

Without giving any spoilers, it seemed like it was either a comedy thwart didn't quite hit or a serious movie with an incredibly unreliable premise. I gave it a 6 because I actually like the guys, but Jeesh, so cannot recommends.
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From (2022– )
Slow burn but delivers
25 March 2022
I love this type of show that gives you just enough to keep you, and adds twists that you wouldn't expect.

People keep comparing it to Lost; else you will be disappointed. Let it just be it's own story. I was a huge fan of Lost, but once I let go off that, I could sit back and enjoy.

Yes, there are some unseasoned actors, who would match better on a CW show, but there's enough talent to off set.

Perfect I should have given it an 8, but. I don't like to beat up on a show I am enjoying.
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Unrealistic Fun
29 January 2022
I fully enjoyed as I had to just go with some of the senseless decisions and absurd characters. Don't expect too much, but there are enough twists and turns to keep you interested.

It kept me guessing, and that was enough.

I think people expect too much from these Netflix mini-series. Just sit back and watch. Oh, and have a glass of wine while you watch.
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The House (III) (2022)
Animation is well done
26 January 2022
Yea the animation is very well done, but when you actually look at the stories for what they are - they are just ok. I loved the first story and that background and animation really evolved emotion.

I cant say that for the other two. I wonder if this was not animated, but acted out with American accent actors, what the rating would actually be.

I notice when films have British accents or seem "artsy" they get overrated, in my opinion. I still require a full story and I can't say that I got this here.
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
Desperate Housewives! BETTER
4 January 2022
Oh Em Gee! This made me binge the first full 1st season. And when I mean band, I mean bench in one sitting.. I needed this because I miss desperate housewives so much. This is the BEST story that I have seen this year. 2021. I may be late to the game but OMG so good.
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I didn't expect much - ENJOYED IT!!
2 January 2022
Will it go down in history as great? No. It is a twisty dark comedy of errors. I laughed. Wanda Sykes' character is great, and seeing such a talented cast work through this film is well worth it.

Plot holes? Yes Unbelievable? Yes IT'S A MOVIE!! Its fun, it keeps your attention.

I would recommend it.

You won't be disappointed.
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South Park: South Park: Post COVID (2021)
Season 24, Episode 3
Interesting story and funny jabs.
27 December 2021
Trust me, a lot the low scores are from people who dont want to get the vaccine.

Grown Kyle's reactions to grown Cartman are worth watching the movie. I laughed out loud.

Its not South Park at its funniest but well worth the watch.

There will be a part two. There's actually an interesting story woven in.
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Watched 2 episodes - I JUST CAN'T
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Big fan, but this is not good. I could list so many reasons but if barely worth my energy. If you watch it you'll understand.

1. Miranda character's just is being too ditzy.

2. No reason in the world that Samatha's story true to character. It was a mean jab to Kim Cattrell and the in the second episode I can't believe was sooooo much emphasis on "the look" and the style at a funeral. A bit sickening.

3. I can't take Charlotte's lips and her crying and her immature attitude.

I really really wanted to like this - but I an going to pass on future episodes.

It's not funny or interesting and I truly miss Samantha.

Maybe I have matured since the original series (I am the same age as Carrie's character) but I have outgrown this show.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
12 December 2021
I hope the show will be picked up. It's very good. Usually these new sitcoms just don't grab me, but this one grab me. The pilot really defined the characters and I can't wait to see how the show develops.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
12 December 2021
It would be a 1, but everyone can really act, and give quite believable performances. It is SOOOOOO slow, and trust me, I enjoy a slow burn. This one, no burn, just slow.

Its misleading by genre.

Honestly, it is not worth watching. Any score above a 6 has ti be fake.
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True Story (III) (2021)
Very Impressed With Kevin Hart's Acting
27 November 2021
I am on the second episode, and it is very very good. And I am just really impressed with Kevin Hart's acting. I was not expecting him to be so convincing. I am enjoying the shop.
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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
I'm Done - I will no longer watch
21 October 2021
Its not even worth a synopsis based on the story; AHS is simply over.

So sad that it has been greenlighted for two more seasons. They will be on without me. I feel like I've been scammed. Ugh.
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Each Season since 6 have gotten worse
21 October 2021
After the last 3 seasons, and that piece of crap called The American Horror Stories. I am absolutely done with it.

It had a great run, but let's let it die a halfway decent death.

Put it to death. Please do not renew.
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Clickbait (2021)
Binged all 8 episodes in one sitting
1 September 2021
It really kept me going and guessing. Very well written and interesting story. Not a fan of the Pia character, but besides her, it was great.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
I hate to give R&M a bad review
3 August 2021
If this was the first R&M I watched, I would never watch another. Just not funny. To be honest, if this was the first season I watched, I'd give it a "meh".. Something is either missing in this whole season, or something added has season has thrown off the humor. I started seeing it in season 3, but at least that season was usually funny.

I liked Summer when she had a great line or two in an episode, but now that its The Rick, Morty & Summer Adventures Show, the dialogue and humor gets spread too thing.
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