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So so awful
6 August 2023
The first one was an enjoyable, B movie type action flick where one didnt need to think and just enjoyed the ride.

It didnt blow you out of immersion with ridiculously over the top inconsistencies or dum6 scenes.

The sequel is mostly that. The second part especially.

First of all for a movie to be called Meg one would think there would be a raising tension about the creature, some face off and resolve. Or at least mostly about it. But alas it is not.

It is about a variety of creatures that follow no logic about their living conditions, it is about some silly side plot, it is about horrible attemps at humor but most devastating for the movies, it is unbearably inconsistent.

Second part of the movie is scene after scene after scene of a character here and in next scene somewhere else entirely, a character equipped with X and then uses X but next scene again has it. Or combant scenes that make NO SENSE. Some fighting here and then teleportent somewhere else and fighting there, then again at the first place and then rewind and go back a few steps. It is like someone just mixed edits and threw them together hastily so they only barely make any chronological sense. It is enfuriating.

Skip it, it is beyond bad movie.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Charades (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
5min Of Quasi-ST intro And 45min Of Generic DTV Relationship Melodrama
13 July 2023
Just when you think it could not possibly get any worse.

This one had even less sci-fi elements and again zero wit in writing. None ST elements. It had that little intro sci-fi transformation that had more in common with dumb teenager attempt at first comedy making than Star Trek. The whole story was insultingly lame and predictable. When ST had episodes that dealt with various transformations, they story delved into exsistential questions, it dealt with questions of differences, it dealt with questions of connection between advancement and spiritual evolvement.

Here the story dealt with a ridiculously low brow semi-jokes, typical trope of generic relationship dinner melodrama, another mocking of Spock and lacked any Star Trek elements that would make it complex, intriguing or interesting to watch.

Beyond abysmal... is anyone even writing this or are they simply changing the names on various formulaic comedy stories and adding one sci-fi element or two to call it "Star Trek".
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Hijack (2023)
Starts Well But Quickly Becomes Silly
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who doesnt like Idris, ever since Stringer Bell, the guy is a legend.

As the show starts, the acting is on the level and the tension starts rising. Unfortunately its quickly apparent none of the characters are interesting or someone you would root for or like. Also people act weird (how long did it take for the girl to spit out bullet or for such a prepared team not to be able to deal with them for5 mins is ridiculous). But the major gripe is with Idris. Its obviously going down the Taken route with Liam Neeson for his character. Thats fine. But it is BEYOND RIDICULOUS that he basically turns the hijackers to be favourable towards him in 5 minutes. Giving the gun back or not, NOBODY in their right mind would listen to him like that because wanting to go home or not, he is obviously playing a game. And people hijacking the plane, criminals NEVER trust anyone, they would never let him stay close. Might take his advice but the way they let him be just ruins the story. Not to mention they come super prepared with months of surveilance and training yet they have NO IDEA about how plane operations work, how autopilot works. Come on...

All in all, good acting, starts interestingly and tense but quickly noticable no likeable characters and the story/characters actions too dumb too often.
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Nice To Look At, Disappointing Unfinished Story
25 June 2023
At first it promised an interesting tale, some huge twist and discovery/arc of the two storylines intertwining into an entertaining/complex resolution.

There are many interesting moments, kewl action scenes, thoughtful events that come over the episodes. But putting it all together is hugely disappointing. The characters, especially those at the institute are very indistiguishable from one another, their storyline(s) just as well.

The only and main pros of this anime are the visuals and moments and scenes that are fun to watch.

But the story is beyond irritating, NO real questions are answered and by the finale the viewer only has MANY more questions and ZERO explanations. What is with this modern pretentious manner of writing shows where the authors think they are being smart by not answering questions or completing the story. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF STORIES and it has been since the first story was told by the fire.

Worth a watch probabily but dont expect any compeling storyline, it just fizzles into ...
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Padre Pio (II) (2022)
Dark And Depressing
3 June 2023
Despite the historical events and perhaps leading characters personal dark and heavy route towards becoming who he was that does not mean they film needs to also be so dark.

It seems that lately films are more and more separated into fluff and pop corn blockbusters and then you have these heavy "artistic" or religious or quasi intellectual films where they examine certain characters or events. So that after the viewers and producers can pat each other on the back how smart and deep their introspection is.

While not too long ago, directors knew how to interweave complex, dark or troublesome events with light, with entertainment , with charismatic characters to offput that or moments to balance it out. Intellectual and dark doesnt mean it needs to be heavy and difficult to watch.

Very very few know how to do this nowadays, Lebeoufs films never do. They are just plain dark and uncomfortable to watch. Especially ones like this, where they (unfortunately only) focus on the most heavy part of his journey to becoming Padre Pio everyone knows.
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The Tank (2023)
As Basic And Unimaginative As It Gets
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Family, go place, monsters. Not one interesting character, numerous ridiculous decisions or scenarious that make NO sense. Monster creature's costume makes it difficult to move for the actor inside it so the ENTIRE film they either move slow or stand still and make growly growly hiss hiss sounds trying to appear frightening.

Which lasts for about 2 seconds and then you begin to notice pretty obviously those are an actor's arms and legs sticking out due to the typical elbow bend and knee bend when a person is on all fours trying to crouch / crawl forward.

All in all zero depth or development to everything, the story, characters or creatures combined with unimaginative, dull and silly story.

Its just unfortunate and frustrating that a bunch of people get a chance to create a film, to have means to create something good, a proper entertaining flick. I dont know where the process broke but its insulting to the actors and anyone involved who wanted to make something good and watchable,potentially something that would stand out.
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Rabbit Hole (2023)
Trying Too Hard
23 April 2023
Jumpshark would really fit the title of the show better. Every episode has at least one pretty cringe/silly twist that is supposed to be suprising or edge of the seat cliffhanger but after the first couple you realize they are rather cheap and forced, often empty.

The atmosphere of the show is good and the basic premise makes sense. Though the story could use original developments rather than stretching the story with silly jump the shark problems .

The characters are not likekable, maybe the best one is Hom.

Other than that theres lots of twists and conflicts just for conflicts sake and most of them not very imaginative.

But overall it is an average show that keeps trying to wow you with some drastic explosive plot moments however it does not really succeed due to low quality writing.
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Snowfall: The Struggle (2023)
Season 6, Episode 10
Last 2 Episodes Went The GOT Way
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We've had interesting complex characters, we've had quality twists, mostly unpredictable, we've had underlying moral notes and commentary on the drug scene and government, race, society, violence.

The last 2 episodes they completely dissolved, especially Franklin, into a incoherent mumbling fool,creating melodrama for melodrama's sake in most scenes and did every cliche thing to achieve a conclusion based on boring, tired tv show tropes instead of continuing with intelligent and genuine story, leaving the viewers with a conclusion perhaps in the grey area or with open ethical ending to mull over in the next days,weeks.

Anything but this worn out finale of emotional Cissy, Teddy downgraded into a onedimensional villain and Franklin suddenly becoming so obsessed that he became stupid based on some latrine 101 psychology txt book, creating forced conflicts with his wife just for melodrama and tearing him down for lame stereotypical wrap up. The fact is his path was smart, it would have been A LOT more interesting if they warpped up where he got the money and then we see him down the line whether he could stay off the drug game or not. Or perhaps Franklin realizing that the money, realestate game is a drug game but only in a different disguise. Or whatever except this lame, tired drugs are bad, obsession with money(which he never was, money was a vehicle to his goal which was legal financial security) is bad, blablabla.

There was nothing authentic or organic about this conclusion. It was forced and ridiculously poor writing. It seems like someone else wrote and developed the characters all these seasons of the show but then another writer came, one with no experience, love or feel for the material, who wrote the most generic and basic last two eps.
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Plan B (2023– )
Starts Pretty Strongly Only To Falter Quickly
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And the ending? Did the writers forget she told him the name Charlette?

The show had potential... The foundation, the ability to fix mistakes by going back. It could touch upon many exsistential questions about love, mistakes, ability to change etc... Yet it does not. It is one dimensional and forced drama.

What starts as a loving emphatetic couple the writers quickly change, his character , previously a ambitions but kind,warm and understanding individual becomes in a matter of 2 episodes a complete selfish creep while she became the personification of complaining, each sentence out of her mouth is a complaint or nagging. Relationship becomes completely unrealistic, constantly forced melodrama/conflicts, no effort to resolve anything.

Difficult to watch and not entertaining television. Melodrama for melodrama's sake.

Then theres the conclusion, which who knows what is about. She sort of makes amends/tells him she doesnt hate him anymore and then he says hes sorry anyway and "also hes sorry for Charlette". And cut to credits...

Huh? That is supposed to mean something special?!? A supposed Hint that he also went back to the same date?

Doesnt make any sense because when they first meet in the past she screams at him and TOLD HIM about Charlette so him knowing the name indicates NOTHING, it points at no twist.

Can the writers actually be THAT sloppy and forgot they incorporated her name in the beginning of the episode?

Meh... in any case just a subaverage show despite having potential.
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Snowfall: Sacrifice (2023)
Season 6, Episode 9
Cissy Brings Down The Whole Show Again, This Time Destroys It
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This couldve been one of the best tv shows on drugs theme. Main problem since season one has been of course Cissy , Skyler from BB or Jar Jar from SW type character, totally unlikeable and often writen with contradictions or plain badly.

And now shes the one that has destroyed the show's chance to be one of the best. The show had often great writing, unpredictable twists, things happening as you expected them to only to a minute later change direction.

But this episode was the most on the nose, the lamest , horrible writing in the whole show. Shooting Teddy seconds before transfer is tantamount to writing style by 5yo, imagination level of a dry twig, completely again changing her supposed ex-black panters, stoic and in charge character into a mindless bimbo in her 20s completely acting on emotions.

They could easily let him transfer funds and then in the last episode implement some Citizen Kane parables with Franklin having the money but then the hitmen (or something from past) comes and he is left with all the material goods he ever wanted but alone and empty. Or whatever... but this nonsense.

The worst episode of the show and one of the LAMEST story events in any show, a warning on how NOT to write.
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Poor Special Relying On Crude On The Nose "Jokes"
7 March 2023
And I love Raw or Delirious from Murphy and similar. Crudeness,vulgarity doesnt offend me, nothing political or anything does if its funny.

This is not funny. It is similar in many ways to the last Marlon Wayans special. Its all on making the punchlines based on lots of yelling and physicality and being extremely vulgar, often telling long stories or his political commentary without a "joke" or any attempts of funny in sight. Only yelling and ranting. You can see people in the crowd being uncomfortable, barely anyone truly laughing.

Perhaps this works with drunken college crowds unable to understand anything more complicated but in general its just plain lame. None of his "jokes" are even close to the likes of Hedberg, Bo, Burr, Black etc... where theyre written smart, witty and structured intelligently to catch you unprepared. Jokes work best with contrasts, with original observations, with surprise.

This special is nothing but on the nose quasi-jokes, lots of vulgarity without being funny, lots of unnecessary yelling and him trying to provoke people into laughing by going into various extremes.

But there is nothing intelligent, quality funny or original here. Sad lame special for which he'll be payed millions while there are so many better comics out there being overlooked for promoters easy pay days of this nonsense.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
Stretched Out And Not Very Interesting
2 February 2023
Seeing the title and genre I had hoped it was going to follow at least partially something like True Blood, a nice balance between intrigue, drama, supernatural mystery and action.

It is not really that. The story is stretched, they keep playing ping-pong with our leading lady as shes looking for explanations and getting partial answers so they can stretch it for another episode. Instead of building a quality,complex, intriguing tale with substance and moving FORWARD (which is the foundation to every story to make it interesting,to constantly move forth and discover/have new things (happen)..

Also in general her behaviour seems so lackadaisical, not demanding answers or pursuing them actively but rather lets everyone brush her off.

Lasher is also constantly on the brim of the story instead of involving him more. Nor does he give off (actor or director's fault?) the shadowy, ominous, somewhat frightening presence.

On top of already slow pace you have whole episodes now in the beginning of season where whole episode is dedicated to Rowan hallucinating and flashing between reality/dream in the most boring, random way possible. Stopping already slow pace of story and using the hallucination excuse for dedicating the episode to Rowan bedroom excursions and blundering aimlessly around the house unaware whats real. Who wants to see that?

This was supposed to be a drama intermixed with a bit witchcraft mystery and interesting charismatic characters.

Instead its a slow, boring melodrama with perpetually confused leading character and onedimensional characters. The only one interesting currently is the "uncle" .

This show needs a new director/showrunner who would take something like True Blood for potential format and who knows how to combine Anne Rice soap opera drama with supernatural in an entertaining exciting way.
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Accused (2023– )
Predictable Stories and Generic Tropes
1 February 2023
The show's premise seemed promising at first but every episode is predictable, every ep is a slow introduction of story/context followed or sometimes intermixed with more predictable and basic twists that seem right out of txt book 101 for writers and it gives impression there was ZERO effort put into writing.

There is nothing witty or intelligent about it, nothing that will surprise you or keep you on the edge of your seat. It is filled with tv tropes, cliches and on the nose story's directions.

There are no intelligent moral conundrums, there are no witty ethical questions or commentary underlying the stories, there is nothing but a basic story with basic resolve. Onedimensional as onedimensional can be.

.On top of that, the cast regularly consists of somewhat quality semi-famous actors who do their job well but then you have unknown ones, some of which are absolutely abysmally bad and unconvincing/act over the top.

If you're looking for smart unpredictable entertaining writing avoid, if youre looking for something to fall asleep next to, go ahead.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
22 January 2023
It appeared in previews as a bit of a looney, quickwitted, party perspective view of hedonistic hollywood and its various

The only entertaining little bits are the few and far inbetween usually with wide-eyed Manny's scenes and even those are mostly ill-fitting in this discombobulated script.

The first feeling one gets is that its written super neurotic, everyone yells, everything is fast paced, everyone is its own island unaware and loud with all at the same time lacking be it wit, humor, depth or anything that would make it more than just loud and adhd.

The second offputting thing are the character where everyone is some over the top version charicature of a possibly interesting character. They just amp it up to 12 and become obnoxious and loud, also everyone lacking any self awarness. Its just hedonism for hedonism sake, there is not thought or intellect interwoven inbetween maybe trying to say or portray something except on the nose visuals that are constantly trying to top the previous scene and so soon losing the edge. No tempo, no anticipation, the director just keep pouring it on.

The story(s) youre not really sure whats it about, feels like a semi stories semi collages of directors favorite scenes all fast, neurotic and without one pleasant endearing character or interesting complex one in a redeeming thoughtful scene or tw.

This thing is unpleasant to watch.

I mean filtering a certain time period with a heavy hedonistic filter and adding cartoonish character ensemble is all fINE and could be AMAZING and entertaining but the director/writers unfortunately did not have the talent to produce an entertaining film within those structure elements. They just made it neurotic and heavy.
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Plane (2023)
Why In Every Film GPS Cannot Work Without Carrier Signal
15 January 2023
This has been a silly trope in movies for years and often completely destroys plausibility of plot since A) it does work, no problem and B) they could have instantly be aware of their location, whether ground or on the plane in flight. Satellites are always above them.

Or how difficult to find them. They were flying registered preapproved flight path and do any of you remember Captain swerving left and right out of path or doing huge circles. Rescuers simply follow their path since we can see they did not turn except perhaps last minute or so.

Even worse is dumping fuel at the last seconds. So he flew a super heavy plane as long as possible making the distance he can cover as short as possible due to fuel weight instead of dropping the fuel as soon as he can so he is as light as he can possibly be. The fact he started using flaps last few seconds is also absurd, he needed lift he couldve at least used a little bit to not drop like stone despite little speed drag.

And then you have unappealing characters, unpleasant story, a weirdly put together conclusion...meh

I mean it began somewhat promising but then just drops of.

So many increadibly dumb things one cannot believe a regular person writing such a script doesnt know such things. The writer got his job through contacts not because of talent. This movie had potential, it had a quality premise yet somehow they completely made a blunder out of it.
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BMF (2021– )
Liking It Less Each Episode
13 January 2023
First season was mildly entertaining,thought forgettable being written with so many stereotypes and tropes and being formulaic.

But 2nd season they doubled down on it. 50cent puts not even a single ounce of creativity or originality into it. Even the scenes, the shots introducing a scene its all the most basic 101 handbook. Like dropping a thing out of grocery bag and as shes trying to pick it up you see a hand reach down to pick it up, Or who the traitors are in the game, again 100% as in every 50cent show and based on generic tropes. Also it is so very budget.

Storywise one thing that is super annoying is how they mention how much they are earning(millions) yet they are broke most of the time. Or if the story needs it, or when Terry goes in business with his dad. How can he have ZERO money when he shouldve been a (multi)milionaire already. Where is all the money they making?

But the thing that bothers the most is the forced problem making or how quickly cops could turn a second in command. Also how the main guy is written is ridiculous, his brother helps him out of a serious serious jam and instead of dropping down to his KNEES and thanking him because it could be a huge deal, he curses him out and then punches him. Who writes this nonsense.

50 had a few pretty quality shows, or at least one, but lately given his shows it seems he has no interest in quality anymore, just low budget and little work invested in creation which is easily solved with formulaic generic writing.
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Troll (2022)
A Complete Copy/Paste From Various Other Films
2 December 2022
Sometimes it was actually comical how exactly the director's laziness prevented him from changing anything, some scenes were just direct cut/paste from Jurrassic Park, other Troll film, King Kong & co.... Of course a person, a budding film maker has to learn by observing and there are certain craft rules and structure you need to follow as to make the film coherent and understandable. But when, like in this movie, you DIRECTLY copy every single storyline scene opening AND dialgoue even, you follow every romatic/relationship film trope to the point of utter predictability and make ZERO effort for any originality, then you do not deserve to be called a film maker.

This is pathetic, this is nothing but scenes from other movies but the director replaced the names and monster with "his" and had it cut together.

Horrible laziness and uninspiring work.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Season 2 Quality Drops Like A Rock
23 October 2022
I do not know whether they replaced the writers but season 2 is basically unwatchable. The story meanders left and right and is unnecessarily convoluted. Not to mention boring and all the characters completely unlikeable. The whole season doesnt really move anywhere or are there any interesting developments, nothing but a repeated betrayal left and right, all covered with lots and lots of bloodshed. And of course Elliot, who it seems came over from MCU where he got a proper big dose of super soldier serum because he has no problem going against small armies by himself repeatedly with ease.

Boring&silly, unlikeable characters, shallow season.
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Gangs of London: Episode #2.8 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Convoluted, Super Elliot, Not 1 Likeable Character
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After 1st season that was at least somewhat promising, this whole second one was a disaster.

The story meanders uninterestingly throughout the season with our characters continusly fighting and betraying, not by any seemingly authentic or well written reason but by some forced plot points that the writers thought might add drama. There is talk about "investors" but we never meet them and they might as well not exist.

Not one single character in the show is the tinniest but likeable, Koba has some quality villain charm but it is all mellowed in the mediocrity of it all.

The anti-hero Elliot, the supersoldier, is one of the worst. Easily time and time, and then time again beating groups of professional ex-soldier mercenaries, shooting bullseyes anytime and just being super. While also being super annoying and unlikeable.

The story basically is founded on one betrayal after another, there is no tact or logic, everone just betrays everyone and then there the convenient rationalization that is as flimsy as it gets. Its like everyone is first time in this business.

Horrible, boring, convoluted mess of a season, not one characters shows any common sense or seeks to avoid police attention, everyone keeps attacking one another in the public in middle of London. This is one of the worst writen shows/seasons in existance and deserves to be canceled on the spot.
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Black Adam (2022)
Shallow, One Place One Trick Pony, Forgettable "Villain"
21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its the exact opposite of vast taking place epics that happen all over the world with various characters, adventures ensue, develop, story turns twists happen etc... Here WHOLE movie happens in one place with same people and our "hero not hero" keeps doing THE SAME exact thing thoughout the whole film. Save the kid/mom, go wondering about whatswhat, kid needs help, go back, fight a little, again go wander, help, back, ...

Eventually last few moments new dude appears but gets taken out easily. And there is ZERO emotional payoff or anything, because there is no buildup or structure/side story for anyone really, there is no proper main villain, the demon guys is presented with what could fit on a bubblegum wrapper story size, there is nothing interesting there and he is completely forgetable.

The whole movie is a mess, the approach is 100% tried and true style, with generic stereotypical character, generic recycled humor, generic predictable story events. Nothing has any soul or feel, its all black and generated.

Unfortunate because the foundations seem kewl and it would be great to see a proper movie about Black Adam. Certain CGI scenes and BA perspective when he fight was done pretty great, it is extremely rare that we get to see in this kind of was how superheroes fight.

But aside from that and maybe one or two moments, all of the film is a average or even better subaverage mess.
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Bob's Burgers: Comet-y of Errors (2022)
Season 13, Episode 4
They have completely ruined Teddy
17 October 2022
He used to be this quirky weirdo with no self esteem and a good heart and a simple person. Sometimes he came up with a great idea out of his sleeve.

Now they have written him into this severely mentally handicapped person, who somehow writers thinks makes sense, under guise of nervousness cannot walk straight, talk properly, know WHICH EYE to use for looking through telescope,despite decades looking up, knows nothing about ... In this episode they went so far it completely destroyed the story flow because of it being so dumb. There is a point where supposed nervousness or being a fearful person does not make sense anymore. And they have passed that point with Teddy a mile ago.

Theyre not really trying anymore, most this show now is simply recyling old stuff.
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Hamm Is Great But It Feels Like First 30mins Of Movie are Missing
21 September 2022
Overall I quite like the film, Hamm is charismatic and each character has their own recognition and own their role very well. There are fun banters and lots of chamistry between characters to go around.

However I did not like as much the feeling that youre thrown into the middle of the movie in a way,like your ought to know Fletch and his ways. He is already this very defined character with his quirks and ways. Either this shouldve beeen a sequel or there shouldve been a longer introduction because for someone who hasnt read the books it is a bit weird.

Also the story is not bad and feels like one out of the classic movies where it was interesting witty twists and turns that propelled the films not action and explosions. However the story is a bit too convoluted and confusing, with too many turns a bit forced.

All in all, above average and pretty good entertainment but far from excellent. Still I wish theyd make more of these kind of films, fun dialogues, entertaining characters, good stor.
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
A disappointing conclusion
4 August 2022
One hour and a half of mostly revisiting utterly dull and generic relationship drama with the robot and moklans( which was a bit cringe worthy). Not to mention dragged on and on...

Also the girl issue, another uninspired drama solved with a stroke of a hand. Throw in some moralization about tech and ethics so it at least a tiny little bit resembles Star Trek spirit and satisfy fans but pay it the least attention of all "storylines".

It should be and it always was with ST, relationships and such were always secondary to the main story. Unless it was a character driven story but those were written superbly and with wit, rarely predicable. Far above Orville writing for most of this season.

In my opinion this was worst and most unnecessarily drawn out episode of this whole season. And that is saying something because the whole season was subpar with revisiting the same stories again and again.

I would not mind if I never see another plot involving moklans,Topa or Kaylons.

Where is the ST ethos, exploration, new horizons, new original beings. Not Melrose Place in space.
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Better Call Saul: Breaking Bad (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
Pointless and empty
2 August 2022
Just stretching out the season and filling time slots. This seems now like if they are starting a new show where "the gang" does these little crimes, a spin-off from BB. Only its boring one to sleep and has this little lame show spirit.

They shouldve ended it while on top, this is just pathetic.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
A Bit Better
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At least we're done with all this Kaylon thing and hopefuly mocklans for a while. It wasnt very exciting, especially how easily they solved it. New weapon, Kaylon have a moment of such profound realization and its all good. Amongst all the, although nice, quite empty CGI.

This whole season felt long and underwhelming. I miss more single plot episodes dealing with new things, not constantly revisiting same issues and characters. Star Trek was always about pushing the boundaries of sci-fi thinking, imagination about outer space and alien species and so on. This season we've maybe had one ep like that all else was recycled plots.

Also they keep retiring characters left and right, even though I doubt anyone will really miss Charly. You can get what they tried to do with her but they wrote her so poorly or maybe it was the direction or actress. Too bad they didnt get rid of the whatshisname mocklan partner of Bortus, whos constantly running his mouth. Still not sure why Alara left. They need to build on characters not keep replacing them.

Lets just hope if Orville returns for 4th , they go back to ST foundations, maybe hire new writers that know how to create good interesting ST worthy twists and pepper it all with a bit of Orville spirit from the first season.
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