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Bland. Boring. Unremarkable.
27 October 2018
I'm really unimpressed, mainly due to the fact that this took 2 years. If this was a 3 month gig, sure I'd be impressed. But for a 2 year passion project...its not creative, or land-marking, or statement making and its only 12 minutes long. I thought the whole point of the fan-made star wars movement is to give us what Disney won't. This just feels like the blandness of the first EA battlefront.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Very few enjoyable moments in the entire series.
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers

The biggest problem is the writing. The people who wrote this were the writers of the Clone Wars series, which, newsflash...was not a kids show. It was very dark and violent. Now they are given a TV-Y7 rating cap on it, and literally just don't know what to do with it. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind shows that are TV-Y7, when they are done correctly, ex. Transformers Prime. But this one is just done poorly.

As a result of the TV-Y7 rating, there's rarely any deaths, with the only ones being off screen or implied, and the fighting is really bland. Also the empire is completely incompetent and serves no real threat. And its so campy. The writers have just resorted to thinking: "People are gonna keep watching it no matter how terrible it is." So they're just lazy. They never take any risks. (Except for the 5 episodes at the bottom)

The worst part: The main characters. They're just so stupid and campy. Except Hera (twilek pilot) and Kanan (former Jedi knight) had really good potential and are still good characters, and I wish the series focused on them. Unfortunately, it focuses on Ezra. This whiny little kid who is force sensitive and can't make a single wise decision, not mention through all the series and his Jedi training, his character hasn't developed at all. Zeb (talking Chewbacca knockoff) is just

annoying and one dimensional. Sabine (mandalorian...graffiti artist) had great potential but they ruined her too.

The dialogue in this show sounds like it was written by a 9 year old. The animation sucks.

All of people tell me to "give it time", like how "the first season of the Clone Wars and its movie had those same problems." The difference is...Clone Wars got its crap together by the end of its first season. Rebels is now at the beginning of the 4th season and it hasn't improved a thing. I just can't wait til its over.

If you want to save your time and watch the only good episodes, here they are:

S02 E01 Siege of Lothal ; S02 E21 Twilight of the Apprentice ; S03 E06 The Last Battle ; S03 E20 Twin Suns ; S03 E21/22 Zero Hour

Sadly, these episodes have Ezra in them. Just try to ignore him. But these episodes have really powerful moments in them, its sad that the rest of the series sucks so much.
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A Phenomenon, Perfection
2 August 2016
I was speechless after watching this. The movie was literally perfect. It really pushed the boundaries of how epic an animated movie can be.

This is definitely the best Batman movie I've ever seen, and paired with part 1, one of the best movies I've ever seen.

This movie understands that Batman is not for kids, and keeps a Dark tone throughout. Even with it being animated it treats the image like a professional movie's cinematography. It's just amazing.

As far as the voice cast, I would have preferred Kevin Conroy for Batman, but Peter Weller (aka RoboCop) actually does a really good job. Michael Emerson as the Joker was interesting, out of the norm, but i liked it (Even Mark Hamill liked it) I cannot express in words however, how amazing David Selby was as Commissioner Gordon.

The soundtrack still gives me chill bumps when I listen to it, kudos to Christopher Drake.

The plot, was epic, nothing cliché, nothing too weird. It did however have some weird, awkward moments, that set it apart from part 1.

The appearance of the Joker and Superman in this make it very noteworthy. Not going to spoil anything but let's just say, this was Batman v Superman as it should have been.

This movie is just perfect. Watch both parts. It is a must see for anyone.
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Perfection, Impressive, Phenomenal
2 August 2016
I was speechless after watching this. The movie was literally perfect. It really pushed the boundaries of how epic an animated movie can be.

This is definitely the best Batman movie I've ever seen, and paired with part 2, one of the best movies I've ever seen.

This movie understands that Batman is not for kids, and keeps a Dark tone throughout. Even with it being animated it treats the image like a professional movie's cinematography. It's just amazing.

As far as the voice cast, I would have preferred Kevin Conroy for Batman, but Peter Weller (aka RoboCop) actually does a really good job. I cannot express in words however, how amazing David Selby was as Commissioner Gordon.

The soundtrack still gives me chill bumps when I listen to it, kudos to Christopher Drake.

The plot, was perfect, nothing cliché, nothing too weird. This movie is just perfect. It is a must see for anyone.
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Over-hyped, Unimpressive, R rating misleading.
2 August 2016
So obviously when i first heard about this movie, i was really pumped, and kept up with updates as it came closer to the release.

I've always loved the PG-13 animated Batman movies, and of course I hear about this one's R rating I'm wow this is going to more amazing than any ever before it.

So the time finally comes and of course I go to the one night theater showing.

Strong start, love it, some good action, funny moments. But then I notice that all the bad guys say "freaking" quite often. Was this a prelude to the rest of the movie?

Yes. It was. The R rating was a total scam. There's some brief bloody shots, like 2 actual curse words (mild too), an IMPLIED sex scene, an even what was to be considered the most controversial part of the original comic...was completely censored as well. It was PG-13 by my standards. "The Dark Knight Returns" and "Assault on Arkham" were both PG-13 and had WAYYY more blood, violence and language than this did. (Assault on Arkham also had more sexual scenes and still remained PG-13). It was just really disappointing.

The plot was really loose too. When the movie ended I was like..."wait what?" There was no climax. The rising action just quickly crashed into the falling action and ended. This just goes to show that not every comic looks good on the big screen.

Really the only thing I liked was the fact that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill were in it.

Would I recommend it? It's worth a watch, I guess. Just as long as you go into it thinking, "This is a PG-13 movie."

If you want to watch something better as far as PG-13 Animated Batman goes, "The Dark Knight Returns" (not to be confused with "The Dark Knight Rises"), "Assault on Arkham", and "Under The Red Hood" are all three very amazing movies.
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Everything you wanted from Darth Maul
11 July 2016
The amount of work that went into this fan film is amazing. Typically fan films have crappy picture, audio, and dialogue. Everything about this was professional. Even the CGI was good. The world would be a merrier place if every fan film was as good as this.

I give this a 10, simply because, since it is a short film and is full of well coordinated cinematography and lightsaber dueling, there isn't anything to critique. It's perfect.

We all wanted more screen time out of Darth Maul, and more action. It keeps within his character's savageness. This short film perfects this. Darth Maul taking on like 6 Jedi. It's a dream come true. Like, it's impossible not to like it. Go watch it on Youtube right now.

Go, go! *makes shooing gesture with hand*
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The Babadook (2014)
11 July 2016
Not sure why this is in the horror category. Suspense, yes. Horror, no.

This movie seems kind of scary while you're watching it. Not going to lie, the build up it actually kinda chilling.

But then the movie ends. And you sit there and you are like: "Did I just waste one and a half hours of my life?"

Yes, yes you did.

Because that's just it. It's all build-up, with no climax. When the credits finally roll, you sit there nothing made you jump.

On a technical level, visuals and audio suck. Picture quality is like 2000. There is hardly any soundtrack, which would have possibly helped terrify the audience. And there is no cinematography whatsoever. All the shots are extremely basic.

All this together makes for a really terrible, not scary, indie film.
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Big Fish (2003)
A Very Unique Film
11 July 2016
I just really like Tim Burton. Why? He makes movies that are different. Movies that don't follow the exact same pattern as every other movie. This movie is just one of his finest examples. With this movie, you just stay pleased the whole time you are watching it. Wonderful story telling. It's heart-warming, and typically I hate that type of thing in movies, but this movie makes it enjoyable. This is no action movie, I'm an action movie guy, but i love this movie. Ewan McGregor's performance just enhances the film even more, definitely his second most memorable role to me. The colors in this movie are bright and vivid during the story telling portions of the film, and I've always found that extremely appealing to the eye. Its a very adventurous movie. I mean it's hard to explain, because this movie is so unique. You just have to watch it for yourself. It's one of the best stand-alone movies I've ever watched.
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