Sailor Moon The Best And 1st Female Anime! It's about an air-headed crybaby, named Serena, and her friends Amy, Rei, Lita, and Mina. Using special powers, they can transform into Sailor Scouts. They become Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus respectfully. They fight for love and justice against the evil minions of the Negaverse. To help them in their quest, they heed the advice of two talking cats, Luna and Artemis, and also the mysterious Tuxedo Mask. WOW why would anyone hate the series sure it has the same formula but who hates it?! If you hate it like Gal-5 I hope you like some whoop butt from the Sailor Senshi if you know what's good for ya! If it wasn't for Naoko Takeuchi my user name wouldn't be Saliormoonfan44. Please don't listen to him! He's just a brainless twerp with no good taste with girl power. Last words go see it now!
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