
10 Reviews
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Ratings are totally unfair
24 February 2024
I felt compelled to write a review for this movie simply because I can't believe it's at 3.9. Now, granted, this is no Academy award winner, no brain twister, no box office giant, and no script pushing actors & actresses to new heights, but it wasn't supposed to be! It isn't advertised that way! This movie, for me anyways, has a very special place in my movie catalog, because when my daughter was about 6, we watched this tigether and she laughed harder than I've ever seen her laugh for anything else in her life. Whether or not it's a great movie, it's a movie that kids will enjoy, and because of the sheer level of enjoyment that my daughter got from this flick, it will forever be sentimentally great in my eyes.
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Reacher (2022– )
An Action Packed Non-Woke masterpiece!
18 March 2022
I couldn't get enough of this show. I feel like everything on TV these days is trying to shove some kind of progressive message down our throats. This show on the other hand just serves to grab us by the throats and pull us in for a thrilling and intense ride. Who doesn't love a good story about real justice and people getting what they deserve? I can't wait for more seasons.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Superb Acting, Unsatisfying End
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My real rating is a 6.5. I really like the premise of this show, and the acting is truly great, so I have no complaints there. The downside? I think this would have served better as a mini-series that wrapped up in one intense season. I don't want to have to sit through 3+ seasons to watch this story flesh out. As other reviews have said, it seems like the writers aren't sure what direction they want to take the show and which story they want to run with. Is it horror? Is it supernatural? Is it survival? Is it suspense? You get teased with supernatural elements that are quickly dropped & forgotten for several episodes, only to get a tiny tease of it again. The entire 1st season is a slow buildup that doesn't even end at the 10 minute series opening scene. The season ends with no answers as to how they suddenly decline into primal depravity, other than teases of answers. I wanted more out of an ending. All in all, I like the show, but I don't love it. I think the audience deserved more closure for a first season.
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Evil: I Is for IRS (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
Can we get somewhere already?
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers* Listen, bottom line, I like this show. It's kept me coming back, even with it's frustrating moments. But it's getting harder and harder to have any affection for Kristen's character at all. I mean yeah, we've been teased with possession. We know somethings 'off.' But how long can we go without any answers as to her outrageous behavior, especially towards her own husband? Now she full on cheats on him, RIGHT AFTER he questions whether she's cheating on him, and it's with a Satanist?! What is happening here?! THEN, even though he suspects she's cheating, she comes wandering in late at night, takes a bath AND a shower (after supposedly being at work), and he just lies there sleeping peacefully through all of it?! And what in the world is going on with her mom?! Yeah, we get it, she's a whack job mixed up in some weird crap, but can we find out what the heck is going on already? I think that by trying to build suspense and intrigue, they're doing a better job of just irritating the remaining fans of the show... I wish more people were writing reviews of this show, because I'd love to hear other people's thoughts. I can't be alone.

I haven't given up, I'll keep watching, but come on already...
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Evil (2019–2024)
Great show, lots of unanswered questions
6 September 2021
It reminds me of The X Files back in the day, in that every episode ends with questions left bothering you. The characters are well written and they have great chemistry on set, the stories are very compelling and entertaining, and it's well acted. I'm hooked on the snow, but DANGIT I wish they'd answer some questions before wrapping every episode up!
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Flu (2013)
Wow... terrifyingly real, and that little girl!
17 March 2020
This was so realistic at what COULD play out in a real life scenario, and it's scary to think how quickly both the populace AND the government overseeing them can go off the deep end. It begs the question, given the epidemic, who's right and who's wrong? This movie had phenomenal acting to, the 2 main protagonists were great, and that little girl, wow. Best child actress I've seen in a foreign movie. "Please don't shoot my mommy!" That had me choking back tears!
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Storks (2016)
Highly underrated family comedy!
4 May 2019
I went and saw this with my daughter because she wanted to see a movie and there was "nothing else to see." Man, did I go in unawares. This movie is hilarious. As far as laughter goes, this is the funniest animated movie I have seen in a while. I laughed so much. Now, probably due to the fact that much of the humor is right in my wheelhouse and plays to my current stage of life (newborn and a young daughter), but even if you don't have young kids (Which you likely do if you're watching this), this movie is guaranteed to provide quite a few belly laughs.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Ughhhh... what's WRONG with the writers?!
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start this review by saying that this is one of my all-time favorite shows. And I'll also add a disclaimer that yes, I am one of those viewers that has also read the books. But that does not take away from how much I love the series. If anything, I actually think that this is one of the rare exceptions in the world where the TV show has done a better job than the books, if only for the fact that the books go on for far too long, while the show focuses on what's important without all the unnecessary fluff. All you people that are giving this a 10/10 and calling it the best episode ever seem clueless to me. There is SO MUCH wasted potential in this episode. This series has been building for eight seasons, literally since the first sequence of the first episode, with the undead being the ultimate endgame. And now they are taken out with three episodes left to go, and I am supposed to believe that Cersei is the greater villain?! One of the things that makes this show great is the fact that in the past, they would kill off great characters for the sake of the fact that it's what would really happen. People aren't saved for the sake of convenience and fanfare. Yet every major character survived in this episode, despite being outnumbered 100 to 1, and being buried under a mountain of undead. Jaime, Sam, Brienne, Jon, etc. were all showcased in what looked like a death scene, some of them several times (as if the writers are just laughing in our faces), only to have EVERY SINGLE ONE of them survive?! Are you kidding me? Ned Starks death, the Red Wedding, these are the things that set this show apart and made it great. The writers have lost that! And the Night King, what about him? We literally got ZERO of his background story, what his motivations are, why he is after Bran, who he is, or ANYTHING! And while I enjoyed Arya killing him, that made zero sense in the course of the history of the show. She had nothing to do with the Night King and never had any story arc related to anything north of the wall... and WTF was Bran doing the whole episode? Flying around as a freaking raven?! For what purpose?! His role played NO significance to the show. Neither did Jon's for that matter. Take him out of the episode, and literally nothing would have been different. I love the show, but I hate to see the way this was written. the White Walkers and the Night King deserves a better send off. I refuse to believe Cersei is a bigger threat and that SHE is the climax of this show.
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How It Ends (2018)
Would be a solid movie... IF it had an ending.
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Much like most of the other reviews here, I found this incredibly disappointing. It was actually a really good movie, and despite what a lot of people and reviews think, it was pretty realistic to how things could potentially play out in an apocalyptic type scenario. It was entertaining to watch in THAT aspect. But I agree with some of the points about parts of the movie that made no sense (the hillbilly cop impersonator chasing them down, the anger that Will feels when hearing the neighbor explain his theory at the fire, why Ricky decided to run off on her own, etc.). But if the movie had an ending, and we were able to at least see a resolution to the story, I would rank this pretty high. Nevertheless, they apparently decided to stop filming before they finished.
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This. Movie. Was. Awful.
31 March 2017
**SPOILERS** Okay, so here's the thing. If you look at my personal ratings of movies, you'll probably notice I'm VERY easy to please. I often feel guilty because I give too many movies a rating of 8-10, when the average is about a 6.5. I like movies. I watch a movie to be entertained, and if a movie does a good job of entertaining me, I like to give positive ratings... So I want to repeat, I am NOT hard to please. I'm very easy. That being said, most of my ratings are just that, a rating. Very rarely will I actually type out a review. I'm doing so now as a plea to other individuals out there, do NOT watch this movie, or rather, do NOT waste 2 hours of your life watching a miserable story play out... This couldn't be worse. What kind of sicko decides to make an 'artsy' movie out of every mans/husbands/fathers worst nightmare? Why did I actually continue watching?! I judge myself for putting up with it. I mean come on, I should have given in and turned it off when 15 minutes into the movie, I'm watching some redneck scumbags drag a mans wife and daughter away from their car to do potentially terrible things while the father/husband does essentially nothing to stop the perpetrators. But no, I kept on going. So then I should have turned it off 15 minutes later when you find the mans wife and daughter lying dead and naked, draped together in a death embrace (is this supposed to be 'beautiful' or 'artistic'?!). So his wife and daughter were raped and murdered... NOW is where I stopped watching, right? No, I kept going. Shame on me. So then I get to watch the utterly slow drama of how the perpetrators are eventually found by a dying police officer, and 'revenge' (if you want to call it that) is had in the end, only to then die in the process of carrying out that revenge... Then we get to watch the main character sip wine in a restaurant for like 3 minutes for no reason whatsoever, aaaaand cut to black, roll credits... REALLY!?!? I'm all for violent movies. I'm all for drama. Heck I'm even all for an artsy fartsy flick once in a while. But THIS garbage needs to be avoided by anyone looking to be entertained. If you are after a movie to be angered, bothered, tormented, and disgusted, then sure, go for it. But if you're like me and you enjoy watching movies to be entertained, do yourself a favor and move on to the next movie you've been curious about.

All that being said, the ONE redeeming part of this movie is the acting. Great acting. But it's got a great cast, so I would expect nothing less... I just wish these great actors had chosen a different screenplay to lend their talent to.
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