
13 Reviews
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Inteligent depiction of the past
28 November 2023
The story shine in this one. It is a fable about the human behavior, past and present. It talks about relations, art and weakness of human nature.

Coming in for the scifi part, staying for the clever, oh the clever story.

Based on the reviews, it seems this is not for most viewers. But if you are looking for some quality content which makes you think afterwards, go on and watch it if you have the chance.

Some parts are hilariously enjoyable, other just beautiful metaphors. The FX are spot on, aliens are very well executed, and the way they communicate, both brilliant and credible. Overall it is a well made film.

Maybe the pace at the end would have done it at a crescendo, instead of keeping it steady.
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Tiger & Dragon (2005– )
Hidden gem
1 September 2023
Playing on tablet, checking on phone, waiting for pasta to cook, browsing, discussed by the streaming trash but actually by my new habits, yet secretly hoping for something good...

Fast switching between scenes, showing same characters in different stories, but somehow related. Action then drama then some jokes... hmm, are these involuntary jokes? Ok, let's put down the phone.

An inside of Japanese culture and tradition, hmm this worth throwing away the tablet.

Ok, pasta is done, let's rewind and watch closely. Hmm, actor playing the master is great. Yet, actor playing apprentice is killing it. Harder to combine arrogance and humor. Good casting always gets me.

And now was ready for the stories to hit. How clever the connections are done? Japanese inside, universal relatable.

Huh still good things to watch, finding them is just much harder. So hope this helps.
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Massive achievement
15 December 2022
Browsing supremacist's AZ Prime movie list, a quirky name got the attention. From the beginning, it is clear this movie is low-budget. It has awful sound, and on top, the auto-generated translation is even worst. But something about it make me hang on it few more minutes, with an shameful spark of hope that, maybe, this time...

This is not your average B rated movie that it will slowly become a gem, and will start enjoying viewers after 20 years from now... this movie is balanced, cohesive, proud and... actual. It captures the viewer's attention, and we know what a massive achievement that is, nowadays.

Watch it, and will find something to like and think about. And will be something different from what another will find. And this is a sign of a solid creative work, and love and care, and revolution.
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Great piece of art
16 September 2021
Funny how some people rate the story rather than film itself.

Great package of fine directing, incredible delivery and solid script, to deliver truly art. From the first scenes you realize this is something special. Directing is so appropriate, gentle, non intrusive, but powerful. Isaac manages to match his partner, and this alone is a great achievement. While Chastain, wow, she is brilliant. The way she manages to express strength, social awareness and restrained sensibility in a single second is amazing. If not anything, this alone makes it worth watching.
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Dreamland (I) (2019)
Burden of different expectations
22 August 2021
It seems most bad reviews complain about movie was not what was expected from it. Had been fortunate to watch it without being curios for the story, but to see how good Margot is as an actress. Yeah, she is fire, she is mesmerizing, she is crazy... but can she play?

Movie has a certain charm, and is tight for sure. Acting is overall good, and director manages to send his message clearly and with a bit of soul. Probably this is where it falls a bit short, on engaging us in the story.

Overall this is solid art work, and glad had the chance to watch it. If not expecting another bank robbery movie, this is recommended.
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This one is even better
20 August 2020
Why? Old guys are playing the game, genius. More and better jokes. Rap lady with impossible stage name can really act. All more likable characters.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Worst than Discovery
9 May 2020
At least could watch Discovery for about 10 episodes until pain was too much. With this one, not even half.


Its not the actors, not even directors shaping a series. It's creator's vision. Roddenberry was envision a possible and bright future for humankind. These series envision nothing. It's present days with better gadgets. Trash.

Patrick Stuart please stop, and run, there is still time...
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The Waiter (I) (2018)
Mind blowing
19 January 2020
This movie imay bore you to death if looking for daily dose of media painkillers. The story is plain. Acting is restrictive. Pace is slow.

This is a zen story in images. It will force you to face yourself. It will remind you about your quest. It offers you a way out without loosing your integrity.
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Black Mirror: Smithereens (2019)
Season 5, Episode 2
How is this not Black Mirror?
6 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Black Mirror exposes pitfalls and effects of using and abusing technology. And this episode is about that, yet not within a hypothetical sci-fi future but nowadays.

There is more complexity to the story than the so-called predictable ending. For instance the CEO going back to its seclusion at the end, the image with his eyes closing, this is powerful. And the fact that company knows more than police, or FBI being just a messenger, or the attacker finding useful info from the media in real time, or the dehumanizing layers of corporate involvement having checklists to anything and doing their part in managing a monster they create but no longer control. All this is not groundbreaking original, but they were all put together very well, supported by the great performance of the lead, in a thrilling hour of quality entertainment, with also engaging the mind and awareness.

This is not the most original Black Mirror episode, nor the most engaging about the future. But it's the most effective in raising awareness, and for that, my all time favorite.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Genius work
20 May 2019
Berg and Hader manage to produce a brilliant script. Currently at s2e8 and its getting better and better. Casting is great and each episode is masterfully crafted with suspense and unexpected.

Will compare it to Dexter, as they are somehow revolving around same idea. Both shows are refreshingly deep. But while Dexter is more flamboyant, Barry is more hard to anticipate.

If you are a Dexter fan, this is a must see.
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Wine Country (2019)
Great story
12 May 2019
Respect for these women, pitty for us the audience. Come on, what's with the ratings these days? It's refreshing and exilerating to see actors, especially US actors playing middle aged characters connected to real life, and not masquerading in images of young and perfect. It could be comedians will revive the US cinema after all, and why not?

Above all, the script is really good. Having the story about different characters facing life in particular but also as a group, and dodging cliches is a great achievement.

This movie is enjoyable, insightful, and smart. Is a movie for the heart, and thank you all for the courage of doing it. It's pitty though, the audience it addresses it seems it's slowly dying.
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Another proof of messed up movie ratings
11 April 2019
Do you feel lately you are no longer in sync with movie ratings, and sadly not only those from the users, but from so called experts/critics? Shallow mediocrity is high while gems like this are low and obscured. Well, you are not alone...

This is a humble film, with no celebrity actors (well except J.K. Simmons God bless his hart) actually most of them comedians. Not even hysterically funny. But with a message, not diluted throughout the relatively random scenes from life of a regular guy, maybe like you and me, trying to do what he likes, and failing at it. Yet this is a great film, feeding my need for authenticity and sympathy.

Its a wonder its still possible to raise the people and the funds to do such a film nowadays, and even more, to make it, through the web of distorted value systems, to a consumer like me. My thanks to all involved in the process.
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Secret State (2012)
Much better than expected
4 September 2014
This series starts a bit grim. First half hour is a dark, bit boring, but most - is confusing for one having no clue about the novel. But boy, was I happy to stick around.

Show combines edgy topics about politics, personal freedom and choices with a high technology setup and master craft of British drama. Apart from first half of hour, it is captivating. Multiple facets, many people acting by their best judgement, and above all, a hero. Byrne is doing a great job, yet the character could have been better composed. It is difficult to get emotionally attached to it, but is sure easy to get attached to its actions.

Strongly recommended. Yet be warned, this comes from a guy who considered Downton Abbey the best show ever. Until now.
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