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The planet is dirtier than ever
11 January 2024
At the time of the release of this film in cinemas, I remember exactly that a political party in America was not very happy about the existence of such a work, the same party whose political members' names are now on the Epstein Island list.

I even remember that right around the time this movie was released, another big company released its famous delayed movie that had been untitled for several years (I won't mention the name, but it's not hard to find!) All the efforts to prevent this movie from being released in America were amazing, even the leftist media attacked this movie! Pay attention.. their headlines were attacking the truth of the story that this movie refers to.

I have no judgment on the technical structure of the film (although I would have liked it to be made a little more professionally) But I respect their efforts to deal with this sad story Hoping for a day when we will never witness such tragedies again.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Nolan's evolution
25 November 2023
We all know the story of this biography and historical event more or less, but when it comes to the details, there are only a few directors who can describe them as if all those events are going to happen in the future, as they have already happened!

You may be a little confused in the first few minutes of this masterpiece, showing the thoughts of the star of the movie Robert, but when you know that this is a Nolan movie, then we also know that we are watching Christopher's thoughts, of course, with the best music of the year 2023.

I'm happy that I finally watched a movie in the cinema today after a long time that I didn't see any of the nonsense that the Academy of Oscars forced to be used in movies, I finally watched a "movie".
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Religion is a powerful toy of politicians
27 July 2023
"What is the value of Jerusalem? ; Nothing"

I think the hidden voice in the film was well heard by everyone; Killing and bloodshed caused by religion I think the film was a good narrator for the storytelling of this period of time, although it was made from the perspective of the West, but there was still an insistence on sticking to what really happened in it, and there were additional quotes and sub-narratives in the main line of the historical narrative. Were not involved In history, Saladin has been mentioned in a good way (apart from his religion). What we see in this movie is dignity.

Humanity and peaceful coexistence is a priority and is more important than religious differences. (Impossible wish) The actors of this movie are all excellent, especially David Thewlis, although his dialogues were few, but his acting is always amazing, his voice tone is amazing.

This movie is definitely one of the greatest historical-religious movies, if you watch it carefully, it is not difficult to understand the events (the director's cut must be watched)

And again: "What is the value of Jerusalem? ; Nothing"
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Manhattan (1979)
immoral artist
23 July 2023
Scoring a movie cannot be considered as a criterion for the good or bad of a work of art due to the lack of transparency of its system and errors or careful monitoring of it.

But I am always interested in the difference in opinion and scores of critics and audiences, look at the score of this work in Rotten Tomatoes!

I saw an interview with Hemingway in which I said that this movie would never have been made with today's standards, of course it shouldn't have been made at the time, I really don't know why the left-wing movement is so interested in underage sex!

With the knowledge we found today of Woody Allen (marriage with an adopted child!) 100% this person is not someone we want to find a moral point for advice in his works! I don't agree with canceling culture, but the way to judge such people should be open This movie was vulgar in the beginning, it ended vulgar in the end.
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Spirited Away (2001)
Forgotten traditions
15 July 2023
This anime is full of strange and interesting symbols, regardless of the history and geography of the story, every nation finds its greatest asset in the culture and traditions of its predecessors. A culture that is the result of years of thought and wisdom of the ancestors of those people, the wisdom that, if understood by the said society, their values will emerge, and this is the way that every nation that becomes aware of its origin will be proud of its culture more than anything else.

In this story, the director and writer cleverly criticized the modern man and tried to wake up his society with artistic twists and present his solutions to heal the soul of his society.

Pigs, a society caught up in the busyness of their daily lives... Yubaba bath, a fusion of Japanese traditions with the West (Yubaba class)... Haku, the symbol of Japan and the paper birds of Japan's enemy planes... Kamaji, the working and manual class who turn the wheel of government... changing the name of Chihiro, modern slavery and taking identity and nationality... the faceless soul, the future generation that still does not know its identity and needs guidance... three smiley faces, the Japanese believe that Every human being has three faces, the face that society sees of him, the face that he shows to his family and his true face when he is alone... and finally "liberation", in Shinto they believe that a person is the meaning of being. To search for, the universe guides him in this journey and this is what happened to Chihiro. After returning from this trip, he finds his identity This is the last flick of the director Miyazaki to the sleeping minds who, like the train passengers with whom Chihiro traveled to cross the river, are trying to find themselves and escape from their self-made prison.
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BlackBerry (2023)
BlackBerry 0 - NHL 1
11 July 2023
It was a good movie, especially for those who have lived with this nostalgia (oh boy how quickly time flies).

As much as I am familiar with the lovely product of that time (Blackberry), but I had no idea about the behind the scenes and their managers, so I hope that this movie is a faithful adaptation of what really happened.

The speed of showing the events in the film is very high, they have avoided details, because they did not focus on a single point of the history of this brand, but they showed the entire history of the brand in 2 hours.

The acting was very good, the cinematography suited the speed of the film, and I think the only weak point of the film was the music, because now that I think about it, I don't remember anything from it and it was not remarkable!

And as for the story of the film, the aim is to show the fall of an empire, well, the director has been completely successful in this act and has done what he should induce to the viewer.

I would love to know if Jim has seen this movie? His reaction...
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Immortality in the masterpiece
30 May 2023
I don't know how many times I have seen this movie, but I know that every time it is new to me and I get lost watching the details and the music(A full symphony orchestra), it is never repeated and almost every time I realize a new aspect of the movie.

5 decades have passed since the making of this film, and now another challenge we face today in this Kubrick film is that of modern humans, that is, dealing with artificial intelligence (its brand name is ChatGBT).

With the nonsense that today's cinema feeds people, it is obligatory to return to see these works and taste the concept of the seventh art.

It's really amazing that special effects, green screen and powerful graphic computers for rendering images can never make a movie like this nowadays, because they don't have Kubrick's stuff.
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"Death is not an adventure for those who face it"
26 May 2023
A picture of the First World War is a blood-soaked indictment of the conflict between the forces involved in all aspects of the war. In fact, it is a film that does not shy away from graphic images of disembodied men dying horribly in the throes of war, or corpses hanging soullessly in the clutches of barbed wire. But why? Because he wants to say that the war of power and the war of politics, the first and the last is death. The person of young Paul is the central element of the story. He is a symbol of the lost chastity and chastity of the film. From the fresh, eager look of his face with its youthful glowing skin, to the muddy, bloody exterior of an unknown man overwhelmed by the abhorrent cruelty of what he not only saw, but committed to doing. This speaks for the innocence of the youth and the impurity of the war in the Western Front.

The movie was great, the music and sound of this work is exactly what it should have been.
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"Be whatever you are"
24 May 2023
This version of Pinocchio with these new elements was very well made, the director showed everything he had in mind beautifully, this animation proved that it is worth the risk for the companies with all the delays in its production.

(Of course, the Disney version of Pinocchio was literally awful) Two Pinocchios in one year, one at the height and the other at the depths of unbearableness It contains tips and tricks that are very useful for teenagers The final 30 minutes were very beautiful and the environment that Girmo displayed from inside the belly of that strange creature was really very interesting Overall, it was a good animation.
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I finally liked a contemporary musical!
17 May 2023
I have not seen the original version of this movie, which is for 1961, but I see that many people are comparing the two works and consider the original version to be stronger and better to make, maybe I will bother myself and watch the original version of a musical as well! Movies that are just a remake of the original version are not much to my liking, and I hope that this movie will be an adaptation of the original version Anyway, this movie was beautiful, although it has a sad story, but it gives you a good feeling while watching it, the colors, the music, the dances, Spielberg knows how to make musicals (I hope he won't make them again!) I think the musical genre is very difficult to make because it has few fans (to be honest, it has very, very few fans), but with the reception of this movie, we can see that if you make a good movie, the audience will come, why not!
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The only strength of the movie is Jessica Chastain's acting
15 May 2023
Biographies always face the risk of getting bored. Tommy Fey's Eyes is also two hours and several minutes of biography.

Although it seems from the name of the movie that we are supposed to get to know Tammy Fay, but the reality is that we don't get close to her. Tami is someone whose simultaneous interest in religion, make-up and self-expression makes her a good choice to perform on television. However, we don't know what exactly she wants, what she thinks, except for showing off.

Tommy Fey's Eyes movie can't meet the expectations of this subgenre and pull itself out from under the shadow of its source of inspiration. The only thing that makes the audience a little happy is the sincere atmosphere and simple tone of the work, which presents itself to the viewer without pompousness and ambition, And as I said in the title; The only strength of the movie is Jessica Chastain's acting.
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King Richard (2021)
The saga of the father
12 May 2023
The film is a biographical and sports drama that has changed the traditional formulas of these subgenres. The work doesn't have much to do with Venice, the Wimbledon tennis champion, and instead goes into the influential character of her life. Williams' father is full of fears, sorrows, hopes, childhood failures and.... Considering these gaps, he trains his two daughters to be champions. There is a subplot in the film that is half-abandoned, that is Richard's conflicts with the gang of black criminals on the outskirts of the city. Before it's a sports movie or a biography, "King Richard" is a family film with an intimate tone that brings Will Smith back to his peak and revives Chris Gardner's portrayal in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. This work is an educational show that strongly believes in what it says. All things considered, King Richard will be a huge treat for both Oscar voters and general audiences who didn't have as many truly well-made films to choose from last year. A good traditional drama full of great performances and stylish filmmaking is exactly what many are looking for these days, and although it's made with a formulaic but standard approach, it's clearly still a film with a lot of love. To its subjects. That a film can easily connect with such a wide audience is not down to luck alone. Rather, the film itself definitely has something in it that has made the audience and critics praise it. King Richard tells the story of the Williams family in a wonderful, respectful and beautiful way. On the other hand, the attention to detail, bold storytelling techniques and focus on family warmth and love distinguish this film.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Repetitive stereotype
10 May 2023
With such content, the film is not a good and complete work; It may be asked, so what is the problem? The problem is that there is no chemistry between Chris Evans and Ana de Armas to drive the story, with the script in its silly nature. My impression is that the film is just another work in the busy careers of both stars who have accepted it with high pay and unfortunately that is the reason why it is forgettable. Despite this, you can still have some fun between action comedy sequences, as long as your expectations are not too high.

In my opinion, this movie suffers from the same problems that plagued Netflix's most successful original movie to date, "Red Notice". The problem with such films is that they are expensive, but when most of the budget goes to the salaries of such famous names, it seems that there is not much room left to write a decent screenplay.

These types of movies are mostly made so that the cast and crew can go to some beautiful places and make a movie while on vacation. So watch the movie if you like this Hollywood star-studded formula, otherwise you're not missing anything.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Mostly for teenagers, maybe!
9 May 2023
Viewers interested in teenage fantasy and quirky characters should give the Wednesday series a chance, not for every viewer.

It seems that Tim Burton, the great director of the fantasy genre, has gone ahead with the same approach in shaping the type of depiction of the Wednesday series; To let all the strange things seem really strange. The colors used in different sequences, the detailed design of the environments inside the academy, and even the unnatural and cartoon CGI can be included in the series with the aim of not forgetting the fantasy and exaggeration of "Wednesday ".

The series quickly creates puzzles and quickly solves them one by one and does not allow the audience to be involved as much as it should be. Things that, for example, were completely present in the very first season of Stranger Things.

You must be a fan of this genre to wait for the second season!! Very fan!!
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Taiwan is Taiwan and China can go **** itself ;)
18 April 2023
The production of this documentary (although it was not very thorough and accurate and could reflect more of the opinion of the Taiwanese society) makes Pooh honey's heart hurt one hundred percent.

The interesting thing for me (as an Iranian living in Iran) is the view of the leftists of the world, they immediately support the separatists wherever they hear their voice, their ideology and basis is division and separatism, in another sense, anti-patriotism. Being religious is the basis of the global left, now in one area it may be less intense but in another place they are very extreme.

But these same leftists are suffocated when it comes to the independence of Taiwan and Hong Kong, and after that they are placed in the communists' playground! Hypocrisy means this You cannot find a leftist anywhere in the world who says that it is Taiwan's right to have independence as a country, but it is enough for example that a terrorist group in the west of Iran and the east of Iraq, the P. K. K, wants its independence. Announce, they immediately start the budget, tribune, international meetings As an Iranian to my Taiwanese friends, you will always remain Taiwan and the country that may change its name is Western Taiwan -)))) Also: Don't trust China, China is A*****e ;)
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The director's secrecy until the last moment
14 April 2023
It was one of the best dramas I saw recently, the story of this series had everything, mystery, laughter, ups and downs during the story and most importantly, excitement until the last moment.

During the story, the pieces of the puzzle are connected to each other like a chain, and while disbelieving, they create something that never comes to your mind, kudos to its writers.

Although it has some small flaws in terms of production, but with the very good performance of this acting team, it was able to cover it, this series will definitely be one of Kate Winslet's best works, Kate literally nailed the role.

It has a bitter story and it was very close to reality, we can learn from it.
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Under the umbrella of religion
9 April 2023
First of all, I must say that I recommend watching this documentary for all American and European feminists who think they are fighting for equality by lifting armpit hair, Real feminists are women who live in a place where it costs them their lives to raise their voices, No colorful heads or furry bodies!

After watching this documentary, you won't be able to find any words to explain and describe what happens to these girls and women, it takes your breath away.

Currently, I live in Iran (I am of Iranian origin), Iran may seem more prosperous than Iraq in appearance and infrastructure, but believe me, the situation is worse than Iraq in terms of social affairs that are influenced by religion.

So, it is not strange for me to see these things in this documentary, it is not strange for me that sex for an unmarried girl can cause her to be killed, because the same thing happens in Iran, exactly the mullahs and ayatollahs do the same thing in Iran. They do what Iraqi sheikhs do, sex trade!

When a society goes towards economic collapse, I am not a sociologist, but I have read many times in history that women are forced to do such things in order to survive, not everyone can have a decent job.

But what we are witnessing is the legitimization of rapists, the legitimization of pedophiles, by religion.

For their own interests, they do their work by referring to religious matters, even secular laws are not in front of them, because they say it is God's command! And opposing it means opposing God, the result of which is the death sentence of the opposing person.

It is painful to see this side of life, about two-three years ago, when the value of Iran's currency fell sharply, Iraqi pilgrims suddenly increased to the city of Mashhad-Iran (Mashhad is the most important religious city of Iran), Iraqis, now that they had the dollar and the Iraqi dinar gained value, their entertainment destination was Mashhad, where religion easily provided them with women, it is painful to describe the current situation... Religion is the biggest enemy of humanity.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Popcorn with action
6 April 2023
Exciting action scenes but very weak storyline The repeated story of the organization's betrayal of its own agent and the agent's revenge against all of them!

The characterization in this movie is awful, why do you have to distinguish the good and bad people in the movie with their makeup and clothing?!

Action movies have a problem with story production, the coolness of the six character here is a copy of John Wick, kill kill kill kill and never be defeated! This is also a copy of John Wick! I think that action fictions like this movie, in which they indulge too much in the power of the main character, are not so popular ,except for John Wick, because he is John Wick, it's different :)))) It was fun though, maybe because of Ryan Gosling...
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Body (2011)
Under the skin of the Türkiye
3 April 2023
The film is made in the simplest way, perhaps it can be called an amateur film The story of the film is not unique, almost a repeated story with only a little extra spice I am not very familiar with Turkish cinema, this was the first movie in Turkish (with English subtitles) that I saw, so my expectations are not very high, sometimes you have to consider all aspects to judge a work, in this case, Turkey is a country with Muslim majority, almost a society with the thought of valuing the family, a relatively open-minded society in matters of sexual relations and individual freedoms, etc.

After watching this movie, it will probably make you think that under this big sky, what real events and stories are happening and what tragedies are taking place.

It was worth considering.
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Do not use the name of the documentary as a vulgarity
1 April 2023
You can hardly call this a Documentary! From the beginning, the narrators attack those who protest against Porn Hub and by stigmatizing them, they want to insinuate that they are the bad characters of the story.

In the following, they want to convey to the viewer that, firstly, the number of these incidents in this case is small, and secondly, that the company has always been cautious and is attentive to all matters, and with a summary, it says that since these are the minority, the company should continue its procedure, Because of the number of models they work for, they need to be paid.....

The point to think about is that the models (sex workers) are dependent on this platform, which does not really matter what is happening behind the scenes of this company (not all of them, but from what we saw in this video, we can say that the majority of them have the same mentality).

In the end, this is my opinion; This was a promotional video to show PornHub as oppressed (from showing unnecessary questions in the committee of managers or images of burning the CEO's house, which I strongly condemn), this video was not against the PornHub platform, it was just cautious about what In the last two or three years, it took a look and a little compassion for Porn Hub!
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The Whale (2022)
The Return of Moby-Dick
1 March 2023
I'm glad that the movie didn't turn into a low-level melodrama at the end (Ellie's emotional return at the final was enough for this story),I don't have a cruel attitude in this matter, I just don't think there is any need for pity in this world, The real world is not so colorful.

Humans, when faced with the pain of another person, want to sympathize (if there is some humanity left in the person),Brendan played the role so well that I'm sure there are moments in this movie where viewers want to empathize with him by putting themselves in "Charlie's" shoes, Mr. Brendan Fraser, you are such a good actor that you were able to convey this feeling to the viewer, you played this role so well that for a moment the viewer can experience the true meaning of the word "sadness", I wish I hadn't seen this movie, now I'm sadder than before...
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Anyone can abuse power
19 February 2023
It was one of the good movies I saw in the last two years.

The movie avoided the gender and racial stereotypes that have become routine in most movies as far as it could, of course there were references to them, but it was treated fairly, in my opinion, it mocked them more than looking for racial and... .

The point of view that the director and the writer have in a film can be fully understood when the film is made and treated well, in this case the viewer understands it without any effort without thinking, what was understandable in this film was the class difference.

I don't think the director has ridiculed the capitalist system, but he has severely criticized it Idiots who are not in their real place in this world!

The final sequence of this film with the rule of Abigail's character is thought-provoking, anyone can abuse power, it has nothing to do with gender, race, etc., anyone.

However, since the subject of the film moves against the direction of today's cinema (fortunately), it is very interesting and I suggest everyone to see the film.
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You People (2023)
Mr. Morgan Freeman's (words): "Stop talking about it"
11 February 2023
When is this nonsense going to end?

Why does the left media want to keep the fire of division burning? Not only are you not helping by making these movies, you are obviously trying to keep the topic bold, this nonsense is counterproductive, but it makes money for Netflix instead!!!!

If you want to end discrimination and racism, don't talk about it, don't call someone black and white, don't call someone with skin color, these are not my words, these are Morgan Freeman's views, is he wrong?

Pay attention to the feedback and ratings of these left-wing Hollywood nonsense in society and social networks (I don't mean Twitter dominated by Jock Dorsey or Facebook by Zuckerberg the Lizard), you will realize that these stories have no buyers....

Mr. Morgan Freeman's words again: "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT".
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Too bad, it was good!
12 September 2022
A free fall By the difference, this series had the highest quality loss after a great start It started with an exciting, new and interesting story, but then it turned into a program for children with the nonsense of today's world (WOKE).

Mass suicide of writers!!

What was the need to add elements like a giant flying monster to this story that can fly without wings, these humanoids were enough!

I couldn't understand what the authors mean and what it refers to... I think the story line was as good as the creation of this character had not happened!

Amanda Collin's performance was very good, she was very suitable for this person and the character, as well as Travis Fimmel, they were both brilliant.
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The decline of Marvel
9 September 2022
Every time we say that this is the worst Marvel movie, we are surprised again that it can be even worse.

At the beginning of the movie, with the humor added to it, I was expecting a popcorn movie, but gradually the quality of the movie and the story was decreasing to the point where I decided to save my popcorn!

There is nothing unexpected in this series, completely predictable with a weak story, with this process that Marvel has taken, soon all the creatures of the galaxy will become superheroes or gods!

They don't even have the ability to make exciting music anymore, it's a disaster that they got here from that old line-up, it's a shame that they started making this nonsense, no creativity can be seen in any of Marvel's works anymore.
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