
3 Reviews
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The Libertine (2004)
Missing something
26 March 2006
Due to a delayed release here in parts of the US, I just saw the Libertine last night - I am sorry to have waited. The movie is a triumph of acting. Johnny Depp, Samantha Morton, and Rosamund Pike shine and create believable, deep characters in a sorely lacking script. Despite some wonderful lines and a beautiful style of writing, the script lacked plot. Key moments between characters were inferred, but missing. Never did the dialogue allow the relationship between Rochester and Lizzie to come to fruition, but the talent of the actors was enough to fill that gap. Had there not been a sense of missing scenes or moments, this movie would have been infinitely better. The ability of the actors to overcome this hurdle allowed the film to still be enjoyable, understandable, and moving. Definitely worth watching.
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hi, low anywhere we go...
25 April 2005
This movie is one that has sadly fallen through the cracks of the "classic family musical" floor. My parents were on the ball and raised me on "mary Poppins," "sound of music," and of course, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," and I have not yet been weaned off them. (Incidently, all three of these movies share a choreographer) The sheer imagination of this film is akin to that of Peter Pan. It is a tremendous celebration of childhood and fantasy. Sadly, this movie is often overlooked. As a college student, few of my friends know about this film. The few that do know of it treasure it. Every child should be so lucky as to be raised with Chitty. The dancing, the songs, the genius and humor showcase the best of musicals and childhood alike. Enjoy and share this unsung classic. We can hope that the new live musical in London will rekindle the public's appreciation for movies like this

P.S the "Old Bamboo" dance looks very much like the "Step in time," from Mary Poppins.
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did they know what they were getting into?
5 February 2005
I feel bad for the people who made this movie, which is an odd sensation. The film was incoherent and unbelievable, yet I liked everyone in it so much that I felt that they must have been duped into creating this horrible movie. I wondered what they thought when they watched it. The writing was like a list of cheesy lines from romantic comedies thrown together without any semblance of plot. The editing left me confused and in the dark about much of the film. One second, Kat(Messing) and Nick(Mulroney) can think only of how much they hate each other, the next they are laughing and hugging, with nothing in between to explain the change. But despite this, the characters were so endearing (and i'm not really sure couldn't have been Mulroney's acting), and the scenery so fantastic that I couldn't help but like it. This movie, on the outside, looks like exactly what a romantic comedy should be: two beautiful people (who actually do have some great chemistry) in a beautiful place, doing unbelievable romantic things that real people don't do. But its like a kid playing dress up: despite all the outward perfectness, it still can't contend with the real romantic comedies out there. Watch it, if only to support those poor people who I'm sure had no idea that their movie could never play with the grown-ups.
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