
9 Reviews
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
it was great you guys just have no taste
17 September 2021
So this episode was great. It's all about character exploration and is chock full of references and symbolism which will be really interesting to unpack. Yes it's a filler but that's not a bad thing, it's a great change of pace for the show and they cleverly sandwitched it between some really heavy episodes (i assume, from what we know about 10). The editing, music, cinematography are all top notch.
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Ted Lasso: Headspace (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7
"filler" doesn't mean bad, you guys just aren't paying attention
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this site. This episode is not a 10, but i'm giving it top marks anyway to compensate some absurdly low reviews i've seen. I swear binge watching has ruined your brains, I can't believe y'all are complaining that it was just "filler" and "didn't further the plot" when there were so many important character moments like what's going on with nate, and ted slowly easing into therapy. They're also clearly planting seeds and i bet there's foreshadowing in this ep too. Like the sam/rebecca interaction, everything re: nate, beard's reaction to ted's "stew on the stove" comment and ted lying to the press. For a show that's about reserving judgement a lot of y'all keep jumping to conclusions lmao.
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Black Widow (2021)
it's a good movie y'all are just annoying
12 July 2021
I liked the movie. It's definitely a solid 8, but i'm giving it a 10 to compensate for the 1s that i saw on here. I bet it's mostly dudebros who are annoyed a woman is finally getting the spotlight she deserves lmao idk what movie y'all watched, but black widow was definitely not a side character?? Anyway, the plot was good, it was engaging and the action scenes were really good. Sure the vfx was shaky at times but tbh i don't really care that much about it.

The found family dynamics were refreshing and funny, it's one of the few MCU movies that actually develops relationships between characters tbh. It's definitely in my top 3 MCU movies.

To everyone complaining about taskmaster, i liked the twist and i hope they'll develop the character some more, if you don't like it just shut up and stick to the comics lmao.
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pretty good actually
1 July 2021
I didn't have very high expectations when i went into this because of the low rating and negative reviews, but I actually enioyed it immensely! I love both Sudeikis and Brie and they were awesome in this, they were funny and cute and just had great chemistry all around.

I've seen people say the writing is boring and bad, but I disagree. It had some clever jokes and quips, and the pace was perfect.

I've also seen complaints that it's unoriginal, and has been done a thousand times. Well it's a romcom, did you really expect some groundbreaking movie?

It's a love story, of course it is, so are you actually surprised that it's about... love?

I feel like y'all are punishing the movie for not living up to your absurdly high expectations, just my two cents.
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i can't believe i had never even heard of this??
27 April 2021
Soo i started watching this because i found out julia and clark were in it, and i love them both. And I cannot believe this show is completely unknown? I'm a sitcom fan, and sometimes google around for more to watch, and I stg this wasn't mentioned ANYWHERE. I only found it going through Clark's imdb. But guys, it's hilarious. Julia louis dreyfus is incredibly funny, and the jokes are great. Though I like sitcoms, I don't usually laugh out loud. Things like friends, and himym never made me burst out laughing. This one though is right up my alley, and I absolutely lose it sometimes. Highly recommend it!!
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Trust Me (2013)
weird but i liked it
8 April 2021
Despite all the bad reviews, I actually enjoyed this. It does blend many genres and is definitely not a comedy, but it was pretty original and all the actors are great.

Honestly Clark Gregg really surprised me with this, I knew he was a good actor but damn he can write and direct too.

Anyway it's more on the depressing side so if you're looking for something light hearted and fun you probably shouldn't watch this.
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Heat (1995)
slow and predictable
8 January 2021
I really don't understand the 10 star ratings on this. I really like Michael Mann's Manhunter and Thief, so I had high expectations for this since it has a full star more than those. I'm sad to say, I didn't enjoy this at all. It was soo slow and boring (did it really need multiple 30 seconds stills of Al Pacino's face?), after an hour an a half I was ready to call it quits. But no, I was barely halfway through! Took me 2 days but I finally finished it, and honestly it was the most predictable ending ever, so if you get bored it's okay to turn it off. The cinematography is really cool, there are some beautiful shots. But other than that... De Niro is an incredible actor, and it shows, it made his character the hero. Al Pacino's on the other hand was just annoying to me. Maybe it was intentional, but I didn't sympathize for his character at all. You either love this movie or you hate it I guess
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Hard Promises (1991)
Fun to watch
8 November 2020
I don't know why there are such bad reviews on this, personally I really enjoyed watching it. Sure it's not gonna be indicted in the Hall of Fame of international cinema, but that's not what it's trying to be. The actors deliver really good performances though, William Petersen especially is spot on and very charming. It's cute and fun and tbh i was kinda surprised at the ending. I recommend it if you're looking for a cute love story or just something easy and light hearted
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After Life (2019–2022)
8 March 2019
This is a really really good show, absolutely worth watching. Yeah it's heartbreaking at times but also incredibly funny and sweet. Ricky Gervais is a genius.
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