
648 Reviews
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The Outsider (2020)
Just too slow
29 May 2024
There is a benefit to starting a film or a series slowly. It sets a mood. It lets you get comfortable and lull you for the next thing to come. But too slow for too long makes it difficult to keep the dial tuned (that's how old I am, I still recall getting up and switching a dial) .

It's a shame this series is so slow and so repetitive. Yes, we get it. He's here and then he's there and how can that be? How many times does this have to be repeated before we get the point!!!

There are many good points. The acting is uniformly good and the basic idea is wonderful. But the script itself and the director simply keep extending it.

Hint to the producer - get a good director to edit it down, take out at least 30 minutes, and you'd have a great series.
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Max deserved better!
29 May 2024
Was this a satire? It must have been. The two main actors, Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth, did such a terrible job acting I can only assume we were meant to laugh. Such bad acting is not unknown, but in a George Miller picture it is unusual. There's a difference between "over the top" and "simply bad." Sometimes there's a thin line. Johnny Depp crosses it a lot lately, but good actors usually stay on one side. Taylor and Hemsworth cross the line completely.

All isn't terrible. Young Alyla Browne is a complete scene stealer and a film stealer. I haven't seen anyone like this since Natalie Portman in The Professional. Browne is captivating in everything she does, making Joy's acting embarrassing, to say the least.

There are more problems with the film. Miller doesn't seem to know how to end it, though I did like the final ending. And the continuity seems to get blurred at times, and the timeline itself is violated often.

Bottom line - a big disappointment. Mad Max deserved better.
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True Detective (2014– )
Worst series ever
27 May 2024
I'm not completely sure this is the worst series ever, but it's probably the worst series my wife ever forced me to watch. Maybe it's a horror story, or maybe supernatural, or maybe folkloriost or maybe ever a murder mystery. Who knows. Most of the shots are in the dark and in the cold, with winter weather. If that's not depressing enough, there isn't a single character to cheer for. A lot of people die, but you don't get the chance to care one way or the other. Then there's the core of the film which is about finding out something, that's maybe a murder or maybe not, that's tied to some superstitions and symbols, but maybe not. A total waste of time. Even my wife was giving up as it went on (and on, and on...)
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Almost perfect
24 May 2024
This film has everything. A good coming of age plot, wonderful acting, great photography, and good music. So why doesn't it get a 10? A couple of reasons. (1) the flashbacks are not timed well, so at times they are distracting and sometimes even annoying. (2) For a film about an artist the photography, though wonderful, could have been a little more CU for the natural elements. The camera should love the elements as much as she does. (3) for the length of the early years in her life, the later years get short changed.

These are all minor points. All things considered it's a wonderful film. See it.
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WOAT - Tasteless and not funny
12 May 2024
This may be the WOAT (Worst of all time). I can't recall a worse roast. First of all, it isn't funny. Not only is it not funny, the excessive cursing and screaming by Kevin Hart is simply gross. I'm not sure what happened to Kevin Hart - he used to be funny. The opening bit by Jeff Ross was humorless, and talk with less funny than he usually is. The "roasts" by the FB players may show the effects of years of being hit - not funny at all. The only one who was really funny was Nikki Glaser. Yes, she was a bit raunchy, but she was funny and that's what mattered - especially in such a humorless show. Avoid this one. It's not merely a waste of time, it's tasteless.
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A Man in Full (2024)
Mediocre drama turns into late-night sketch comedy
4 May 2024
Jeff Daniels and the other actors do a great job. There are so many good performances that it's hard to single out any one of them, but Tom Perlphrey and Bill Camp do stand out. But, the series suffers from a number of problems that detract from the quality of the series.

First and biggest is the several stories being told, some of which bear only tangentially to the plot. I think that's a problem of trying to be loyal to the book which cannot be done in a film.

The next biggest problem is that there is no one to cheer for. None of the major characters are sympathetic though there are a few at the periphery who are. Without someone to cheer for, the series gets depressing.

Upsetting and beyond belief is the final act in which a contrivance barely even mentioned earlier suddenly plays the pivotal part in the drama. Rather than drama, the scene turns into late-night sketch comedy. Unbelievable.

Don't waste your time on this series. It's not so good in the first place, and the final act is so terrible it cancels out any good that has preceded it.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Poor homage to stunt people
4 May 2024
You would think that a film about a stunt guy would show us, at the end, who the stunt people were and what they did. Throughout the film there are references to the "unsung heroes" and the fact that the stunt people get no credit. What a great idea it would be to end the film with a tribute to them, the films they made, the stunts they created, the injuries they had, etc. They could have rolled it during the credits and took nothing away from the running time. I'm really disappointed that the film producers did to them just what they denounced in their own film. Shame!

The only positive aspect was having Lee Majors appear at the end.
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Civil War (2024)
Slightly better than ridiculous
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An issue as contemporary and important deserves a better, much better, treatment. The only good aspect is the sound editing. Photography, for a film about photojournalists, is disappointing to say the least. At its best it's merely ordinary. The acting is also disappointing with only two good performances from the major players. In fact, the only outstanding performance is from an uncredited actor. But the real core of the problem is the script and direction, which apparently is the domain of one single person, Alex Garland.

The film is so predictable you could write it yourself. There isn't a surprise anywhere along the way, except at the end, where there is a fatal mistake which I'll talk about later.

(Having just spent a lot of time writing my new book "The Civil War: How it Started and How to End it" I'm pretty much tuned into secessionist movements from the 1600 to 2024, so I feel comfortable with my next remarks)

The writer's conception of how a secession would happen in the U. S. is completely ridiculous. It reads more like it was written by a foreigner (which Garland is). The idea of Texas joining forces with California is so aberrant I needn't discuss it any further.


If everything else doesn't indicate what a poor film this is, at the end, the senior photographer (Kirsten Dunst) gets killed saving the life of her junior partner (Cailee Spaeny). Junior then goes on to take the "money shot" BUT she should have picked up Dunst's camera and taken the shot with that camera, indicating the passing of the torch. That's what a better writer would have done.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Nearly perfect
8 April 2024
Usually I don't care for films from India, so when I say this one is "nearly perfect" that is very unusual.

The acting, photography, music, and script are wonderful. Cannot be better. Where the film falls down is the editing. It's too long. Cutting a few minutes would be better. The action scenes, while very well done, could be shorter - we get it. He's pretty damn good. John Wick without the guns.

The other fault in the editing is the use of flashbacks. In the beginning some critical ones are much too short to communicate anything. 10 more seconds would make a huge difference. Near the end, when they go back to the actions that helped set Monkey Man on his quest, the flashbacks are much too long. Maybe the editor/director is trying to make up for the shortened versions early on.

Less would be more, and more would be more.
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Asphalt City (2023)
What!? Why?!
30 March 2024
A disjointed script, poor editing, incongruous music, questionable flashbacks, repetitious shots of NYC, and mediocre acting from the principals do not a good film make. On the other hand, some of the brief series with actors/actresses who play patients are wonderful. Makes you want a new AA category - "best acting in less than 2 minutes on screen."

Why make such a depressing film. Maybe they should have made a documentary? Maybe it should be a pilot for a new TV series? What it shouldn't be is a film.

I knew after 10 minutes I should walk out. 9 out of 10 times I feel that way, and don't do it, I regret doing it. About 10% of the time staying works. This time it didn't. I stayed because I respect Penn's acting, and from time to time it does show up, but all to rarely.
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He deserved better
3 March 2024
I was and am a big Marley fan. I was alive when he was and couldn't wait fore his next record. He was not merely a revolutionary music maker, he was a revolutionary person. He deserved a bio pic that reflected his enormous talent, contribution, and sacrifice. This is not that film.

It's not completely worthless. The acting by Marley and his wife is exceptional, and her work deserves Academy Award notice. The photography is good and the music, of course, is wonderful, though the visuals accompanying the music leaves a lot to be desired.

The main problem is the direction. I felt like I was watching a film about Marley but was otherwise not engaged. That's a big negative in a film about Bob Marley. He deserves more.
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Wonderful, but
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love time travelling films and this is one that sneaks up on you. It starts as a pretty common serial killer film and slowly changes. The acting is more than adequate but the real star is the script/writer. It's also got pretty good photography and the music is great.

Why not a 10? Because there is an error in the Time Travel storyline. At this point, stop reading if you haven't already seen the film.

PS - almost all time travel films make a mistake in the timeline, so their mistake is really no big deal, but it is a mistake.

The error happens at the end of the film. It's the last meeting of the time traveler and the detective who is looking for her. At this point, he has been tracking her for decades, and he knows what she's doing and he also knows who Subject #1 is. But this is her first trip. She hadn't gone back to 1966 or anytime else. If he tells her who Subject #1 is, she can go back and kill him and avoid killing anyuone else.
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Madame Web (2024)
Not as bad as...
23 February 2024
Given how bad some of the most recent superhero films have been, this one isn't that bad. That doesn't mean it's good, it's just not that bad.

Good things -

The acting is really good, especially from the 3 teenage girls. They steal every scene they are in.

Editing - really nice. A lot of the flashbacks and flash forwards are done so well they created interest and tension.

Plot - it's ok too. A bit far-fetched but it's a movie and it's a superhero movie so the fetched isn't that far.

Bad stuff

Continuity - ok it's a superhero film but it still needs to have continuity.

Loopholes - not related to the poor continuity, there are so many holes in the story you could drive a million giant spiders through it.
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19 February 2024
This series is designed to teach people about the elements that go into a successful and memorable film. As such, you get to look at (once again) clips from successful and memorable films. Introducing these films is a nice old man who apparently taught this subject to film makers for decades. He's obviously knowledgeable and has a certain charm, but whatever he is trying to communicate gets lost in his many detours and sidetracks.

Occasionally he manages to stay on track, and when he does this, he isn't necessarily correct. At one point (I can't remember where) he talks about the need for surprise and how repetition can be harmful to the film's impact. Nothing could be further from the truth. Repetition is a fundamental aspect of human life. Repetition is a fundamental aspect of human life. Freud wrote about it and called it the "repetition compulsion" and tied it to the basic death drive. It's the core of most comedies and the way in which most action films anticipate a dramatic confrontation. Gun fighters don't meet for the first time. You see them in matches and anticipate what is going to happen in the final match. Substitute gunfighters for chess champions, gymnists, etc. And you see the structure of most effective dramatic scenes.

Not a complete waste of time, and it's always fun to see memorable scenes even if you've seen them hundreds of times. Along the way there are some good observations.
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OC World (2022– )
2023 Version
13 February 2024
There is a new OC World and it's not much different from the older OC World with one really exception. But more about that later.

There has been a similar program Lost LA which has been on for a few years and is really interesting. Over time the principal interviewer has really grown into the role.

The good thing about the new OC World is that it has a few episodes that model the Lost LA experience, only now they have two people, instead of one. These "history hunters" go out and give us examples of how OC has changed over the years. These episodes are really interesting and educational - far better than the self-serving promos that are often the bases of the other programs.

More history please!
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
Almost Perfect
7 February 2024
The 6-part series is as good as it gets and was almost perfect (more about that later). There is no way to summarize the plot except to say that you will never have any idea of where you are going on this ride, so sit back and enjoy it. What can be said is that the acting is wonderful, for everyone, but especially the two main characters. The scenes of outback Australia are also great.

Now a little nit picking because all you can do is find a "nit" because everything else is so damn good. (1) The main bad guy could be badder. He's not all that convincing given the story line. (2) The shootout could have been done better. (3) the fat guy and the well just isn't convincing.

These are such small problems, but it's why the series didn't get a 10. FWIW I rarely give 9s or 10s.
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Case Histories (2011–2013)
One of the best
24 January 2024
So sad this show had only a few seasons. It's one of the best detective stories you'll find on TV. It starts with impeccable writing for plot and characters. Then it goes to wonderful acting from everyone involved, even the minor parts. All the actors seem to be real people with real actions. Even their speech and accents are different. In so many shows, people are just reading lines and you could easily replace any one of them with another and never notice the replacement. In this series, everyone is unique. Words, accent, appearance, etc. - all unique.

As a detective story you have to have crimes and solutions, and this series gives you some seemingly impossible to solve problems along with ever so clever solutions.
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Katherine Ryan: Glitter Room (2019 TV Special)
22 January 2024
Wandering through Netflix I came upon Katherine Ryan. Just to be on the record, I'm not a big fan of women comediennes, though I thought Joan Rivers was the very best and I enjoy Natasha Leggero. My tastes go from Marx Bros., Bob Hope. Don Rickles, Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, and of course, Jim Carrey. There's a B team too (e.g., Jim Gaffigan) but you get the point.

Then came Ryan. What a hoot. She is not merely funny, she has a different take on contemporary society. Funny, thoughtful, timely, and provocative. And she can sing. What a treat .

I can't comment on her other venues and roles, but she does a wonderful stand-up routine. Well worth watching.
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21 January 2024
Imagine the hubris of these film makers who invented an imaginary meeting and imaginary dialogue to do a film about Freud, whose life was so interesting imaginary nonsense is not needed. Think "Freud" with Montgomery Cliff or "A Dangerous Method."

Put aside the nonsense, how good is the film? Not very. Editing and continuity are pedestrian and music is not helpful. Direction is poor, at best. What's most disturbing is that the acting is awful. Everyone is doing a poor job! "Oh no," you think. "I heard Anthony Hopkins was wonderful." You heard wrong. Well, not wrong, but misguided. Hopkins plays a jolly old fat German man who speaks excellent English and is plastered on liquor and morphine. Freud was neither fat nor jolly. Hopkins performance is wonderful if you forget that he is playing Freud. As Freud he is awful.

If that's not enough to convince you this film is trash, think of who Freud was in 1939. His eros and libido theories had been wacked over the head by WW 1 and thanatos (death drive) was more on his mind, so that with the impending WW 2 all the dialogue in this film is woefully outdated.
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Legends of the Stagecoach (2024 TV Special)
11 January 2024
The show is perfectly good and provides a lot of information about the stagecoach. But it could have done a lot more. The story of the stagecoach is very interesting and can be traced back to the earliest Colonial period and the Northeast where it originated. What it accomplished then and how it was transformed is not given enough time. Also ignored is the question of routes and how they were determined and what it meant for a town where it stopped. Also kissing is the interaction between the stagecoach lines and the mail carriers, how the federal government intervened, etc. Hence, what they have is good and interesting, but there was so much more than could have been said.
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Rolling Over in his Grave
30 November 2023
John Ford was a wonderful director. He made some of the very best films in multiple genres, not simply westerns, though we remember him best for films like "The Searchers", "Stagecoach", The Man who shot Liberty Valance," and the Calvary films. But he also made "The Informer", "The Quiet Man," and best of all "The Grapes of Wrath." He won many awards as did his associates.

For me personally, he stands alongside Orson Welles and Sam Peckinpah as the very best of the directors.

So how could they make such a miserable film about Ford and his work in the war. The talking heads provide almost nothing. The photos are also not educational.
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Wander Darkly (2020)
24 September 2023
Many films dicker with the film's narrative. Most commonly there are flashbacks and sometimes flashforwards, and then there are a few breaks in the timeline altogether. Sometimes they succeed. This film breaks anything anyone knows about a film's narrative, so In understand that some viewers may be put off by the complexity of the narrative. It is unlike anything you have ever seen before.

The best advice I can give is "hang in there." It is well worth the journey. You have no idea what's happening nor where it is going, but it is nonetheless compelling.

Forget that the acting is excellent. Ignore the great music and the great photography. These are not the issue. Other films have great elements. This film will knock you dead with the complexity and beauty of the narrative.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Poor, but
23 August 2023
It's not really fair to rate this show since I only started watching it in Season 5. But most of the character s in 5 are from prior seasons so I think I got the idea, and what I didn't like about the series is probably true for the parts I missed.

First and foremost, almost everyone speaks exactly the same, at the same speed, using the same arcane references, and for similar lengths of time. If you read the script you could not tell one from the other . In real life, people are not like that!

It's mostly talking heads with an occasional jaunt. That gets pretty dull.

The acting is really poor. Really poor. Maybe after 5 seasons they are simply tired. I don't know. Or maybe saying the same lines so quickly from one head to another prohibits better acting.
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Sleeping Dog (2023– )
Twists and Turns
28 July 2023
This series has so many twists and turns you think you're on a merry-go-round. What keeps it going is the wonderful acting from everyone involved. Not just the main actors, but everyone is marvelous. Given the context of the series, it's unexpected to find such good acting. Equally outstanding is the photography and the music.

Of all the good features, it's the story that compels viewing. In about 90% of the films/series I watch I can tell you the ending right away. But this one fooled me, pretty much right up to the end. Only in the last hour of the final episode did I figure it out, and that gives you some idea of how good it is.
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21 July 2023
Forget anything you ever thought about the original series. This one stinks! Terrible acting. Terrible music. Terrible writing. Terrible direction. Everything is simply awful. If I didn't have such high regard for the original series, I would have stop looking after a few minutes. But I continued for an entire hour. Forgetting the original, it's not even any good for a n ew series. And how stupid are the writers? Doesn't Detroit have traffic cameras so they can see what happened. Apparently not. Do everyone a favor. Scrape the entire series. Have mercy on us and show no more. Then get a new set of writers and return him to Kentucky, revive the old characters, and give us something worth seeing.
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