
306 Reviews
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Prepare for Ludicrous Speed!
19 December 2019
The "Force Awakens" played it very safely and for the most part did it well enough to please most people, "Last Jedi" took some huge chances(that didn't pay off) and experimented, which left people divided.. This is just stupid, very very stupid!

I don't know how many times I was either thinking or saying: what, how, no, why, but I thought.., this isn't how this works etc.. while watching this, but it was a lot and I don't think I was the only one doing this. Non Jedi turn into Jedi, and Jedi turn into Jesus, which means any stakes or sense of peril has been lost. It's one cringe worthy scene after another and overall a huge cliche and a total "Disney movie" in the worst possible way!
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Beating a terminated horse...
27 October 2019
A shamelessly uninspired and unimaginative retreading and repackaging of the far superior entries in the franchise! The plot could not be more predictable and uninteresting, none of the entries since 1991 have been particularly good, but this one isn't even trying. Some decent action scenes won't save this film from being utterly forgettable!
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MCU's Peter Pan, just a boy, just a boy.. never be a man!
6 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was OK, not great, not good, not awful just OK! And that is a problem! It has some nice action is funny enough and is decently paced(although the first half drags a tiny bit)! Where it fails is it's main characters, both the hero and villain.

Peter Parker is exactly the same super insecure kid he was in "Homecoming" which suited him at the time, he was just discovering his powers and was new to being a hero. This time however it's a whole different story, sure he is not THAT much older, BUT he fought in a Superhero Civil War, went to space and faced the Mad Titan himself, became an Avenger and worked together with the greatest heroes! He also had Tony Stark for a mentor! And despite all that experience and change he is still the same kid he was... not to mention he is so well off compared to the other big screen incarnations of the character(especially Tobey Maguire's)! He has a cool young supportive aunt, he goes to this fancy school where the biggest bully is the extremely nerdy version of Flash Thompson, he has friends who back him up, Nick Fury and SHIELD who back him up, and even Tony backs him after his own death! This is the fifth movie he is in, and he has not grown a bit.. he seems to be always apologizing for everyone almost for just being alive.. while also being likable but in that adorable way, which suits Peter I guess, but it's almost impossible to see him taking on any serious villains who really want to end him like the Green Goblin or Venom! Overall I am just really disappointed by his lack of growth through five five films.

Mysterio is wasted as a character! Instead making him have an original backstory(or the one he has in the comics),he is another guy who has beef with Stark, much like The Vulture from "Homecoming"! Jake Gyllenhaal does a good job portraying him though, so that helps a little! Also when he ultimately gets what he desires he does the dumbest thing ever, he could literally become the next Iron Man, but he just wants the fame while the Avengers are away(if any of the other major heroes would be present, he would be toast in a sec). So he wastes the opportunity to play a good guy and infiltrate SHIELD/Avengers or go full on mad dictator for some ridiculous stab at fame.. he does strike at Spidey later in a significant way.. but it's neither here nor there. In the end it seems there never really were any big stakes, which is quite disappointing, especially since Mysterio had so much potential!

The supporting cast is mostly fine. The humor can be a little hit or miss at times, but it's to be expected, overall they make it so there is always something happening and the movie feels alive! What is more noticeable this time around(at least to me) is how most characters are quite a bit taller than Peter, including MJ portrayed by Zendaya(who is likeable and charming!). This makes Peter/Spidey seem even less intimidating. This is of course a minor gripe that most won't even care or notice. This movie seems kind of unnecessary and exist as a sort of filler in the MCU, which is something you should NEVER be able to say about a Spider-Man film!
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The "Stairway to Heaven" of superhero movies!
26 April 2019
It builds from a haunting melancholy tune to a thundering, iron-willed anthem for everything that's great about MCU and comic books in general. Twists, turns, surprises, tears, smiles and memories.. as close to a perfect conclusion to "Infinity War" one could hope!
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Hellboy (2019)
More like, "What the Hell was that, Boy?"
16 April 2019
It's a very tough movie to review, since I am not sure how to look at it.. It doesn't work too well as a reboot or as new "origin story" nor is it a satisfying adaptation of any one single Hellboy book(or storyline). It manages to have so many different things from Hellboy mythos in it, but mixes them up and generally doesn't stay too true to the source material(some aspects are more intact than others!) so it's a very mixed bag.. that is amplified by the fact that the movie itself feels more like a combination of scenes and set pieces rather a coherent story. Sometimes the jumps from scene to scene are very abrupt and fast, meaning it's hard to get invested or at times even truly follow the story! This also means there is no downtime, and no real buildup to scenes that should have it. The jokes are very hit and miss, but retain that Hellboy feel so it's okay. It could and should have been better, but it can be enjoyed as a fun "B-Movie" and in a way that's what Hellboy is supposed to be.. anyway it's very hard to see this getting a sequel, both cause it's not all that good and also cause they kinda threw everything at us and there is not much room for upping the stakes!
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Shazam! (2019)
It's a BLAST!
4 April 2019
A lighthearted comic book fun in the best way possible! It's fun, fast paced and has a "magical" feel to it, something that is hard to describe, but it's there! The main characters are not two dimensional cardboard cut-outs, by the end of the movie you actually feel you know these guys. It manages to be a a family movie, a comedy and a superhero film, all at once and it feels organic, nothing feels forced or shoehorned in. I am not overly familiar with the character, but it seems like it was also pretty accurate to the source material! A good foundation to build upon, if there is going to be a sequel, and I believe there will be! Definitely recommended, if you can enjoy a superhero movie that's not overly grim dark and.
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Quintessential Estonian novel comes alive on the big screen!
2 March 2019
The quintessential Estonian novel(or at least the first part of series of novels) has finally been adapted to the big screen. And it's for the most part a fitting and epic adaptation, true to the source material as well as being entertaining and thought provoking on it's own right. A great story is brought to life by good(at times great) acting, outstanding cinematography and never before seen production design and make-up effects for an Estonian film. The story transcends nationality and language and is worth checking out by anyone interested in good cinema and especially good stories!
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Glass (2019)
A great conclusion!
21 January 2019
This movie is not perfect and there is room for improvement, however it is definitely a good solid ending to the somewhat "surprise trilogy" that this has turned to be. It builds upon themes established in the previous installments and has a few new tricks as well. There are also twists, "but of course!" Luckily they more like the early "good Shyamalan twists" not the ones that have become punchlines.. I really do hope this will indeed be the end, and there aren't going to be a continuation of this saga, let it end on a high note! The only reason I can think to not to see this if you are even a bit interested, is if you have not seen the two previous movies.. they are sort of needed to enjoy or even understand much of this. In which case I strongly suggest seeing those(they are great movies!) first, and then proceed to see this if you liked the series so far.
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Creed II (2018)
A bloody fairytale, but most of the cliches are being kept to a minimum!
13 January 2019
This movie was going to eventually happen since the first Creed got green lighted and as it was kind of expected, it is indeed a bit of "by the numbers" and goes through some familiar beats. The cliche things inherent to sport movies and especially boxing movies(and especially to one that is essentially a Rocky sequel), are however being kept to a minimum, there are nods here and there to the past moments.. but it manages to be it's own movie by the end of it! I think that the first was a bit better movie altogether, but this one is no slouch either and brings more familiar faces and more of that "Rocky feeling". Four "eyes of the tiger" out of five!
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The Magic has faded, but is still there if you look close enough!
28 December 2018
This sequel to the beloved classic is probably nearly as good as it can be. It's not in the same league with the 1964 original starring Julie Andrews, but it's not bad by any means. It manages to capture the charm and whimsy of the original and Emily Blunt is very good in the lead role. I feel it mainly suffers from being based on a good but not as amazing story as the first, the songs also aren't as instantly memorable. All in all, it's worth a watch especially if you are with kids!
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Heartwarming and cool!
26 December 2018
Much better than any of the previous Transformers movies, it has likeable characters and character growth, REAL humor, plot that is easy to follow and doesn't throw an explosion on the screen every 3 minutes! Also the action scenes that do take place are much easier to follow since camera doesn't jump around all the time and the Autobots/Decepticons have different color schemes and don't just become a grey blur. It has the nice 80's tone too, which provides many references and is a good setting overall. A nice movie for the whole family.
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Aquaman (2018)
A near perfect Aquaman film!
19 December 2018
Aquaman is not the easiest character to adapt to the big screen, but this movie does almost everything right! It's comic accurate enough and not afraid to look weird or silly.. and it does also bring it's own updated concepts and ideas in the right places. The hero is likeable(a fleshed out version of "Aquabro" from Justice League is actually a damn cool guy) and has a definite arc during the movie where he grows and changes, in fact most of the characters do! The villains are believable(one is maybe a bit cliche but it's that kind of story) and have reasons for their actions besides just having cool powers/designs! Speaking of design.. the visual styles and design choices for characters, creatures and places are amazing. It's a joy to journey from one awesome looking place to another in this movie, and while it's a 2hr 23 min movie it never drags or feels long, it's a fast paced, action packed ride from start to finish. It does everything a comic book movie should with style. Definitely recommended!
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14 December 2018
The animation and visual style is cool, fluid and compliments the story like only the very best of animated movies can! Story itself is like an amalgamation of the most serious, comical and cool elements a Spidey comic can offer, and it all works together beautifully. Among the best animated superhero movies ever, and actually one of the best Spidey movies period!
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8 December 2018
This movie is difficult to review,(especially since I have not read the books) but also because on one hand it has amazing style and visuals, some awesome action set pieces and very interesting setting and lore(the little we find out anyway!). While on the other hand it has somewhat poor character development, pacing issues, overall not a particularly strong story and features one of the biggest cliches there can be.. It's definitely not bad, almost great actually.. I'd say it's worth a watch, especially since the unanswered questions are probably gonna be answered and characters more fleshed in the future installments.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Extremely underwhelming in every aspect!
1 December 2018
It's one of those cases when the movie just doesn't work, I'd say it's somewhat like the Guy Ritchie's King Arthur movie from last year.. but that was at least fun and enjoyably bad! This is as bland as can be, you DO know the story.. well no, you know a BETTER story about Robin Hood. Don't waste your time or money.
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Painfully boring and joyless!
25 November 2018
It's a huge mess, it's clear there was not a single focused idea, rather than many different scripts made to fit with each other... at least that's my best guess. Which means it's about a lot of different characters some who are boring, some who don't really matter at all and yes also about some who are interesting and matter, but when the movie gets to them it has previously wasted time on several side characters or plot lines that go nowhere. Which means it drags and feels unbelievably boring far too often(I can't believe I am saying this about technically a HP movie!) and while I get this period is supposed to be rough and not a joyride for the characters and the world at large, but it's utterly bleak and while there is humor, it has a distinct lack of joy!
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The Grinch (2018)
Not the classic we all love, but then again what is?
25 November 2018
Far from being a legendary masterpiece, but also far from being awful. The animation is nice and the tale is the same as you remember, for the most part! It's quite funny and warmhearted which is to be expected from a family film(especially an animated one), but not all seem to pull it off. Would recommend seeing it, if you need to get into Christmas Spirit or if you have kids.
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Pretty cool
13 November 2018
I have not read the books, I think I should say this first! But as a movie it's a rather cool cyber/spy/espionage thriller! It has many twists and turns, although the story is overall quite predictable. It still manages to have quite many cool moments and scenes that are enjoyable and entertaining. If you like the genre and are not expecting to be completely blown away, then it probably will not disappoint!
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Pretty, but predictable and bland as can be!
6 November 2018
It's pretty, has a pretty nice atmosphere and setting, but that's mostly all that's good. It's very predictable and formulaic,not to mention boring... The highlights are when Helen Mirren or Morgan Freeman are on screen, but these are a few short scenes and further prove how mediocre this movie otherwise is.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Dissapointing and unnecessary!
28 October 2018
It's not awful or even bad by any means, and with some small improvements on some parts and a few big changes could have been perhaps something to write home about! But as it stands, it's a rather forgettable and by the numbers addition to the franchise. It manages to provide a few satisfying moments, but getting to them doesn't live up to the expectations. It also provides a few rather questionable scenes and a whole lot of filler.. worth a watch if you are a horror fan, but if you are just interested in a good "Halloween" movie to watch during this season.. you are much better off checking out the original and it's direct sequel (released in 1978 and 1981 respectively)
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Dynamite with a laser beam!
24 October 2018
Very entertaining, moving and enjoyable. The whole cast does a wonderful job, but Rami Malek's royally amazing performance as Freddie tower's above all! It's fun and moving, it's magic, it's tragic.. it's QUEEN! See it and SING IT!!!
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Hell Fest (2018)
Slasher shlock!
20 October 2018
It's a pretty standard by the numbers slasher flick, with some interesting elements and a few cool scenes. However if you are just looking for a moderately gory movie that suits for a chilly October evening, it just might do trick! Other than this though.. it's nothing special. But since it's Halloween season you might get something out of it!
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Incredibly warm and fuzzy!
18 October 2018
Bittersweet by nature, but ultimately an incredibly warm and fuzzy film about remembering that there is more than work to life, and rediscovering your childhood. The plot is rather simple, but seeing all of the beloved characters brought to life in such a great manner makes it very enjoyable. All the residents of "The 100 Acre Wood" are very memorable and have their distinct personality, meaning they contribute something, be it a joke or a hidden wisdom! This movie clearly achieves what it set out to do.
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Jolly good!
17 October 2018
Johnny English gets his third time in the spotlight after quite a long time. Maybe not as good and funny as the first two(certainly the original), but it's definitely a decent entry in the series. Atkinson is as funny as ever and the movie is a rather enjoyable Bond spoof as a whole. It's also fast paced and doesn't drag on making it a nice less than 90min watch, that provides plenty of laughs!
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Halloween fun!
14 October 2018
It's obviously not really scary, but it has that "Scooby-Doo Scary" vibe nailed! It's fast paced, fun and has a lot of Halloween themed action. The whole movie has a sort of 90's type TV feel to it, in a good way. The acting is fine and the Villain is very enjoyable.
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