15 Reviews
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Scrooge (1935)
An overlooked film gem
15 December 2020
This is a wonderfully dark interpretation of Dicken's classic. It shines as much because of the acting talent of Seymor Hicks. Yet you'll be hard to find a copy unless you go on You Tube which seems to have just about everything anyone could want to know about anything.
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A 'Whopper'
2 July 2018
I'm delighted to read these many user reviews that revealed the same impression I had after first seeing this jewel. It's a magnificent exhibition of all the best Hitchock; tricks from the utterly absurd but nonetheless believable (by the time we near the end of the film) story, through complex interacting scenarios to brilliant and complex scene settings (check out that amusement park), fabulous directing (menacing hands everywhere), moody cinematography etc. etc. This is clearly one of Hitchcock's best films.
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Battle Hell (1957)
More Magnificent Briish Film Making
28 June 2018
The best British filmmakers are capable of making a masterpiece that ranks with their best graphic painters of previous centuries in terms of their perfection of the art. Everything about this film is superb; story, directing, acting, cinematography etc. It's also a real 'cliff hanger' because, until the very end, it's not at all clear how they could get out of that mess. Watch and be 'mesmerized' my fellow film lovers.
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Escapade (1955)
Another British Film Masterpiece
28 June 2018
Only the Brits could make such a sentimental film without making it seem 'corny'. The story is nothing less than hilarious yet reverberates with an optimism and endorsement concerning the idealism of youth. Even without that, the immaculate acting of screen giants like John Mills and Alistair Sym make it nothing less than a film masterpiece. No serious film viewer can afford to miss this one.
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Defiance (I) (2008)
Amazing Film
28 June 2018
One rarely sees a film that deals with an important historical subject and does it by crafting a film of perfection in all respects (script, acting, directing , cinematography etc.). I was reduced to tears in many places in this film Not only does it deal with the historical stuff impeccably, but raises all sorts of philosophical and anthropological issues about the nature of a human society. These unfortunates have to start a new society 'from scratch' , as it were, and the film shows how a modern, displaced group of people actually did it. Every important topic is covered; how can people 'start' a society, how do they pick their leaders (if they do), what kinds of challenges do they and that leader face in making it work etc. This is a film that not only all film fans need to see but should be made mandatory viewing in all academic classes on these kinds of subjects. Best of all, perhaps, is that it worked ! Despite all seemingly insurmountable obstacles, many survived to live in a post Nazi world !
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Murder! (1930)
Good Early Hitchcock
9 June 2018
Some critics think that Hitchcock was at his best in the early days of his career. If true, this film is certainly an example of it. Compared to other films by other directors of the period, this is 'chock-a-block' with all the delicious touches that his fans love. An uninterrupted parade of the most eccentric and deliciously comic characters pervades the film. Then there's the highly original and innovative cinematography and directing. One example is when Sir John summons some 'lower class' person to his office who, upon arriving, gapes at the elaborate décor before walking across a thick, luscious carpet that actually flexes and bends like water to indicate the perceived extent of its plushness . Typical of the best of Hitchcock, every scene merits close attention and typically rewards the viewer with something highly original and artistic. Worth every second of watching.
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Nice, slick and engrossing
23 May 2018
This little gem hits all the right buttons; great story, excellent acting and directing, moody black and white photography, easy to follow plot line etc. Well worth the watch.
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Silky smooth adaptation
12 March 2018
The most extraordinary feature of this film is the incredible smoothness it adds to the story line; it's a masterpiece of great dialogue and incredible actors to deliver the story. Who has ever seen any better, and unobtrusive, acting than that of the likes of Saunders, Marshall and the relatively unknown but great actor Steven Gary (who plays Dirk Strouve) ? One will never see another film to exceed this one in these respects.
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Setting the context
12 March 2018
Of all the many merits of this film mentioned by various reviewers it seems that the 'mood' of the cinematography doesn't get mentioned. Perhaps the most powerful of these elements are the cars; drop dead gorgeous American beauties of the age that perfectly reflect the warm mood of celebration of life that pervades the rest of the era. For all their social and individual problems, the protagonists all get to cruise around in these incredible automobiles. The Cadillac takes centre stage but the movie abounds with reverential shots of great cars like Pontiac Catalinas, Kaiser, Oldsmobiles etc. focusing the photography and sound on their most seductive features like 'rocket' hood ornaments and almost unreally beautiful colors. The Director caught America of the 1950s 'dead on' when he makes frequent mention of their seductive influence on the generation.
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A real 'Duessie'
28 January 2018
Small wonder that every critic seems to agree that this film is remarkable; it hits the top notes on all aspects of what makes a great film. The wonderful team of Basil Radford and Naunton Wayne make it a masterpiece and probably Hitchock's greatest film.
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Another Delicious Discovery
4 December 2016
For someone who knows so little about British films, I was delighted to learn more by watching it in the only place one might find it these days: You Tube. It's British humour and therefore one has to be awake to get the full benefit. The British routinely poke fun at themselves, especially their Xenophobia. When a passenger on a bus learns that the driver who drove so badly was a 'foreginer' and 'French' to boot, she simply replied "so there you are". I found the whole thing a delicious and at times an hysterically funny film. Add to that the inimitable British skill at character depiction and a cast of terrific actors to act them out and the result is quite impressive. It's also interesting to note the date of production (1944), Like the Americans, the Brits didn't make film about the War during it; they both preferred to laugh their way to Victory as much as possible. These great film greatly helped relieve the enormous personal stress of those enduring that horror. As Eleanor Roosevelt (if I remember correctly the author) said about the war on the home front: "keep 'em laffing "
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Space: 1999 (1975–1977)
Another Pleasant Surprise on You Tube
30 November 2016
Although I was over 30 years old when this was released to TV I somehow managed to miss it; it was a very pleasant discovery that I found recently on You Tube. I was astounded to see how superior it was in every respect to the original Star Trek series that I was familiar with. I never warmed to Star Trek because I hated William Shatner's rotten acting, the stupid overworked ideas like the Vulcan thing and the cheap, phony sets. But Space 1999 is real class; its stories, sets, acting and special effects are just swell. But then we can always count on anything that the BBC has a hand in making as being superior to anything similar attempted by any other network on earth (PBS excluded). Nice surprise; thanks You Tube.
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The Thief (1952)
Brilliant Cinematic Art
15 October 2016
A really sweet dark film noir to curl up with on You Tube. This remarkable film attempts and accomplishes the impossible; to make an engrossing and convincing 'silent film'. Whereas the old silent were just boring and overacted, this one is really a sound film without dialogue. The sound comes from the music which is artfully fit to every scene to illustrate the mood and tensions involved. This is matched with Ray Milland's terrific acting which carries the entire weight of the dramatic plot. In case nobody noticed this man's acting before this is to film to watch. Every nuance of human emotion is conveyed through his acting and the plot moves to its astonishing conclusion on the strength of that acting. A real 'lost gem' of a film !
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An eminently watchable and important historic film
2 October 2016
Worth the watch for no other reason than the fabulous cast; everyone who was, and ever was, a notable British stage actor is in this one. Besides the famous Claude Rains we are treated to the delights of Enrst Thesinger, Francis L. Sullivan and many more who never get the credit they deserve. The story is boring (being a silly romance between degenerate royals) and the costumes dubious, but the script of GB Shaw helps a lot. Obviously in competition with the Yanks for the coming fad of big screen, historical epics, the cinematography isn't bad either. But the real attraction is the cast; tune in and watch the great, glorious, fun acting of these film luminaries.
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Early History Effort
8 October 2014
What those who trash this film fail to point out is that the film was one of the earliest attempt to make a movie about an historical event. As such, it can be forgiven minor inaccuracies but overall it was an accurate and informative movie. For those movie goers that didn't read history books, this was their first introduction to the topic and they couldn't help but learn something about that event in history.

The film makers did a pretty good job of touching upon all the important issues (such as the confusion about what to do about the encroachment of threatening secessionists against the Gosport Naval Yard) that affected the eventual clash of ironclads. And generally, despite the aesthetic flaws that reviewers point out, it was in important movie in the history of film.

Worth a look.
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