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Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003)
The best written sitcom ever made
13 May 2024
Only Fools And Horses was a rare combination of:

1) Talented actors/actresses; who had both, great comedic timing and ability to display various emotions.

2) Intelligently written story's and humour by John Sullivan, that could in an instant go from sombre and moving to hilariously sarcastic, and never in a way that could be predictable. The story's were quite grounded and human, in some ways simple - yet woven together in a very intricate fabric laden with top tier humour. There was also character progression which for an early 80's sitcom was rare.

3) British to it's very core, and made in a time when neo-Marxist/far-left ideology hadn't yet overtaken the BBC or Western entertainment mediums. This means the viewer is treated to pure creativity and brain power in the form of comedy, that was not afraid to make fun of everyone and everything. Not stifled by the afore mentioned infection that has gripped Western entertainment mediums and Western society. Even stand up comedy is at risk due to feign outrage and narcissism of the now, leaving jokes very flat and often catering to hard left politics. Comedy on par with Only Fools And Horses is something that one won't see again, or not for many many years. I imagine the new neo-Marxist BBC will try to ban or do away with this show as it so egregiously does not follow their ideology (British character's, humour that targets everyone, no Marxist messaging) so grab it while you can, and enjoy!
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Claymore (2007)
Excellent anime (the last two episodes can be disregarded if one plans to read the manga)
8 May 2024
This show was based on the 2001-2007 manga Claymore, which seems to have been part inspired by Berserk. It's about a group of female warriors called "Claymore's" who use the weapon of the same name, even singlehandedly. They have inhuman strength and speed due to being half "yoma" - demon like creatures that plague the world and feed on humans. These Claymore's are sent out to detect and kill these yoma demons. The story is centred on one particular young Claymore warrior called Clare, and is set in a middle ages medieval setting. The story is dark fantasy is well written, it manages to remain quite interesting with good pacing and reveals. The character's are interesting and the battles are a treat to watch, the voice acting and music are also both excellent. Is this better than Berserk? The anime itself is because it's a decade younger than Berserk, also this studio made the pacing and flow of character's dialogue and story more interesting or engaging. But Berserk is a bit deeper and darker so edges ahead. However this is a must watch if you like Berserk or have never heard of it.

This anime was made when the magazine the manga was featured in shut down, so the studio had to make up their own ending for the last 2 episodes, which some consider confusing and not the perfect ending. If one enjoys this show and wants to see the whole complete story in the manga books, they don't need to watch the last two episodes (25 & 26) they can just watch episodes 1-24. If they only intend to watch this anime, keep in mind the last 2 episodes are made by the anime studio.
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Real footage, audio transcripts & near all of this is verifiable. An absolute essential watch.
21 March 2024
This is a 6 hour + documentary which goes into elaborate detail about Germany's history in the WWI-WWII periods and it's then chancellor Hitler, who lead the NSDAP and became known; in the current Western zeitgeist, as one of the worst dictators.

This documentary uses a mixture of:

1) footage from a 2003 film starring Robert Carlisle as Hitler in a biopic about his early life.

2) Narration.

3) Recorded dialog from different historical figures.

4) Archival video footage, many black and white and some colourized.

5) Archival images, photo's of people and events, propaganda poster's of the time, dated newspapers etc.

The documentary details Hitler's upbringing and early life as a homeless artist, including his stint as a soldier in WWI, as well as his imprisonment and subsequent parties rise to prominence. How Germany after the Weimar Republic had it's economy and nation reversed from destitution during the great depression. It then delves into the eventual 2nd world war and tumultuous times preceding it, plus it's aftermath. It also details quite a lot of historical information about the world at this time. About relationships between different countries, about Bolshevism, and political issues. About economies, agreements and feelings of different groups towards one another. A vast amount of the information shown is not taught in the West.

The editing and some of the footage quality (which is old) aren't quite perfect, but work well enough to help the viewer easily understand, and in some instances where necessary; verify what is being shown.

Factual rating: 9/10

Some of the information shown I was aware of as I've done historical research well beyond awful sources of information like Wikipedia. And am aware that victors of any conflict write the history of it. (It doesn't benefit a victor to be honest about the ill's they committed or to give any context that could be used to undermine them). But there were also a lot of historical information I was not aware of, I had to pause it to look up a few parts and was able to verify near all of them. There were some small parts that I couldn't verify definitively, parts where you'd probably have to have been there to know the reality of the situation. But, most of this documentary is indeed verifiable, which says a lot about the Western education system and how much textbook history omits. How much context we in the West, have been deprived of in regards to such big historical events that changed the course of history. This is quite shocking.

Verdict: 9/10

Overall this is an eye opening documentary which gives one many pieces of a historical puzzle in one place, that have been withheld and censored. With it's slight bias aside, it reveals many pieces of historical information and events throughout the WWI-WWII periods that are both verifiable and probably won't have been taught in Western education. And with a more full context, would likely change some people's views on the WWI/WWII periods quite dramatically. The tone of the documentary is actually refreshing in that it's not deliberately dour or attempting to be a Hollywood-esque dramatized piece, but simply attempting to inform and educate. This documentary also shows I would imagine, why some people so vehemently want a lot of historical context from these periods censored. It shows that the allies were not exactly "good guy's" during those periods and that rather there were no good guys. It shows how complex these periods actually were. One will need to be objective watching this, it is difficult to undo a lifetime of incorrect information (by omission and also lies, as the verified pieces in this documentary show). But being how much of this is verifiable, it makes one understand why in some places it is illegal to research or think freely on this topic, because doing so may unearth what people want kept hidden. For what other reason is there to make only this topic in some places, a criminal offense to think or ask questions about. Only loses 1* for the lower production quality and slight bias of the author, but these in no way detract from the ice cold water to the face that is the array of verifiable historical information given.

An essential watch.
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Ghost Stories (2000–2001)
"Awaeahekeawahejebleah!" ... "Your sister's right, you are r*tarded"
27 January 2024
For the English dub, there was a fully improvised script which took the direction of no holds barred humour (think South Park). The dialog is hilarious and amusing, taking aim at everyone and everything equally, and often without any warning, there is no beating around the bush, everything from pop culture to social groups of the time are made fun of. I got a lot of the references and they show how self aware the VA's were. Once or twice the dialog even breaks the 3rd or 4th wall. The voice acting is done well by talented VA's, and despite being improvised, there are still overarching storyline's and plots that make sense, it isn't incoherent. The storyline's are like X-File's 'monster of the week' episodes, as the group school teens take on quite unique demons and ghosts (no doubt inspired by Japanese folklore). In fact some of the horror idea's are excellent and original (as a fan of horror).

This type of script probably wouldn't work today with cultural Marxism infecting mediums and feign outrage/trendy victimhood running rampant, this type of satire nowadays would receive attempts to cancel it. Or have a translator like Jamie Marchi censor and insert their own Socialist politics.

But thankfully this was made in 2000 where everyone could take self deprecating or offensive humour in their stride. Watch it and enjoy it, this is a diamond in the rough.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Started off with high promise, but after season 3 took a nosedive
21 December 2023
Rick and Morty in it's first 2-3 seasons had many well thought out episodes, they had intelligent story's. They were also fast paced and at times used improv. The show had a lot of funny and dark adult humour too which it doesn't shy away from.

After 3 seasons however something changed, and in season 4 the show took quite a nosedive that it has never recovered from. First it becomes apparent the California based creators and writers have a strange obsession with Nazism and Christianity as vehicles for jokes or mockery (an almost Socialist/Communist level obsession with these) which being California based writers is a very tiresome thought. They worked the first time and were funny or amusing, but It doesn't help these jokes are used in 9 out of 10 episodes and show a political bias on part of the writers - it gets repetitious and boring. The writer's need to keep their staunch politics out of the series and focus on creativity and funny story telling. But that's just a tip of the iceberg. At the 4th season onwards, several of the episodes are complete duds, so bad they are worth skipping. The fast flowing creativity and well thought out story's or improv of the earlier seasons are mostly vacant. The show becomes generic, and uses parodying existing franchises and movies near every episode to carry it. The jokes aren't really funny anymore.

Rick & Morty has suffered the same fate of The Simpsons, and will continue to get worse rather than realize they hit their peak at season 3 and should have ended it there.
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The Jeremy Kyle Show (2005–2020)
Exploitation for self gratification and amusement
19 December 2023
This show was popular at the time as it gave people a preview into the lives of those less fortunate (whether of the guests own volition or bad luck) this would satisfy a viewers nosy or curious nature whilst making them feel better about their own life, so they would become hooked. The guests often had problems (substance or alcohol abuse, obesity, underweight, mental health, and predominately relationship issues with a spouse or sometimes family). A similar show to Dr Phil and Jerry Springer etc, but with a difference.

You had two types of episode, the demonize episode where the host Jeremy Kyle would talk down to a guest, berate or shout at them for something they did (perhaps deservedly, but as a host this was terrible as the host should be impartial - and simply asking questions). The mindless audience would then boo or copy Kyle's take.

The 2nd type of show is the "awww" show. Someone goes through trauma, abuse etc, maybe finds they were a victim in a relationship with an unfaithful partner. Kyle praises the person, the mindless audience follow suite and go "awww".

Another issue is exploiting these people because many may have been paid or saw it as their 5 mins of fame. Shame on ITV. It ultimately resulted in a past guest taking their own life.

Brainless, exploitative garbage. Similar to the propaganda that the ITV news spews out daily.
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Teen Titans: Things Change (2006)
Season 5, Episode 13
Feels like we got half an episode with an abrupt ending
26 October 2023
It's great to see Terra return, and the emotional struggle that ensues between her and Beast Boy. But this story couldn't fit into a 20 min episode, a lot is left hanging in the air by the time the episode is finished which is a bit disappointing. It really could've done with an extra episode to better tell the story and tie up loose ends.

Maybe one day there'll be a return to this show but after the poorer kiddy "Teen Titans Go!" I'm not sure. It has also been quite some time, so we have to just make do with this abrupt ending to a great animated series.

It was a good story being told, but be prepared for the abrupt ending.
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Teen Titans (2003–2006)
Very entertaining with likeable characters and even some gritiness
9 October 2023
This is a very solid cartoon, and still the iteration to watch after the lesser Teen Titans Go! And horrendous live action series 'Titans'.

The characters are great and unique which gives them good chemistry, this keeps things entertaining. The voice acting is solid and the animation itself is actually very good. There is humour in each episode which can be funny at times, and surprisingly also some darker/grittier plotlines later on. The series seems to be in the Batman universe with the character making an appearance and Gotham city being mentioned, but still manages to feel unique with it's own quirky cast of antagonists (including aliens of which one is the endearingly innocent Starfire).

I can't recommend Teen Titans Go! Or Titans. Just watch this show and you'll be getting the best version of the franchise.
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RoboCop (2014)
Shockingly bad - vapid dull and void of personality
8 October 2023
It was always going to be a tall order besting or at least matching the classic movie or it's sequel even.

Unfortunately this reboot isn't even in the same ball park, the protagonist has no interesting qualities that leaves the viewer wanting to uncover more of their story. The action scenes are tacky and dull, the dark humour and social commentary/satire is void. This is one of the best characteristics of the Peter Weller Robocop's, but this reboot just feels like a hollow husk, one that doesn't give any desire to watch again.

Some remakes are great (John Carpenters The Thing) whilst other's hold up perfectly even today. This movie should never have gone ahead. I can't recommend it, just watch the original two.
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Equal parts great and somewhat peculiar
5 October 2023
This movie has a bit of a different atmosphere and setting to the first, as well as different pacing. It follows almost solely Bridgette now a little older and living an isolated existence in the aftermath of the first movies end.

Emily Perkins like Katharine Isabelle is talented and there's no issue with her performance, it's great. And the score/atmosphere at times manages to be horror-esque as it should, the writing and direction though for this movie is a bit dethatched from the first.

Bridgette's sister Ginger is almost entirely not in this movie, which is a shame as the two together were excellent, and both dealing with lycanthropy could have made a great story. But this one feels like a cross between Girl Interrupted and Ginger Snaps. It later takes a pretty peculiar turn then reaches an even more peculiar and out of left field conclusion.

Overall it isn't a bad movie, but could have certainly been better had a different approach been taken in the direction of the story, or were it not so detached from the first movie (no characters make a return beyond Bridgette and briefly her sister).

Certainly worth watching, and it's interesting seeing how Bridgette deals with the curse, but certainly doesn't manage to out do the original. Nor be as entertaining without the two actresses chemistry as one was mostly not in this.

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Not sure why this isn't rated higher
5 October 2023
This film does take a departure from the previous two films, as it sets the two seemingly doomed sisters in 1815; showing the origins of the werewolf curse. But then even the 2nd film turned into a bit of an unexpected departure from the first film, so each film can be considered something independent in terms of atmosphere, pacing and setting.

This film has a good setting for a horror movie, especially one dealing with werewolves. The wintry misty frontier of Canada during the early 1800s, where the population was small and people were refined to log walled forts far from civilization, involved in the fur trapping industry. Also a time where tensions between settlers and Natives were still a difficult. This film follows Ginger again dealing with the aftermath of a werewolf attack as her sister Bridgette tries to help her, but other character's fears and secrets also play a role on the story.

The atmosphere and score is solid and the acting is fine as previously with these two talented actresses. The conclusion also without spoiling anything likely gives a fitting end that viewers may have hoped for but not gotten in the last two.

It doesn't top the first, but it's a solid horror movie in it's own right, and worth watching if one liked the others. Or can even be watched without having seen the others.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
Far better horror film than expected
4 October 2023
They don't make films like this anymore.

This is a werewolf themed horror starring two macabre and nihilistic teen sisters, who make a death pact. They're outcasts in their normal suburban town, but strange occurrences happen in the town, until the two sisters come face to face with it - and the aftermath that follows.

The two young actresses are excellent and they have a good chemistry, which with the well written dialog allows them to successfully portray an equally endearing and tumultuous sibling relationship. The sound effects and musical score are great and help create a good horror atmosphere with sense of foreboding; no moment is dull. The special effects are brilliant and showcase the best rendition of a werewolf I've seen in a film (both fully and semi transitioned) there's no CGI here. Most films have very corny and silly looking werewolves be it it costume or CGI, but this film manages to create one quite sinister and threatening. The gore effects are also done quite well.

Final thought, the film was quite brave due to it's dark or more controversial subject matter (suicide/death pact, what teenagers may go through in high school including bullying, shaming, sexual curiosity and hormonal changes) the first of those especially would be censored nowadays due to the common feign outrage and woke insanity rampant in movies/society. So give this horror trilogy a watch as it's rare you'll see much else like it.
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A classic that solidified the modern zombie genre
6 September 2023
Pre Romero, zombies were creations of shamans via voodoo magic, and originated in the Caribbean/Haiti. Vengeful spirits coming back in their fallen body to deal with unfinished business.

Romero created instead mindless corpses brought back seemingly through a virus that is transmitted through bites, in the tame but still important Night of The Living Dead. It wasn't until Dawn of The Dead that we got a proper glimpse into the undead, the conflicting emotion of seeing love ones moving still but no longer present. The strain on society and how it could fall to such a crisis, and the grisly side to fighting undead that want only to eat you.

The 70's became notorious for directors giving zero F's when it came to pushing the boundaries of horror and gore, especially movie producers out of Italy by whom where many classics were created (Suspiria, Cannibal Holocaust etc). So it was fitting this film would also push the envelope on the gore front, and despite the zombies in this being a slightly off hue (almost blue) it has aged pretty well, with the uncut version showcasing some effects that were banned for decades here in the UK.

The story surrounds two likeable SWAT police members, and a couple that work for a news company (producer and news helicopter pilot). This group end up banding together as society quickly falls apart, and others soon have the same idea. They eventually take shelter in an abandoned mall (abandoned of the living) and the movie really kicks off, although the start certainly opens with a bang as the complexities are shown of evacuating residents who are harbouring.

The movie has a surprising amount of upbeat humour and moments earlier on which make the characters likeable and contrast well with the unescapable sadder moments. There's also some funny cynical nods to consumerism regarding the mall and many digs at society/pop culture, not as in your face or as numerous as the brilliant Robocop but still amusing.

Overall this is a classic and considered the best zombie movie of Romero's, even of all time. I think the movie could've really done with 2 extra characters (Snyder's remake adds a larger cast of differing characters) but it's still a classic. And differs well in tone to the much darker sequel Day of The Dead; set in a military bunker.
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Pokémon (1997–2023)
Weaker than other monster battle shows of the time
16 August 2023
Pokemon was hugely popular due to the well made game boy games and trading cards, the tv show however paled in comparison to both Monster Rancher and Digimon.

The character's aren't as entertaining or as well written (there's a corny element). The overarching plot feels less weighty and more standalone like tv shows before the x-files. Most notably the monsters mostly cannot speak in human tongues which gives them much less personally or chemistry between one another, this also yielded less possibilities for competitors humorous moments.

The other two shows had these points locked down, especially the last.

There will be people who loved this back in the day and that's fine, it's not a terrible show by any means. But there are numerous better monster battle anime's, Monster Rancher possibly being the best in that it set out to do.
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Monster Rancher (1999–2001)
Arguably the best of the 'monster battle' anime
16 August 2023
I remember watching this in my youth and enjoying it very much, but never saw all of it. Decided to watch it in it's entirety and it is a great show.

It's certainly better than Pokemon, and I'd say only a smidgen better than Digimon. There's an overarching storyline which weaves and meanders throughout it's many episodes, with 3 main arcs. The monsters talk like in Digimon which gives them each a lot of personality; often with their own backstory's. The chemistry between them all is well thought out and entertaining, and the show actually manages to make me laugh at times all these years later, whether with silly humour or slightly more adult. The VA or English dub is also great.

The show is aimed at a teen demographic, which means character's calling enemies 'baddies' is irksome now I'm not a teen anymore. But with the humour, layered enough writing and ability to even make the viewer feel sad in one masterfully done episode (ep 49) this is still a great show decades later.

Well written, fun and wholesome. 10/10.
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Hackers (1995)
Unashamedly a product of it's time, entertaining
14 August 2023
This movie isn't going to blow your mind, nor is it made to be too realistic, but it is entertaining and whether from the cheesiness or writing - will likely make you smile. There are tropes or stereotypes used to depict hacking/programming and the hackers themselves. (Real hacking would be lines of machine code in groupings to perform functions, and/or packaged into an executable to infect a workstation or network). This movie instead tries to make the whole process seem more cool and visually interesting, which is fine and works for the movie. The hackers are also stylish outcasts in their late teens to early adulthood at college, which is likely who the target demographic was.

Overall it's an amusing, zany experience that is set in the 70s but also feels quite 90s (music particularly). Worth a watch.
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Sisu (2022)
Too silly and vapid
13 August 2023
John Wick works because amongst it's selling point (the high tier choreography and action scenes) there is a believable world that thought has gone into. Making the movie have more weight than just it's action scenes.

There was then Nobody which tried to recreate the one man army vengeance shtick but this movie quickly became silly and the reasoning for most of it's events were too unbelievable.

Now Sisu; which further delves into silly and fantastical writing hoping it's action sequences will pull all of the weight, but it fails too. Nearly every action sequence feels like someone's daydream put down on paper, and with a very weak/historically inaccurate story and setting beyond the Lapland battle, there's little here even for mindless fun.

Advice? Watch Unknown Soldier instead, it's Finland pushing back Communist Russia during WWII, has great action sequences but without a second of silly, hard to take serious writing.
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Roots (1977)
Harmful revisionism, not a factual biography - according to creator
15 July 2023
The creator admitted most of this work was not real, it was highly dramatized to pull in more viewers, which considering the topic is very irresponsible and harmful.

We've seen the same dangerously irresponsible treatment of 'The Woman King' which also tried to erase reality in lieu of high fantasy. Historical events should never be taken lightly or lied about for purely entertainment value. They should be treated with honesty to educate.

The movie could have been taken much more seriously and treated with respect had it not been dishonest in it's portrayal. The imagery is well shot and the acting isn't terrible, making it a waste of talent.

Hopefully in future movies and their creators will not make the same mistake as this. The world is becoming more enlightened on historical facts thanks to the fast spread of information with the internet and social media. It therefore pays for creators or writers to due they're homework and be honest.

Avoid this movie, instead read a Britannica Encyclopedia, you'll be amazed at what facts were conveniently hidden from this series.
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Stranger Things (2016– )
A great show - original sci-fi horror with likeable characters
16 June 2023
Not much probably that needs to be said about Stranger Things at this stage.

It's a nice nostalgia trip to the past, simpler times where people were engaged in real life. This show has no modern social politics shoehorned into it (something which destroys most modern shows). It's just original with care and thought gone into it.

The atmosphere and slow build of horror and increasing information given to the viewer each episode, that unravels what's going on keeps it interesting. Along with moments of humour or endearment from a good cast.

(Winona Ryder steals the show mostly with fantastic and explosive acting, which gives a convincing display of emotions a mother coping with loss may experience).

The music is also very good, as are the horror visual effects.

Unfortunately this is on the now dying and embarrassing Netflix service.

Fortunately, it's also on many other places with a bit of searching. Plus physical media. It's a must watch.
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I Am Legend (2007)
A movie with potential, let down by comical CGI
11 June 2023
This was Will Smith before the slap, he was a very bankable actor and we have here a post apocalyptic movie with not quite zombies - but infected nonetheless, taken I believe from a novel. A virus is taken from nature and tinkered with, but it inadvertently destroys civilization (sounds familiar..) and that's where the movie starts. The infected become slightly deformed and violent/fast, similar to 28 Days Later. The movie stars Will Smith as a military scientist (likely virologist) in NYC, the sole survivor with his dog.

Movies like this with one good actor (or two in this case) and a lot of atmosphere/visual storytelling can be excellent. The viewer's attention is less divided and they can be even more immersed. The award winning Kostner movie 'Dances With Wolves' is a prime example.

The setting in this movie is done well too and really gives the feeling that society has fallen, and nature reclaimed what was once it's territory. Also the horror-esque moments can be tense.

Where does it go wrong? Put simply, the infected look comical and ridiculous. This isn't good CGI for 2007, Smith is up against angry stretchy mouth people - which is just hard to take seriously. It immediately dispels any tension and pulls you out of the immersion. Were these real actors with makeup/prosthetics, this movie could've been much better, and the tense moments before and after the infected are revealed - both holding weight rather than becoming comical. Otherwise the CGI needed a lot more work to both look more realistic and be more intimidating/gripping.

6/10 - still worth a watch.
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An excellent movie with believable performances
4 June 2023
This movie takes place during the latter stages of the Afghanistan occupation against the Taliban, and revolves around Kinley, a U. S. Marine (Jake Gyllenhaal) his squad, and a new but likeable Afghan interpreter, Ahmed (Dar Salim).

A lot happens in this movie, from well shot combat scenes to many tense moments you could cut with a knife. The acting is top notch, especially from Gyllengaal and Ahmed the two leads. It is also a surprisingly long film. I was worried it would end at one point before a fulfilling conclusion had been reached, but it didn't and that conclusion was then delivered over the next 45 mins.

The movie also shows in hindsight (without intending to) just how shameful a failure President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was. And the absent minded treatment of Afghanistan citizens and military partners that aided the U. S. throughout the 20 year occupation.

In summary, it's certainly worth watching.
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Socialist Tumblr fan fiction, it's possibly the worst movie I have ever seen in my life
20 May 2023
I was pretty worried about this movie after seeing the trailers and knowing Fishburne, Weaving etc wouldn't be back. Also considering the nature of the directors siblings and only one of them now writing it, the current trends and issues movies face these days. I had to wonder would it have any vapid box ticking or be created purely from love and creativity like the original trilogy? I dove in cautiously, and regret every painful second.

A dialog near the start "Obviously the matrix is about > trans activism, crypto fascism, it's a metaphor of > capitalist exploitation" sets a weird and concerning tone. Along with the word "binary" shoehorned into every other sentence with no attempt to veil the writer's intention. It's clear this movie was going to highly politicised and likely quite terrible.

It's rather cringey and also derivative of the 1st, it tries to rehash the original and use the ploy of copying what was successful with a few changes to try mooching off the original's success. The movie lives off box ticking and far-left social political messaging rather than any actual care, substance or thought - which the first movie was made from thoroughly.

The action sequences and camera work felt drab and lacked any oomph, and the awful dialog/music etc just completely felt off key. You'd hope new content would be brought to the table, but also that Lana? Wachowski would remember the tone and feel of the franchise created decades ago.

Even Keanu as much as we all love him, couldn't shave or cut his hair (probably due to close filming schedules for the Wick movies) so unfortunately you just have a mopey version of John Wick rather than Neo.

Not to mention Lawrence Fishburne was not brought back.

Some people have gripes with the 2nd and 3rd movie, but they are art compared to this. Stick to the original trilogy, this movie is an insult and nothing more than a vehicle to push the writer's social/political ideology in lieu of anything meaningful. It abandons near everything that made the original trilogy what it was. And the character's ramble on without actually saying anything.
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Not bad, but has a bunch of issues
19 May 2023
On the one hand, Sonic & Tails are great (their voice actors and animation are solid) knuckles is decent too. Eggman at times feels a bit too much like Carrey being Carrey, but he still does a great job portraying him.

Where does this movie go wrong then? It has a lot of time wasted on cast members nobody cares about - like a bride, and this coupled with the minimal moments showing Sonic's world make me realize how much better this would've been if it was all animation and not mixed with live actors in real shoots.

At times Paramount make this movie goofy too with 4th wall breaking lines and overuse of hip-hop, they aren't even that funny.

There's some good action sequences and as above the actual characters from the classic games are well done, but it feels like everything else is kind of weak and off focus.

Worth a watch, but not one I'd be eager to watch again.
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It's not often the final movie is the best
17 May 2023
Each John Wick movie innovated upon the last and tried to bring new action scenes and choreography to the table. After 3 movies you think they'd be running out of steam, but they manage to up the game again.

Without giving anything away, the pacing is good. The start is pretty relentless, the middle has some story building and the final third goes from one wonderfully shot sequence to the next, it was a joy to watch and so well pulled off - not a single piece of shakey cam in this movie. Just clear, believable performances given by dedicated actors and coordinators. I know months of training goes into these types of sequences, especially from Keeanu who even at a high tier will feel he can improve upon it.

The storyline is fairly decent, we see other talented actors like Hiroyuki Sanada (great with a sword) and Donnie Yen. There's also a big moment story-wise which probably helps set up The Continental (a mini series this autumn) but I won't say anything about this, the viewer will have to watch it.

Overall, a great movie, it doesn't really feel too much like a rehash as brings some new ideas and cinematography to the table. I hope in time we will get more from Keeanu & Chad Stahelski (in whatever form or new IP that may be).
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It took 30 years, but Mario finally went from having the worst game movie to one of the best
16 May 2023
After the success of the enjoyable Sonic The Hedgehog movies, it was fitting Mario would also get a movie. Some were initially worried about Mario's VA being Chris Pratt (as we've always known Mario as stereotypically Italian sounding). However any worries were for nothing, as Pratt does a great job portraying Mario (and his overly Italian accent is explained in the movie at the start, they're also New Yorkers like the original and infamous live movie).

The movie is very good, it nicely does a lot of fan service that even the most casual Mario fan will recognise, and the story has an good pace which doesn't get boring. There's also humour that managed to make me laugh, and the visuals/animation are top notch.

There's nothing bad to say about this movie. A bunch of far-left individuals seemed to have review bombed this because, I don't know, Chris Pratt is in it and they complained on social media? I can't explain how those people's minds work. But can explain why this film was enjoyable to watch. I'd recommend checking it out, it'll be fun for both children and 30-50 year olds that remember Mario from their youth.
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