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Poor Things (2023)
Meticulous. Frankenstein/ Forrest Gump /Bad Boy Bubby?
3 March 2024
Its hard to describe this fabulous film without spoiling it, but from the opening scenes you fill find yourself saying what, wow, what over and over. From the furniture, the clothes, the script, the acting, the clouds, the dancing, everything in every scene feels meticulously chosen to not only tell this great story but to enthrall the audience.

The first half hour or so is in black and white and this fits perfectly with the colour coming into the film at the most appropriate moment. Your journey of discovery matches perfectly with the discovery taking place for Bella.

There are stages where I felt even David Lynch would be watching and thinking "what the hell?" but this is more like Lynch crossed with Wes Anderson.

I dont give many films 10, but a day after watching I am realizing that this was one of the best films I have seen in the past 3 or 4 years.
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Should have read other reviews first
10 July 2023
How can decent actors not have the ability to act? Surely this then is a sign of poor writing or poor direction.

When I love a show I jump on IMDB and look for other work by the writers and creators and have regularly been rewarded with finding quality, but unknown shows and movies.

In this case I will be watching out for anything done by these guys and actively avoid.

Unfortunately this show will also reflect poorly on the actors.

I was suspicious of its quality by the tackiness of the description given to it.

The only people who should watch this are those who were extras and want to see themselves on screen.
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19 May 2023
You could watch this.. or you could go and find someone giving away the original on DVD - its sure to be out there - worst case on VHS!.

Why bother remaking a movie and not making it better? Why bother remaking a movie when the original is still understandable and relevant.

Its bad enough remaking current foreign language films because Americans cant read subtitles - but there is no logic to remaking this and so poorly. Sure - remake Gone with the Wind or The African Queen if you think you can tell the story in today's world - but making this was a waste of time and effort - and you will be wasting yours if you watch it.
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It is what it promises to be - a feel good show
10 May 2023
Hannah jokes that we are owed a feel good show after previously making us laugh and cry - and the show delivers on this promise.

Like most good stand up - it felt short and left you wanting more. Like most good stand up - stories linked into other stories, and stories about telling stories were also a pleasure.

And that is just it - laugh or cry, Hannah tells stories, facts, truths in the type of way that makes us feel we could all be successful comics telling the nuances of our lives - but Hannah nails it.

You wont have your heart wrenched like Nanette - but you will be entertained and this is "something special"
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AKA (2023)
Expect a US remake in a year or two
10 May 2023
This is a great movie. But you will have to read subtitles - and sometimes they come quickly - just like the action.

But this is just a good action movie, with believable fights, car chases etc - sure we all know who wins most of the fights, but not easily.

Of course the US will remake and likely ruin this story simply to cater for those who want everything set in a place they have been to, with characters names they can pronounce and actors they recognize - because accepting other parts of the world exist would be a little challenging for them. In short - watch this, subtitles or not, you will enjoy it.
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Willow (2022–2023)
A lot of things to like - teenage angst isnt one of them
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
80s music, some witty jokes and innuendos, and a half decent "road" adventure/quest that tries hard to not look too much like LOTR, Harry Potter, etc Plenty of times you find yourself asking "why would they do that", but without doubt insecure, grumpy, entitled, whiney teenagers are the most annoying part of the story. The adults however are worthwhile.

The side characters predictably never join the quest, or they die to the point where its a little tiresome - kill a main character or allow others to help out.

Yet I am still looking forward to more - lets hope everyone grows up and the story becomes meatier.
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CelebAbility (2017–2023)
Stirling feeling ripped off he didnt win taskmaster
15 July 2022
The show feels like he is trying to do something better than taskmaster by letting the general public play along. You can't reinvent the wheel, and you cant ride a wave without actually having your own good idea. Tries too hard and fails.
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Inside No. 9: A Quiet Night In (2014)
Season 1, Episode 2
one of the best
9 June 2022
If you watched episode 1 and weren't that impressed - make sure to watch episode 2 - this one is a treat and shows how clever this show can be. If you only watch one episode - then this should be it. Clever, funny and more.
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Encanto (2021)
Your kids wont be singing these songs
23 January 2022
As usual I was most impressed by the quality of the animation, but that wasnt enough. The jokes were mediocre, the story and themes were somewhat predictable - albeit there was still lost opportunity to remind the audience that we are all special - with or without powers. The songs werent catchy, and in fact the songs were too often used as plot devices to tell back story - and with the pace of the songs it was hard to follow what was being told to us.

But if your kids just like the explosions of colours then feed them junk food from maccas while they watch this - otherwise there are heaps of better animated movies.
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like claws on a blackboard
1 January 2022
Skip this particular group if you dont like the sound of chalk or claws on a blackboard. How do the other contestants manage to keep a straight face. If its her real voice - then I am sorry - but if she puts that voice on as part of an act then she needs to stop now.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Not sure what was wrong with it
28 November 2021
To be fair to the show the synopsis on here spoilt the opening episode, and actually has an error which didnt help. Likewise in the final episode do we really find out "what really happened". The whole thing had great atmosphere and characters, but perhaps the story and the outcome was just too realistic. It felt like there was more, but then not. It felt like another series might come, but if you think about it - probably not.
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Blush (II) (2021)
Watch PAST the end
5 October 2021
You will think you have watched a great little film, (and probably give it a 7 or 8 rating) but when you watch the credits you will truly appreciate that you have witnessed something truly beautiful.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
So much to like
19 July 2021
There is a lot to like. The wit, the action, the characters, the realism, the crime, the laughs, the sadness.

But what I particularly liked it that it tells lots of little stories without the need to dwell on them, or even return to them. Something happens, Ray deals with it in Ray's way and then it is over - some of these may represent only a minute or two of screen time - but its enough. They build the bigger story of who he is. Some small stories come back most dont - you wont know which.

Many think the short episodes are too short - but 20mins of this show will entertain so much more than 45minutes of some predictable, formulaic US crime nonsense. There is nothing formulaic about this. I was never let down.

I will forever be on the lookout for things from the same creators.

Watch The Magician to see a sort of prequel.
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As if John Hughes gave Molly Ringwald weird super powers
24 April 2020
The music, the characters, the school settings, the dance, the car - if it had ended on a freezeframe I would have though John was alive and well. These are actors we will see more of - each compelling. 20min bite sized episode with easy to follow stories. It may be slightly predictable, but you will get distracted from this by your enjoyment of the characters. Lets hope season 2 is either a few episodes longer or longer episodes, but other than that don't change a thing - the whole atmosphere is solid.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Season 3 - more than one or two twin peaks links?
24 October 2019
Ok, so Sherilyn Fenn is an obvious link, but so often I felt like this season was being directed by Lynch. The music being sung on stage - with a back drop of red curtains had that familiar tone. The visitor from out of town trying to make sense of a weird ass town full of secrets. The owl. The Casino. The drugged up dream sequences. People seemingly talking in riddles - "you have been here before". The Casino apparently having secret exits. I swear I half expected Billy to eat a cherry pie. But from an entertainment point of view - the season fits well with the first two, the story and the characters are solid, and any weirdness is explained - which is more than I could say for Twin Peaks.
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Imagine if there were no cameras
16 July 2018
To truly enjoy you have to appreciate what he is doing, and that this is mostly unscripted and he is ridiculing so much of society. Cohens ability to get people to believe him is fantastic. Whil many of us may have ideas for pranks most of us would be unable to stay in character and think on our feet without laughing as people seriously believe what is being said. There was moments with each "victim" where I thought they might lose it and I was impressed by many at their courtesy despite what Cohen was saying - for that reason I wonder what was said either when the cameras stopped, or even after he left. The extremes of society, left and right, are often so worthy of ridicule - and I am sure we will see many of them not get it, or get offended by it. Lets hope some people might even learn from this. Brilliant. Off to rewatch the original Ali G
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Its the simplicity that is enjoyable.
27 January 2016
With a world hell bent on watching reality TV, the Jesse Stone stories are fiction that is like watching reality. The simplicity of the story makes it believable, and the simplicity of the characters make them believable. The characters have flaws and "character" but like the story, they aren't so complex as to "make you think" - but rather to make you sit back, take it in and enjoy watching the story unfold. Some may say the story is predictable, yet these have never been big plot twist "M. Night" movies. It helps a little to have seen the previous stories so you know some of the history of the characters, but I am sure you can enjoy it simply by seeing that some of the people already know one another, with small reminders of how. You will sit back and wish all policing could be done the Jesse Stone way - with respect, and a gentle but firm hand, and wish we could live in such a simple world. Jesse is a nice man, his dog is nice and the story is nice. Its the cop show you can watch with your grandmother.
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Dragon Blade (2015)
Should be a lesson on how not to make a movie
1 August 2015
I thought my first review might be for something awesome, but I cant help myself, I have to discuss this film. I question mainly why I watched it to the end. Firstly - the positives - some good action, some realistic looking fights, deaths, blood, arrows etc. and two minor laughs where I believe we were meant to laugh. Now the negatives - I spent far too long laughing or groaning at the rest of the film. It really should be a lesson to school kids writing stories/scripts - don't overdo it. You don't need to. Too many flashbacks to help tell the back story. Too much slow motion for dramatic effect Too much dramatic music for dramatic effect Too many flashbacks to remind us why/how we should feel. Too many big metaphors, statements and themes - most of which were also poorly delivered by otherwise quality actors. Too many big dramatic moments that should be reserved for the end of the film. And then the weird very beginning and very end that don't fit well with the story - are we meant to believe this is a true story or what? If you took out the flashbacks and slow motion the whole story could have been told in an hour. You could have got rid of the beginning and ending and replaced with a simple statement to set the time and place.

And if that wasn't enough - Jackie Chan singing? Twice?
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MI-5 (2002–2011)
More deaths than midsomer murders?
1 August 2015
Often when you watch crime dramas you can safely watch a scene knowing they wont kill off the main cast and the bad guy will get caught - not with Spooks.

You learn after a while that no one is immune from dying, getting sacked, extradited, dying, blown up, shot, strangled, poisoned, raped, and of course dying. Don't think your favourite character will always be there - or for that matter they are actually dead! Just like the daytime drama that brings back the long lost, thought to be dead twin, not everybody that has gone is gone for good. Some of your favourites may return.

All of this really does add to the drama - a character may survive one episode and then die unpredictably in the next. And unlike a lot of other shows the main characters don't all leave at season end - it could happen any time - and this will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The stories are great and get better season to season, and you will be disappointed that it finishes, wishing for more.

Don't spoil it for yourself by looking at the cast list on here. Furthermore - nearly every British actor seems to have a shot at being on this show at some time - it is almost like Doctor Who.
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