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This is not a denial at all
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The critics will try to frame the discussion as you either believe 6 million were killed or you are a denier that any were killed. The fact is places like Treblinka has never produced one bone, one item to show it was a death camp. The people who say over one million were killed in that small area and burned and buried have not produced one thing to prove this. Also the land used was so small it could not possibly hold that kind of burial and all the energy it would take to burn all those bodies would leave the woods cut down for hundreds of miles. Just not possible.
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Doll Face (2021)
Very poor movie. D movie at best
7 April 2021
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Dolls can be really creepy so I gave this a spin. The main character does not even move her lips in the film. The others do but Marmalade does not. Very poorly acted and parts are as stupid as any D movie out there. If you want to waste an afternoon go for it but don't spend money on it you will regret it.
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Dumbest movie since the world according to Garp and that is syaing something.
23 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie kept getting dumber and dumber and did not stop till the words THE END came up. I want my time back. Hollyweird is putting out so much utter horse droppings its sick. Oh well we have the older movies when Hollywood knew how to write and make movie. This was pure excrement on a stick. So the usual mentally unstable nanny shows up and starts to worm her way in and put wedges into the family. Then even after she seems {the movie is not clear on a lot of things so we don't know} kill her best friend and then tries to kill her husband she still goes to visit the witch at the mental hospital. Typical liberal clap trap. then it ends with the head covered woman wearing sunglasses leaving the hospital so we don't know who the killer is or if the mentally ill nanny is slipping out of the mental ward. If you want to risk throwing your beer at your TV watch this piece of dog excrement.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Great movie never mind the idiot PC police.
5 May 2020
This is so funny. Don't listen to the idiot PC police who would ban Tom Sawyer. This is a great movie in the same vein of Blazing saddles. This has so many laugh lines. I hope to see more like this and screw the PC idiots.
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The Witnesses (2020)
A spotlight on the cult that the JWs are
10 February 2020
Being a former cult of the Jehovah's Witnesses member for over 35 years, I can tell you from experience being a former elder that this is all true. No Nazi party member has ever been more dedicated to a leader than a JW is to the head of the cult in Wallkill NY. I have seen and been part of many coverups over the years. I left after being in the cult for over 35 years and a 4th generation cult member. It is destructive and will destroy you one way or another. I have family members who live on social security alone because they quit their job at General Motors in the 1970s early when the cult said stay alive till 75 and told us to sell homes and put our full time in the preaching work because the end was soon very soon. I still have the Watchtower bound volume from the late 60s that said not to go to college or even worry about school because this system would not last long enough to use any education or in some cases of attorney law degs or doctors degs in medical would we be able to even finish school, it was that close. They lied to their members ever since CT Russell and his adultery and scams like the miracle wheat. Anyone who is even thinking about this cult should do an extensive google search on the cult. It will scare the crap out of you.
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Good start to a lousy ending
22 January 2020
This had a good start in the first episode, but soon after it went straight down hill. The ending was as dumb as it gets. Don't waste your time you won't get it back. Its a huge pile of steaming crap.
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Mike Tyson Mysteries (2014–2020)
LIke Mike Tyson could solve any problem
21 January 2020
This is not for kids and is about as intelligent as a box of Ice.
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Season 3 just sucks
25 December 2019
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After a good two seasons the third goes off the rails. The banter is forced and lost. Story line is struggling to find a purpose.
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The Duel (I) (2016)
Nothing explained.
20 June 2019
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A Texas Ranger is tasked by the Governor to find out what is going on in a town where dead Mexicans keep turning up in the river. He takes his wife along, which is strange and goes to the town where a preacher who had killed his father 20 years earlier runs the town like a Jim Jones cult selling hunting trips to kill Mexicans to outsiders. His wife takes ill and is seduced I guess by the preacher and goes into his concubine of wife's. No explanation of why she leaves her husband and goes to the preacher. At first I thought he sent her to him to draw him back to the preacher. But then the preacher seemed to exerciser her in her illness almost brainwashing her. Nothing is explained in the end and its a waste of time.
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Root Cause (2019)
Total Bull crap
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My BS detector went up when I saw Homeopathy and the Chines BS chi. This is a journey into all the quack BS science. One stupid percentage used was 98 percent of hart attacks are from bad teeth. LMAO This is stupid BS.
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Afflicted (2018– )
These people were sick but with mental illness not the BS mold or chemical or electomagnetic sensitivity BS.
18 August 2018
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I watched this show in full. These people to the one had mental issues. There is not such thing as Electromagnetic hypersensitivity or the other crap. This could easily be tested and in fact in the case of Carmen she did not know about the EMC of the wireless mike and it was not an issue. Mental problems are real that is a fact but these people do not have some environmental illness. I used to see the old quack medical instruments in antique stores and think that this was a crazy age when ignorant people would believe anything. Then I saw all the quacks rapping people of their money. Thousands of dollars for BS treatments. Like the mold renovation in the case of Jill. If you tested 1000 homes every one would test pos. for black mold. The spores are everywhere. Lead and other metals are in the enviroment naturally and its in elevated levels they become dangerous. I blame the eco nuts who go crazy about the end of the world to the point where mentally ill people are scared crapless.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Left me flat.
6 April 2016
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This is one of those movies that the trailer literally has all the good scenes. Lots of stars but little in the way of good script. In fact the trailer was spiced up so it was actually better then the same scenes in the movie itself. Its very bland and there is too much crammed into this that has no tie ins to the rest of the film. If you can watch it on netflix its a way to spend a rain filled day, but what ever you do do not waste money at the box office on this film. You will want your money back. If you can not wait till its on netflix or Prime or redbox then watch the trailer a couple of times and you will have seen most of what is worth seeing. If you take out all the plot and just look at the vintage cars and studio setups then I guess that has some value.
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Detectorists (2014–2022)
Great Chemistry.
3 April 2016
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It takes at least for me a couple of shows to draw you in and develop the characters. After the usual British six season run watch it again and as an American you will pick up a bit more the second time round due to the gap in language. The sarcasm is wonderful and humor that is dry as English humor should be,just like lemon with Earl Gray. As the show develops you will find yourself enjoying the plots and characters as well as the wonderful music by Johnny Flynn. Well worth a watch, the one big problem I have with English shows is the very short season they run. six episodes per season, vs 25 or 26 in the States. When you find a show you like to get only 6 episodes is like dangling candy above a child and saying you only get one.
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
Watch season 1 forget season 2 and 3
29 March 2016
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The first season is excellent. The chemistry is great between all the cast members but after losing half the cast season two and three go off the rails in chemistry and writing. They ruin the whole premise of the show. The first season is a great funny series that works well and they should have left it at that. Instead they tried to create some off the wall story line where Cuckoo's son of some island girl comes back as a type of shaolin monk who falls in love with his step mother. Its too disturbing and not really funny. You may get a few chuckles here and there but over all its DOA. I thought it an American thing to try to keep a dead story going way past its sell by date but the brits have shown they can screw up a good thing as well as the US.
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Very poor script don't waste time or money
14 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had waited a long time for this movie. I loved Peg in several movies from Hot Fuzz to Shaun of the dead. This had the Monty Python cast and Peg so it had to be great right? Nope WRONG. From poking at all the politically correct things being white to American you would have thought that Kyan West wrote the script. Couple this with the fact that its just not funny nor entertaining I found myself fast forwarding through parts to get to the end. It was a classic we have great talent so it just has to be good no matter what we do. Its like saying the best chef in the world can make a dog crap pie and it will be great. NOPE its not. If you have time to kill and I mean to absolutely waste and you get a free copy of the DVD from a friend then go ahead but don't waste a dime on it, Wait even then don't waste your time. If your a die hard peg fan that could watch him eat monkey brains and think its good cinema then this may be OK for you. But if you expect the minimum of good writing then this is a skip at all costs.
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Waste of time even for a Tarintino POS movie
25 December 2015
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Stupid story line, absolutely dumb. Horribly acted as a Terrintino movie is required to be. Buckets of blood thrown around like water to make up for the lack of substance. He also pushes the anti white people theme that is prevalent in his movies. As is with his sick nature he has a whole scene where he has a white man rapped by a black man as if its OK because of the race. I am glad I did not pay to see this POS. Save your money. I hope the actors were paid well because this movie does absolutely nothing for their portfolio. There is absolutely no story line, and his understanding of history is as screwed up as his sexual fantasy.This idiot of a writer and director has very few movies worth seeing, 4 rooms being one, this is not any of the few worth seeing. I want my two hours back but will never get it. Glad I am not out money also.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Totally unbelievable
22 December 2015
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The cinematography is excellent but the story is so unbelievable that it snaps you out of the movie. The bear mauling if brutal then to be left for dead no food and bleeding? Gun powder in your throat to cauterize the wound? Body surfing down a river after all that in winter which a healthy person could last about 10 min before hypothermia would set in? Its not one thing, its not three things its the whole movie that is one thing after another that anyone older than 6 would say this is total Bull crap. You have to watch the movie to know that someone had no idea what the hell it was like in the cold trying to survive healthy not to mention half dead no food and Indians tracking you. I believe Indiana Jones is more believable jumping out of planes with rubber rafts. If you want a movie that just to kill time this will work, but don't get the idea its going to be some great look on how things were. Its an upscale B movie.
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Ramblins of delusion
14 January 2015
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The basis of this movie is a washed up has been who is producing a Broadway play. He lives in a delusion filled world of his Keaton own making where he sees himself with super power of a comic book character he played in his heyday. You find yourself not knowing where the delusion ends and reality if any begins. There is no redeeming characters in the show. From his daughter a drug addict with a chip on her shoulder to Ed Norton stripping and showing us his Auschwitz like body. Ug, an image I wish I could get out of my head. The ending is as dumb as an ending could be. So are we to believe he really is soaring with the eagles? LMFAO It was a total waste of time and this movie is one of those where your not one of the cool liberals if you also don't love it. Its a case of the kings new cloths, its not a good storyline and not particularly well done. Norton did well if his aim was to be annoying to watch. When you find yourself wishing that there was a sniper on the opposite building shooting the characters its a bad movie.
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Interstellar (2014)
Long laborious boring waste of time.
12 November 2014
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This movie has an agenda and to entertain is not it. First off the first third of the movie was about how man has destroyed the earth and we who are left all live in a remake of the dust bowl days, with what I assume was actual dust bowl survivors testifying in the movie about how bad it was. When a movie puts in crap that jerks you out of the moment and then makes you try to figure out if its really part of the movie or did you wander into a Ken Burns documentary your in trouble with trying to be entertained and propaganda is on the way. We have to find a new world to live on and there has been some unknown intelligent and I say that only because that is what the movie portrays it to be, unlike the director and writers beings that through gravity have given clues or some type of Morse code through gravitational binary code to draw scientist attention to the worm hole opened up to a new part of the universe. The second part of the movie and agenda driven plot is about how man needs to keep spending money on going to the moon, space and beyond. Anyone who thinks it was a waste is deemed an idiot as in the movie where the school board rewrites the school books saying that the moon landings were faked. The last bit deals with time relativity and and while exploring the new earth time goes at 7 years to one hour so when Mathew Mcconaughey comes home his 10 yo daughter is now dying in bed,only to chase him out of the room. Then there are the million questions that don't add up, there is no army any more, LOL like a world of drought and no or little food only corn would not have riots and other hostile countries trying to take what we had. Mcconaughy is drinking beer in the fist part of the movie, where the hell did the barley or wheat come from if they only have corn, and where did NASA come from in the middle of a corn field if there is no US government to build all this crap? Its a known fact that the scientists at NASA built not a darn thing nor ever have, its all those corporations that get the contracts to build everything from the pencils the geeks use to the launch vehicles and produce the fuel to move them. NASA does not so much as put one bolt in one hole. Micheal Cains character ages some 25 give or take years and he does not look any different than he did at the beginning. Damn that Geritol is working good. This movies is flat and leaves you disgusted much like Contact. You will learn to swear after leaving if you don't know. It will only be loved by the geeks who love anything with a spaceship in it and don't care or understand content or plot, and by the hippie ECO nuts who want to use it to push the idea we have to ban oil and hummers. Do not waste your hard earned money on this loser.
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Jessabelle (2014)
Just sucks.
8 November 2014
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Poor acting and even worse plot. This movie only needs some teen nudity and its a full on D movie. Mama liked black sex and the ghost of xmas past comes back to take her life in the real world. Bla bla bla BS. I am glad I down loaded it and did not pay for it. POS Some ghost of a white woman who had an affair with a black crystal ball reader gets a girl into an accident who is not her child so she has to come back to her home so the ghost of the black child killed can take her body over. I though Water head Al Sharpton was going to march in the back ground. LOL Save your money and don't even rent it. If you get it off of your netflix account and don't have to pay and want to waste your time go ahead and do it but you will wish you had listened.
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God's Pocket (2014)
Disturbing with no point
28 August 2014
This movie has several disturbing parts and in the end you feel like what the h e l l was the point of watching this P O S? The actors do their job well enough it the script. Its just a poor vehicle for them to use because it just does not go anywhere anyone wants to go. Save your money and see something else, wait Hollywood is only putting out garbage these days. Watch an old Bogie movie your better off then wasting your time on this garbage. It does keep you involved and waiting for some redeeming qualities that never come. It makes you know why you hate people from NY and NJ though. Living in Fla. we know how obnoxious these people can be.
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Stupid film for snobs who like to feel sophisticated but are very small.
17 October 2013
This had to be one of the dumbest most waste your time movies ever filmed until Gravity. Well there is the world according to Garp. Don't be fooled by all the idiots who will follow the guru off the cliff. Just as some who think the worst drivel ever written by Shakespeare is beyond reproach so to they think that SK can not produce anything bad and bow down at the alter of the kings new cloths. Call it what it is, a slow boring dumb film. If you have to make your self feel better by being a snob and talking to other snobs about the minutia of the cinematography then your just an fool who will follow the blowing winds of stupidity off any cliff.
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Admission (2013)
No laughs thin story line.
23 June 2013
No laughs thin story line. This has to Tina Fey's worst performance. The story is thin, and there is no laughs in it. If it was called a drama it would not be as bad, but still not a good film. Complete waste of time and money.

A story about a woman who is obsessed with being a snob in a snob college and a live of condescension, is not funny. But even then someone could have written something funny. But no, I did not laugh once.

Some from Princeton my find it mildly amusing with Buffy and Biff, but other than that its flat as last weeks beer.
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10 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had hopes for this movie, but after an hour and a half I was very disappointed. There is a conspiratorial flavor to the movie, the government and corporations are in labs creating foods designed to make us fat and unhealthy. Although there may be some truth in the idea that processed foods do this or are empty calories its hardly a conspiracy and has been know for decades. It was repetitive and there seemed to be some misinformation about the MSGs in mice. From what I read, Mice baby's are given massive doses of MSGs that cause the obesity problem. Just as when we were told that saccharine caused cancer in rats, but to get the same doses in humans we would have to drink ten cases of soda a day.

Water causes death in large doses People have died from too much water at one time. Not saying all that was in the movie was BS but it has to be looked at with a skeptical eye.

The basic theme was eat more veggies and walk more and you will be healthier. NO CRAP REALLY? Thanks captain obvious.
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American Pickers (2010– )
Good for staged
17 November 2011
I love the premise of the show. It is staged though, there are many parts that clearly are setups. The cut aways where they give some detail about the year and date some obscure company put out a toy car etc. is not reality. Most people only know about one area of their collecting hobby in that kind of detail. Other things include the prices they say something is worth, at times they are spot on, others they are way too high or way too low. I would love to see Danny strip as she is a pole dancer. The guys make their money on the show not bumming around the country picking up old bike parts. Its still a good show as long as people know that is not real, and they can not just get a van and start knocking on doors and make a living. In this economy its hard and prices are actually falling for the first time in many years.
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