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Simplicity, Innocence and authenticity... Hopes, Dismay and Realisations
21 April 2024
This movie took me back to the 1980s and 1990s where academic success defined success in life for Indian youngsters or rather their parents, in society. Well-meaning teachers fueled the ambition, trying to drive the academic performance to greater heights to win in the dog-eat-dog world of Entrance exams. Afterall, nothing else in life mattered because everything else was sure to follow academic success; ranging from dreamy earnings to escaping India to foreign countries to beautiful wives from wealthy families. Enjoying childhood could be easily sacrificed in the search of that holy grail of coming out of IIT. The film captures that struggle in a calm, slowly evolving story, innocently unraveling without any hurry, any gore or any overt family-cringe inducing sexual escapades. The simplicity of the characters and the authenticity of the stories' setting kept me engrossed. There is no overacting or ear deafening shocker music despite the emotionally charged themes that unfold as the film blooms. I felt good when the film finished which was important for me. What is the point in seeing sad films without hope? I have enough of that in my life already.
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The Professor (I) (2018)
depraved behaviour of a non-classy person when dying
19 April 2024
This is a dirty movie on many levels. This shows how people with no class behave when they have wasted their life and are told that they are dying prematurely; absolutely horrible to see the depraved behaviour that the character played by johnny depp does. And that too a professor in a college who is in his 50s. Some people commenting on here are under the mistaken impression that being diagnosed with a fatal illness gives someone carte blanche to do whatever he wants.. And it is all dismissed as "oh he has cancer poor thing". And many other commenting primates have also mistaken his advise to the students as "beautiful" when it reality it was all banal generic comments that go like, use your time well, don't waste it, live your life to the full, ...stuff we hear everyday, with no specifics. And what he does with whatever time he has left are most depraved!.. Anyway. ProLGBQT BS, so many arboreals will like it for that reason. Revolting movie. Some johnny depp fans thinking they have witnessed the Divine rebirth. So sad where people applaud materialist bucket list seeking deviant behaviour which just is so vacuous when your quality time left is minimal.
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5 October 2023
For a story I would have given this 6.0, good build up, but the GORE for the sake of GORE.. repeatedly...screwdrivers through necks, Cutting off hands, (surprised that there were no beheadings ), ... even in the name of vigilante justice, this is just HORRIBLE... just ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE....this is very bad for your mental health unfortunately. Leaves you empty due to the vacuous killings just so that SADISTS can have a field day... and they have kids in the movie who are are likely to see this and be scarred permanently... really disappointed with an established actor like denzel wash agrees to be part of this ...
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Predestination (I) (2014)
Ridiculous- but you will get the confused teens Hyping this up!
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I could tear up my hair at the ridiculous nature of this movie, but instead i will just highlight that everything that needs to be said about this movie has been summarised by another way back in 2016 by matt_hew. Like he has advised If Time Travel is real - go back & tell yourself to not watch this movie...

"The lead character goes back in time to convince their earlier self to go back in time to connect with their former self which results in the birth of their self which is then kidnapped by their future self in order to fulfil a time-line to try to stop a mass murderer who also happens to be..... Yup you've guessed it!"

so there it is , beautifully summed up by that person. Young pretentious teens who just believe any rubbish stuff that seems intriguing will keep talking about this , but if you have more than one brain cell, you would laugh at this silly pretentious joke of a movie. WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME.
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what a waste of time
21 September 2023
Watching two yobos lives and their demeaning behaviour with each other.. Kate winslet treats the nice guy like rubbish and her character is pathetic.. and to have any romance within such low life is pathetic. The way the dreams were being erased and mapped was good to see as it was logical and hence the 5 marks. But the characters may appeal to uneducated yobos of today i suspect. No class at all in this movies characters. Just hyped up by some people with desperate lives. So not at all recommended. Just confusing backwards and forwards to keep you thinking that OH YES, THE emperors clothes are beautiful!!!... AVOID.
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Hijack (2023)
an AI could do it better.. what a ridiculous story and acting..
22 August 2023
I was so disappointed that i asked an AI bot to write a story of a negotiator and four hijackers...here is what it produced...

Title: The Negotiator's Skybound Triumph

High above the earth, in the confined space of an airplane, a tense drama was unfolding. Flight 507 had been hijacked by four desperate individuals, driven by circumstances beyond their control. The leader of the hijackers, David, held a microphone to his lips, addressing the passengers and crew with a mixture of fear and determination.

"We don't want to hurt anyone," David's voice crackled over the intercom. "We've been pushed to the edge, forced into this situation. All we need is for our demands to be met."

As panic settled in among the passengers, a calm presence emerged from the crowd. Jack Foster, a renowned negotiator, had been coincidentally on board the same flight. He recognized the gravity of the situation and saw an opportunity to prevent a disaster. Slowly, he made his way to the front of the cabin, raising his hands to show he meant no harm.

"David, my name is Jack Foster," he said, projecting a soothing tone. "I'm a negotiator, and I'm here to help find a peaceful solution to this situation."

David eyed Jack with a mixture of suspicion and hope. "How do I know you're not just another trick by the authorities?"

Jack took a deep breath and said, "I'm unarmed, and I promise you, my only goal is to ensure the safety of everyone on this plane, including your family."

David's grip on the microphone tightened, his eyes showing a mix of desperation and anger. "You think you can talk your way out of this?"

Jack's eyes met David's, and he began to speak in a steady, empathetic voice. "I know you're facing immense pressure, and your family is being held captive. But you're not alone in this. We can find a solution that doesn't involve hurting innocent people. Let's talk about what you need, and we'll find a way to make it happen."

For the next several hours, Jack and David engaged in a tense negotiation, navigating through the hijackers' demands and fears. Jack used his skill to establish trust and rapport, uncovering the hijackers' motivations and addressing their concerns. He assured them that he was working with the authorities to meet their demands while also exploring options for securing their families' safety.

Meanwhile, news from the outside world began to filter into the plane. The stock market had collapsed, sending shockwaves through the global economy. The economic turmoil led to a drastic change in the hijackers' perspective. They realized that their initial motives were overshadowed by the larger crisis unfolding beyond the aircraft.

As the realization set in, David handed the microphone to Jack. "We can't keep doing this. It's not just about us anymore."

With Jack's guidance, the hijackers made the difficult decision to release their control over the plane. The negotiations had culminated in an agreement: they would surrender to the authorities in exchange for their families' safety and a promise of fair treatment.

As Flight 507 landed safely at an isolated runway, law enforcement agents were waiting to take the hijackers into custody. Jack's voice of reason and empathy had prevailed, preventing a potential catastrophe.

In the aftermath, news of the successful negotiation spread, highlighting the pivotal role that Jack Foster, the unexpected hero, had played in defusing the situation. The world watched as a negotiator's skill and compassion had turned a dire crisis into a story of redemption and hope.

....INSTEAD what do we get... negotiator handing back guns to hijackers with blanks, and then armed police waiting for hijackers to open doors from the inside and idris running back into the EMPTY PLANE with no armed police inside???? WTF...
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Interstellar (2014)
Ridiculous scifi for imaginative kids
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you saw this on mission impossible, you would say, COMEON man!! How can that work? The number of Scientific plot holes are bigger than black holes.... Throw in some helpful aliens who are so amazing managing space time that they cant communicate with you directly! Throw in travel which is faster than light in normal spacecraft... they dont believe that apollo mission to moon happened but hey, they already have launched spacecraft to saturn 10 years ago...and can manipulate their spacecraft into black holes, by the side of black holes, and hey, they can even do hypersleep hibernation....

On an emotional level and story this is amazing! They have weaved it well around ridiculous scifi... so i would easily give 9 for story! And character building... But for scifi concept, really it is ridiculous, but young teenagers and those who think that talking about directors makes them sound amazing will overhype this... i am happy that it was a happy ending.. i would give this 9 yes for emotional content and story, but for the silliness of it all, and the implausibility of travelling past black holes manually and so fast , comeon man!!!... it is a 3 to maintain natures balance.. must see movie once for sure..
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Reacher (2022– )
Hyped up by some tall guys - Tom cruise DID a better job!
28 June 2023
True to the books is not the only thing. And height is not such a big deal in a character, but clearly every one who is giving this 10/10 is just crazy about tall guys even if they cant act. Saying tom cruise was not tall is all they care about. Tom cruise did a much better job than just a tall person who does not suggest any brain than brawn and just appeals to some john cena fans perhaps. And add to that unbelievable frequent fights and killing all around and fighting at every opportunity and you have a tv series you will just see because you started down that line and you have nothing better to do... watch tom cruise movies again.
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25 May 2023
Hopefully this will be the end of this rubbish. PRETENTIOUS VILLAIN and a silly hotel theme etc. And simply ridiculous petty childish unbelievably stupid irritating repetitive soul-numbing, brainless trash of a film that has wasted so much money when a charity woudl have sufficed !... KR is kept as something amazing by a fan following of non-cerebral magnitudes for his lack of facial reactions. Even Arnold does more facial muscle movements. Spare us. End it all. Never wanted a hero to be killed off, but there isnt one in this detritus that nature has refused to recycle but the producers do. There, limit of words met.
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The Mother (2023)
15 May 2023
Please go and see LONG KISS GOODNIGHT, you youngsters who havent yet seen how it should be done.. see GEENA DAVIS and come back to this... and then you see why actresses should be chosen right instead of sponsoring themselves....as more characters are required i may have to repeat myself, but i am not going to waste more on this. See LONG KISS GOODNIGHT again and again and again. And then some and then again.. but avoid this fest of drag on stuff.. ot going to waste more on this. See LONG KISS GOODNIGHT again and again and again and as more characters are required i may have to repeat ... done.
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Witness Protection (1999 TV Movie)
A solid 9.0 Do not miss this
1 May 2022
What a thriller! It is a tear jerker as well in parts thanks to the amazing acting abilities of some characters including the wife in particular. I always go for action films or thrillers. This is a thriller at start which goes to another level of authenticity and emotional interactions. This is the one that should be given 10 and raved about instead of the recent revolting batman movie and similar. Human values and love and reality captured so well. If only someone would remove the "TV movie" title so that more of the world could see this absolute gem!!!!!!
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2 February 2020
It is not a straightforward murder mystery. A nice thriller with unpredictable turn of events. Some others here say it is predictable..i dont think so, Keifer sutherland does a great job, but everyone loves him as a hero and i can see how other comments reflect this and pull down the stars. I went into it without expectations and it made my evening nice.. It can be slow but characters are slowly developed enough to make this interesting. .....human character change is surprisingly and shockingly shown. absolutely brilliant gem that i only came upon today... refreshing after all the crap with no stories that we have to suffer today...
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Inception (2010)
3 stars for effect- minus 7 for overhype and BS
11 January 2020
10 years on in 2020, I revisited this movie trying to see if it was me that hated it or was it really beyond my time and abilities! . Nah. This movie is just rubbish still. This movie is not for any mature person. Young people (ideally below 25 years of age) who have unrealistic imagination and is willing to gobble up any gobbledegook these days are perfect for this. If you have any degree in medicine, you puke early on. Otherwise you may just sit it out half way. The only other way is to sleep and create a dream that you finished the movie. It is so characteristic of this day and age where people are afraid to call BS just because they think that they have to be seen as appreciating things that others have upvoted; -similar to be seen as enjoying " modern art" which is just rubbish doodling. Waste of time, but if you fast forward it and just see the "effects" you could avoid wasting your time.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Waste of time
25 December 2019
Watching old farts has a new meaning... meaningless drivel... de-colourise and most things look good... pretend it is in 1800s and you have no problem with technological issues. Pointless film. Rubbish.
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Aladdin (2019)
Great refreshing and light-hearted take on the story
6 October 2019
These days everything is dark- even comics! But this one just was so brilliant i saw it three times. Pure gem. Bright and happy and smoothly flowing. Will smith really clinched the genie role. Aladdin casting was just like in the cartoon. The haters must be unhappy for the casting choice clearly. I wont analyse their prejudices but let us keep it just bright and happy for our children. No gore, No dark corners, Just pure pleasure. Just the way movies should. Take note other film makers!!
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Lots of action but nothing new really!!
29 July 2018
After having seen all the bond movies and hundreds of action movies, this did not blow me away, although i was hoping it would with IMDB 8.6!! but no! just usually youngsters coming and thinking that lots of chases and noise is what it is about..helicopter scenes is so hyped..i saw it on 3D...just ok.. panoramic view ok, but usual 15 minutes to bomb detonation, with unrealistic times, but hey, i am ok with that....
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Overhyped Oldie
12 April 2018
Bronson looks so dumb that you wont think there is a brain inside that cowboy. He was just lucky at that time era to get into this. Just staring around was the greatest acting required..Making things go really slow, stare a lot, increase surrounding noises a lot and you have a western? no. Watch Eastwood movies and you really get a feel for style. Not just unwashed people staring around, talking little andpretending to be in a movie..what an overhyped oldie. i love eastwood movies, or many other westerns, but this god, i sat through frame by frame just incase i missed what others might have missed. i can only imagine that in the past when there wasnt much else to call entertainment , this would have been great.. i always say that newer movies have scifi and no good story..but to have a soty and drag it out like this ...waste of my time!!
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Downsizing (2017)
Lovely Mature film - so refreshing..
14 March 2018
Brilliant Satire!! If you have been around the world and have met people from the east, you will positively appreciate this. Hong the actress, wow just wow...she makes you have a lump in your throat... just beautiful acting.... and the way she talks, so cute, simple life as it used to be..such innocence portrayed so well......a western who does not know how the easterns in that part of the world talk will think "bossy woman" " damon looking silly to obey her" etc...Instead, the reality is her simplicity and unsophisticated frank approach to life is portrayed perfectly ...just gorgeous... If you go to the movie hoping to see "HONEY I SHRUNK the ADULTS again" or some funny childrens movie, you wont get it....there is no sci-fi in this...pure HUMAN EMOTIONS...god, the bit where she asks damon about what kind of f*** was it...cute!! Mark Damon's perplexed decision making difficulties was also portrayed well... well done Mark! ....This is an 8/10 ...but i have put 10/10 to even the balance a bit...
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EXCELLENT - emotional movie
14 October 2017
So happy to get a movie like this amongst all the other rubbish that is being spewed out these days. An emotional roller coaster...sadness then hope and awe, forgivance, tolerance...all of this has been assigned to the apes rather than humans...if you see only apes you may not enjoy it fully..now imagine the ape is a less privileged human...that is all i ask. ..Acts of sacrifice and kindness..my throat was hurting with the big lumps so often in this movie..
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Rampage (2009)
Waste of space!! and time...and the continuum..
1 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
the real worry is not the depraved man in this film going about killing innocents..this happens in real life already....the real sad thing is the people who have voted this to 9s and 10s...and loving this pathetic movie....with real life being worse than fiction these days, and the cam kind of shaky movie AND the ability to fast forward the rubbish areas...which was most of it..i managed to keep the emotions out of it....the twist at the end where another man is framed was the only interesting bit in this film..it was awful to take this movie..it is more awful that many like it..not just 3 or 5, but absolute 9s...they are the ones who may like to shoot and kill on video games as well...frustrated and wanting to vent their feelings somehow..i hope such films do not influence sleepers! ..dont directors feel such responsibilities to wards societies??
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Paint dries and dries....and then it gets dry some more
30 November 2016
Waste of time. Don't take my word for it. Go ahead. suffer it yourself. Give me the satisfaction that i have not suffered alone....what a god awful waste of time.....Special effects???/ where? when ? nothing..light coming out of eyes, or a dubai-esque tall towers don't make alien cities...ridiculous...did i already say that? if not, there, i said it....there is no meaning to all this story at any time. starts in the middle, General Zod takes us through usual uninterested bland look ..unable to open mouth enough to talk sense....jeep that is faster than humvees even without its wheels,..i am just writing now to meet IMDb requirements of ten lines for this to be accepted..it is that bad !!
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Man of Steel (2013)
No Soul...Depressing...Reviewing 2 years later when i have come to terms with this rubbish
29 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It took me three years to come to terms with this rubbish to coherently write a criticism. as a first step, I have painstakingly gone around upvoting everyone who has said that this movie is crap.

superman killed!!! . that killed this movie for me. all hope was lost.

Henry cavill will never make a good superman movie...till he smiles (Brandon routh did a better job- when the bullet hit his eye and his eye brow went up in superman returns..that was the moment you realise a superman who knows his strengths and controls it and ENJOYS saving the cat from the tree...Cavil would just make it look like a chore...) Unfortunately Henry cavill will always portray a troubled superman much like batman who is always in conflict with himself, trying to find himself and NEVER being confident.......Looking good in a suit is helpful, but sorry, please don't confuse superman with other caped people.

If 5 villains threaten my mother, i wont hit one of them and take them for miles. i would take my mother away to safety first....stupid cavill, stupid...i say cavill and not the director because every actor who portrays superman has a responsibility to stand up for the role of the hero he is portraying...otherwise don't play it please....go do another film......

Regarding the story, each time one of the villains loses his helmet and becomes confused with new powers, cavill tells them "my father taught me how to control my powers by focussing" .hahahha..instead of taking the opportunity to sort him/her out at super speed...what drivel!!!

Other obvious aspects have been dealt ad limitum by other reviewers but i felt these above were not addressed yet. ...No true fan of superman will REVISIT THIS MOVIE...they may browse through quickly fast forwarding for occasional effects...to see Cavill with CGI..not superman in CGI...important distinction....this movie was just cavill in CGI and cape...there was no superman in this movie....AND BY THE WAY, the cape was far too long. it should only reach the mid shin..not the ground....
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Rubbish and then some more.....
9 April 2016
i started skipping scenes by episode four....then got a bit interested in episode 7 and 8 and back to skipping again till the very end! God. What is IMDb rating coming to where it makes no sense to have such repetitive brainless fisticuffs in darkness being getting a rating above 5.0?? Trying to explain the sad life of the people who give this 7.0 8.0 or 9.0 is not my job, but it just gives me a feel for the low expectations they have of these series. People say OOOh marvel..aahhhh marvel,,then it must be good, ...some just live on personal feelings for the first season and just seeing people from the first series being resurrected would make them feel good enough to mark this useless second season higher than it should be marked. Pathetic. Only consolation is i may have saved an hour of my life by skipping the obvious silly dialogue. It was refreshing to see that girl's thick legs in a skirt when the season started, but soon overacting ruined it all for me. .....
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Turbo Kid (2015)
Gory Gory Gory- Reflects the sad people of today
17 October 2015
Nothing to do with the 80s. Everything to do with the ghastly macabre gore-loving youth of today. Kill bill + Mad Max + a villain looking like out of waterworld does not make it a 80s film.

Pathetic rubbish. I don't blame the director or producer. I blame the people who give any star rating at all for stuff like this.

If you are kind hearted, and hate people being killed in a gory way, heads cut in half all the time, intestines pulled out, blood spurting, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AVOID THIS..it will scar you . Yes, it will scar you. My first review in IMDb, purely to keep the innocence of the new generation.
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Godzilla (2014)
A must for Monster movie lovers
10 June 2014
I gave 9 because every CGI seems to be better than the previous one....it has steadily been getting better....

I went to see this thinking, this is going to be a let down like pacific rim with all the monostrous size hype, But by Jove, i loved this film.

Dark yes, mysterious yes, not 120 minutes of Godzilla yes, But when the action happens (in 3D by the way) wow, mind-blowing...the sense of proportion of the damage versus the monsters was exactly as it would have been in real life.......the perspective , the proportion...that was the bit that made me satisfied. Go with expectation of size, not with expectation of a beast in your face all the time.. I want to go for imax3D now, but my wife and children wont let me..let me see, i may still squeeze out after dark!

Not sure if 2D would be impressive. It might have been all about the 3D for this one.
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